All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutDialog |
About dialog.
AbstractContinuousQuery<K,V> |
Base class for continuous query.
AbstractEvictionPolicy<K,V> |
Common functionality implementation for eviction policies with max size/max memory and batch eviction support.
AbstractEvictionPolicyFactory<T> |
Common functionality implementation for eviction policies factories.
AbstractFailureHandler |
AbstractMarshaller |
Base class for marshallers.
AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller |
AbstractSslContextFactory |
Represents abstract implementation of SSL Context Factory that caches the result of the first successful
attempt to create an SSLContext and always returns it as a result of further invocations of the
AbstractSslContextFactory.create() } method.
AdaptiveCpuLoadProbe |
Implementation of node load probing based on CPU load.
AdaptiveJobCountLoadProbe |
Implementation of node load probing based on active and waiting job count.
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpi |
Load balancing SPI that adapts to overall node performance.
AdaptiveLoadBalancingSpiMBean |
AdaptiveLoadProbe |
Pluggable implementation of node load probing.
AdaptiveProcessingTimeLoadProbe |
Implementation of node load probing based on total job processing time.
AddressResolver |
Provides resolution between external and internal addresses.
Affinity<K> |
Provides affinity information to detect which node is primary and which nodes are
backups for a partitioned or replicated cache.
AffinityCentralizedFunction |
Annotation marker which identifies affinity function that must be calculated on one centralized node
instead of independently on each node.
AffinityFunction |
Cache key affinity which maps keys to nodes.
AffinityFunctionContext |
Affinity function context.
AffinityKey<K> |
Optional wrapper for cache keys to provide support
for custom affinity mapping.
AffinityKeyMapped |
Optional annotation to specify custom key-to-node affinity.
AffinityKeyMapper |
AffinityUuid |
Guaranteed unique affinity-based key.
AlwaysFailoverSpi |
Failover SPI that always reroutes a failed job to another node.
AlwaysFailoverSpiMBean |
AtomicConfiguration |
Configuration for atomic data structures.
AtomicLongView |
AtomicReferenceView |
AtomicSequenceView |
AtomicStampedView |
AttributeNames |
AuthenticationContext |
Authentication context.
BaselineAutoAdjustMXBean |
This interface defines JMX view on DistributedBaselineConfiguration .
BaselineChangedEvent |
Baseline changed event.
BaselineConfigurationChangedEvent |
Baseline configuration changed event.
BaselineNode |
Interface representing a single node from baseline topology.
BaselineNodeAttributeView |
Baseline node attribute representation for a SystemView .
BaselineNodeView |
Baseline topology node representation for a SystemView .
BasicAddressResolver |
BasicJdbcDialect |
Basic implementation of dialect based on JDBC specification.
BasicJdbcIpFinderDialect |
BasicWarmupClosure |
Basic warm-up closure which warm-ups cache operations.
BinaryBasicIdMapper |
Base binary ID mapper implementation.
BinaryBasicNameMapper |
Base binary name mapper implementation.
BinaryCollectionFactory<K> |
Collection factory.
BinaryConfiguration |
Configuration object for Ignite Binary Objects.
BinaryField |
Binary object field.
BinaryIdMapper |
Type and field ID mapper for binary objects.
BinaryInvalidTypeException |
Exception indicating that class needed for deserialization of binary object does not exist.
Binarylizable |
Interface that allows to implement custom serialization
logic for binary objects.
BinaryMapFactory<K,V> |
Map factory.
BinaryMetadataView |
BinaryNameMapper |
Maps type and field names to different names.
BinaryObject |
Wrapper for binary object in binary format.
BinaryObjectBuilder |
Binary object builder.
BinaryObjectException |
Exception indicating binary object serialization error.
BinaryRawReader |
Raw reader for binary objects.
BinaryRawWriter |
Raw writer for binary object.
BinaryReader |
BinaryReflectiveSerializer |
Binary serializer which writes object fields using reflection.
BinarySerializer |
Interface that allows to implement custom serialization logic for binary objects.
BinaryType |
Binary type meta data.
BinaryTypeConfiguration |
Defines configuration properties for a specific binary type.
BinaryWriter |
BooleanMetric |
Interface for the metrics that holds boolean primitive.
BulkLoadContextCursor |
A special FieldsQueryCursor subclass that is used as a sentinel to transfer data from bulk load
(COPY) command to the JDBC or other client-facing driver: the bulk load batch processor
and parameters to send to the client.
CacheAbstractJdbcStore<K,V> |
CacheAbstractJdbcStore.EntryMapping |
Entry mapping description.
CacheAbstractJdbcStore.TypeKind |
Type kind.
CacheAtomicityMode |
Cache atomicity mode controls whether cache should maintain fully transactional semantics
or more light-weight atomic behavior.
CacheCheckpointSpi |
This class defines cache-based implementation for checkpoint SPI.
CacheCheckpointSpiMBean |
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information
about cache checkpoint SPI.
CacheConfiguration<K,V> |
This class defines grid cache configuration.
CacheConfiguration.IgniteAllNodesPredicate |
Filter that accepts all nodes.
CacheConsistencyViolationEvent |
This is an experimental API.
CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.EntriesInfo |
Inconsistent entries mapping.
CacheConsistencyViolationEvent.EntryInfo |
Inconsistent entry info.
CacheEntry<K,V> |
Cache entry that extends Cache.Entry by providing additional entry related information.
CacheEntryEventAdapter<K,V> |
CacheEntryEventSerializableFilter<K,V> |
This filter adds Serializable interface to CacheEntryEventFilter object.
CacheEntryProcessor<K,V,T> |
This processor adds Serializable interface to EntryProcessor object.
CacheEntryVersion |
Entry event order.
CacheEvent |
In-memory database (cache) event.
CacheExistsException |
Exception thrown when cache must be created but it already exists.
CacheGroupIoView |
Cache group IO statistics representation for a SystemView .
CacheGroupView |
CacheInterceptor<K,V> |
Cache interceptor.
CacheInterceptorAdapter<K,V> |
Cache interceptor convenience adapter.
CacheInterceptorEntry<K,V> |
A cache interceptor map entry.
CacheJdbcBlobStore<K,V> |
CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory<K,V> |
CacheJdbcPojoStore<K,V> |
Implementation of CacheStore backed by JDBC and POJO via reflection.
CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory<K,V> |
CacheJdbcStoreSessionListener |
Cache store session listener based on JDBC connection.
CacheJndiTmFactory |
Implementation of Factory<TransactionManager> interface that is using JNDI names to find TM.
CacheJndiTmLookup |
Implementation of CacheTmLookup interface that is using list of JNDI names to find TM.
CacheKeyConfiguration |
Configuration defining various aspects of cache keys without explicit usage of annotations on user classes.
CacheLoadOnlyStoreAdapter<K,V,I> |
This adapter designed to support stores with bulk loading from stream-like source.
CacheManager |
CacheMetrics |
Cache metrics used to obtain statistics on cache itself.
CacheMode |
Enumeration of all supported caching modes.
CacheNameResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of grid cache name.
CacheObjectTransformedEvent |
CachePagesListView |
CachePartialUpdateException |
Exception thrown from non-transactional cache in case when update succeeded only partially.
CachePeekMode |
Enumeration of all supported cache peek modes.
CachePluginConfiguration<K,V> |
Cache plugin configuration.
CachePluginContext<C extends CachePluginConfiguration> |
Cache plugin context.
CachePluginProvider<C extends CachePluginConfiguration> |
CacheQueryEntryEvent<K,V> |
A Cache continuous query entry event.
CacheQueryExecutedEvent<K,V> |
Cache query execution event.
CacheQueryReadEvent<K,V> |
Cache query read event.
CacheRebalanceMode |
Cache rebalance mode.
CacheRebalancingEvent |
In-memory database (cache) rebalancing event.
CacheReflectionTmLookup |
Implementation of CacheTmLookup interface that attempts to obtain
JTA manager by calling static method on the class.
CacheServerNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when all data nodes left the grid.
CacheStore<K,V> |
API for cache persistent storage for read-through and write-through behavior.
CacheStoreAdapter<K,V> |
Cache storage convenience adapter.
CacheStoreSession |
Session for the cache store operations.
CacheStoreSessionListener |
Cache store session listener that allows to implement callbacks
for session lifecycle.
CacheStoreSessionResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of current CacheStoreSession
CacheTmLookup |
Allows grid to use different transactional systems.
CacheTopologyValidatorProvider |
CacheView |
CacheWriteSynchronizationMode |
Mode indicating how Ignite should wait for write replies from other nodes.
CachingProvider |
Implementation of JSR-107 CachingProvider .
CalciteQueryEngineConfiguration |
Query engine configuration for Calcite-based query engine.
CdcCacheEvent |
Notification of CdcConsumer about cache creation/change events.
CdcCommandLineStartup |
This class defines command-line Ignite Capture Data Change startup.
CdcConfiguration |
This class defines CdcMain runtime configuration.
CdcConsumer |
Consumer of WAL data change events.
CdcEvent |
Event of single entry change.
CdcLoader |
Utility class to load CdcMain from Spring XML configuration.
CheckpointEvent |
Grid checkpoint event.
CheckpointListener |
Listener for notifications of checkpoints removed by CheckpointSpi .
CheckpointSpi |
Checkpoint SPI provides an ability to save an intermediate job state.
CheckpointWriteOrder |
This enum defines order of writing pages to disk storage during checkpoint.
ClientAddressFinder |
This interface provides a list of addresses of Ignite server nodes within a cluster.
ClientAtomicConfiguration |
Configuration for atomic data structures.
ClientAtomicLong |
Distributed atomic long API.
ClientAuthenticationException |
Indicates user name or password is invalid.
ClientAuthorizationException |
Indicates user has no permission to perform operation.
ClientAutoCloseableIterator<T> |
Auto closeable iterator.
ClientCache<K,V> |
Thin client cache.
ClientCacheConfiguration |
Cache configuration.
ClientCluster |
Thin client cluster facade.
ClientClusterGroup |
Thin client cluster group facade.
ClientCollectionConfiguration |
Configuration for Ignite collections.
ClientCompute |
Thin client compute facade.
ClientConfiguration |
TcpIgniteClient configuration.
ClientConnectionAttributeView |
Client connection attribute system view row.
ClientConnectionException |
Indicates all the Ignite servers specified in the client configuration are no longer available.
ClientConnectionView |
Client connection system view row.
ClientConnectorConfiguration |
Client connector configuration.
ClientDisconnectListener |
Client disconnected event listener.
ClientException |
Common thin client unchecked exception.
ClientExceptionsUtils |
Utils to analyze client-related exceptions.
ClientFailEvent |
Event, triggered when Ignite client is failed to start.
ClientFeatureNotSupportedByServerException |
Feature not supported by server exception.
ClientIgniteSet<T> |
Distributed Set.
ClientLifecycleEvent |
Marker interface for all client's lifecycle events.
ClientLifecycleEventListener |
ClientOperationType |
Client operation type.
ClientPartitionAwarenessMapper |
This function calculates the cache key to a partition mapping for each cache key.
ClientPartitionAwarenessMapperFactory |
This factory is used on the client side and only when the partition awareness thin client feature is enabled.
ClientProcessorMXBean |
ClientReconnectedException |
Indicates that previous connection was lost and a new connection established,
which can lead to inconsistency of non-atomic operations.
ClientRetryAllPolicy |
Retry policy that always returns true .
ClientRetryNonePolicy |
Retry policy that always returns false .
ClientRetryPolicy |
Client retry policy determines whether client operations that have failed due to a connection issue should be retried.
ClientRetryPolicyContext |
Retry policy context.
ClientRetryReadPolicy |
Retry policy that returns true for all read-only operations that do not modify data.
ClientServiceDescriptor |
ClientServices |
Thin client services facade.
ClientStartEvent |
Event, triggered when Ignite client is started.
ClientStopEvent |
Event, triggered when Ignite client is stopped.
ClientTransaction |
Thin client transaction.
ClientTransactionConfiguration |
Thin client transactions configuration.
ClientTransactions |
Thin client transactions facade.
ClusterActivationEvent |
ClusterGroup |
Defines a cluster group which contains all or a subset of cluster nodes.
ClusterGroupEmptyException |
This exception defines illegal call on empty cluster group.
ClusterMetrics |
This class represents runtime information on a cluster.
ClusterMetricsMXBean |
Cluster metrics MBean.
ClusterNode |
Interface representing a single cluster node.
ClusterNodeAttributeAffinityBackupFilter |
Attribute-based affinity backup filter that forces each partition's primary and backup nodes to different hardware
which is not expected to fail simultaneously, e.g., in AWS, to different "availability zones".
ClusterNodeAttributeColocatedBackupFilter |
ClusterNodeView |
ClusterStartNodeResult |
Cluster start node result information.
ClusterState |
Cluster states.
ClusterStateChangeEvent |
Cluster state change event.
ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent |
Cluster state change started event.
ClusterTagUpdatedEvent |
Event type indicating that cluster tag has been updated.
ClusterTopologyException |
This exception is used to indicate error with the cluster topology (e.g., crashed node, etc.).
CollectionConfiguration |
Configuration for Ignite collections.
CollisionContext |
Context for resolving collisions.
CollisionExternalListener |
Listener to be set on CollisionSpi for notification of external
collision events (e.g. job stealing).
CollisionJobContext |
This interface defines set of operations that collision SPI implementation can perform on
jobs that are either waiting or executing.
CollisionSpi |
Collision SPI allows to regulate how grid jobs get executed when they arrive on a
destination node for execution.
CommandLineRandomNumberGenerator |
Generates a random number and prints it to the console.
CommandLineStartup |
This class defines command-line Ignite startup.
CommandLineTransformer |
This class is a workaround for a versatile problems with passing arguments to the Ignite Windows batch launcher
CommunicationFailureContext |
Communication Failure Context.
CommunicationFailureResolver |
Communication Failure Resolver.
CommunicationListener<T extends Serializable> |
Listener SPI notifies IO manager with.
CommunicationSpi<T extends Serializable> |
Communication SPI is responsible for data exchange between nodes.
ComputeExecutionRejectedException |
This exception defines execution rejection.
ComputeJob |
ComputeJobAdapter |
Convenience adapter for ComputeJob implementations.
ComputeJobAfterSend |
This annotation allows to call a method right after the job has been
successfully sent for execution.
ComputeJobBeforeFailover |
This annotation allows to call a method right before job is submitted to
FailoverSpi .
ComputeJobContext |
Context attached to every job executed on the grid.
ComputeJobContinuation |
Defines continuation support for grid job context.
ComputeJobContinuationAdapter |
Convenience adapter for ComputeJob implementations.
ComputeJobFailoverException |
This runtime exception can be thrown from ComputeJob.execute() method to force
job failover to another node within task topology.
ComputeJobMasterLeaveAware |
Annotation for handling master node leave during job execution.
ComputeJobResult |
ComputeJobResultPolicy |
This enumeration provides different types of actions following the last
received job result.
ComputeJobSibling |
Job sibling interface defines a job from the same split.
ComputeJobView |
ComputeJobView.ComputeJobState |
Compute job state.
ComputeLoadBalancer |
Load balancer is used for finding the best balanced node according
to load balancing policy.
ComputeMXBean |
ComputeTask<T,R> |
Grid task interface defines a task that can be executed on the grid.
ComputeTaskAdapter<T,R> |
ComputeTaskCancelledException |
This exception indicates that grid task was cancelled.
ComputeTaskContinuousMapper |
Defines a mapper that can be used for asynchronous job sending.
ComputeTaskFuture<R> |
This class defines a handler for asynchronous task execution.
ComputeTaskMapAsync |
Annotation for asynchronous task mapping.
ComputeTaskName |
This annotation allows to assign optional name to grid task.
ComputeTaskNoResultCache |
This annotation disables caching of task results when attached to ComputeTask class
being executed.
ComputeTaskSession |
Defines a distributed session for particular task execution.
ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener |
This interface defines listener for task session attributes.
ComputeTaskSessionFullSupport |
Annotation for enabling task session attributes and checkpoints for tasks.
ComputeTaskSessionScope |
Defines life-time scopes for checkpoint operations.
ComputeTaskSpis |
This annotation allows task to specify what SPIs it wants to use.
ComputeTaskSplitAdapter<T,R> |
ComputeTaskTimeoutException |
This exception indicates that task execution timed out.
ComputeTaskView |
ComputeUserUndeclaredException |
This exception is thrown when user's code throws undeclared runtime exception.
ConfigurationView |
Configuration value representation for a SystemView .
ConnectionClosedEvent |
ConnectionDescription |
ConnectionEvent |
ConnectionEventListener |
ConnectorConfiguration |
REST access configuration.
ConnectorMessageInterceptor |
Interface for user-defined object interceptors.
ContinuousQuery<K,V> |
API for configuring continuous cache queries.
ContinuousQueryView |
ContinuousQueryWithTransformer<K,V,T> |
API for configuring continuous cache queries with transformer.
ContinuousQueryWithTransformer.EventListener<T> |
CountDownLatchView |
DataPageEvictionMode |
Defines memory page eviction algorithm.
DataRegionConfiguration |
This class allows defining custom data regions' configurations with various parameters for Apache Ignite
page memory (see DataStorageConfiguration .
DataRegionMetrics |
DataRegionMetricsAdapter |
DataRegionMetricsProvider |
This interface provides calculated metrics for data region.
DataStorageConfiguration |
A durable memory configuration for an Apache Ignite node.
DataStorageMXBean |
An MX bean allowing to monitor and tune persistence.
DB2Dialect |
A dialect compatible with the IBM DB2 database.
DefaultCommunicationFailureResolver |
Default Communication Failure Resolver.
DefragmentationMXBean |
DeploymentEvent |
Grid deployment event.
DeploymentListener |
Listener for deployment events.
DeploymentMode |
Grid deployment mode.
DeploymentResource |
Generic abstraction over deployed resource containing resource's name, class and corresponding class loader.
DeploymentResourceAdapter |
DeploymentSpi |
Grid deployment SPI is in charge of deploying tasks and classes from different
DiscoveryDataBag |
Provides interface for GridComponent to collect and exchange discovery data both on
joining node and on cluster nodes.
DiscoveryDataBag.GridDiscoveryData |
Facade interface representing DiscoveryDataBag object with discovery data collected in the grid.
DiscoveryDataBag.JoiningNodeDiscoveryData |
Facade interface representing DiscoveryDataBag object with discovery data from joining node.
DiscoveryEvent |
Grid discovery event.
DiscoveryMetricsProvider |
Provides metrics to discovery SPI.
DiscoveryNotification |
Discovery notification object.
DiscoverySpi |
Grid discovery SPI allows to discover remote nodes in grid.
DiscoverySpiCustomMessage |
Message to send across ring.
DiscoverySpiDataExchange |
Handler for initial data exchange between Ignite nodes.
DiscoverySpiHistorySupport |
This annotation is for all implementations of DiscoverySpi that support
topology snapshots history.
DiscoverySpiListener |
Listener for grid node discovery events.
DiscoverySpiMBean |
Generic MBean interface to monitor DiscoverySpi subsystem.
DiscoverySpiMutableCustomMessageSupport |
DiscoverySpiNodeAuthenticator |
Node authenticator.
DiscoverySpiOrderSupport |
This annotation is for all implementations of DiscoverySpi that support
proper node ordering.
DiskPageCompression |
Disk page compression options.
DoubleMetric |
Interface for the metrics that holds double primitive.
DumpConsumer |
Consumer of a cache dump.
DumpEntry |
Single cache entry from dump.
DumpReader |
Dump Reader application.
DumpReaderConfiguration |
EncryptionConfiguration |
Encryption configuration.
EncryptionMXBean |
EncryptionSpi |
SPI provides encryption features for an Ignite.
Event |
Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid.
EventAdapter |
Base adapter for the events.
EventStorageSpi |
This SPI provides local node events storage.
EventType |
Contains event type constants.
EvictableEntry<K,V> |
EvictionFilter<K,V> |
Eviction filter to specify which entries should not be evicted.
EvictionPolicy<K,V> |
Pluggable cache eviction policy.
ExecutorConfiguration |
Custom thread pool configuration for compute tasks.
ExponentialBackoffTimeoutStrategy |
Strategy which incorporates retriable network operation, handling of totalTimeout logic.
Extension |
Marker interface for extensions.
ExtensionRegistry |
Context that allows to register extensions.
FailoverContext |
This interface defines a set of operations available to failover SPI
one a given failed job.
FailoverSpi |
Failover SPI provides developer with ability to supply custom logic for handling
failed execution of a grid job.
FailureContext |
Failure context contains information about failure type and exception if applicable.
FailureHandler |
FailureHandlingMxBean |
MBean that controls critical failure handling.
FailureType |
Types of failures.
FieldsQueryCursor<T> |
SQL query result cursor.
FifoEvictionPolicy<K,V> |
Eviction policy based on First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm and supports batch eviction.
FifoEvictionPolicyFactory<K,V> |
FifoEvictionPolicyMBean |
MBean for FIFO eviction policy.
FifoQueueCollisionSpi |
This class provides implementation for Collision SPI based on FIFO queue.
FifoQueueCollisionSpiMBean |
Management bean that provides access to the FIFO queue collision SPI configuration.
FiltrableSystemView<R> |
System view with filtering capabilities.
H2Dialect |
A dialect compatible with the H2 database.
HandshakeFailEvent |
HandshakeMessage |
Handshake message.
HandshakeMessage2 |
Updated handshake message.
HandshakeStartEvent |
HandshakeSuccessEvent |
HandshakeWaitMessage |
Message requesting to wait until node's SPI context initialize.
HistogramMetric |
Histogram metric calculates counts of measurements that gets into each bounds interval.
Ignite |
Main entry-point for all Ignite APIs.
IgniteAsyncCallback |
If callback has this annotation then it will be executing in another thread.
IgniteAsyncSupport |
IgniteAsyncSupported |
IgniteAtomicLong |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributedly cached atomic long value.
IgniteAtomicReference<T> |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic reference.
IgniteAtomicSequence |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic sequence.
IgniteAtomicStamped<T,S> |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic stamped value.
IgniteAuthenticationException |
Exception that represents authentication failure.
IgniteBiClosure<E1,E2,R> |
Defines generic closure with two parameters.
IgniteBiInClosure<E1,E2> |
Closure with two in-parameters and void return type.
IgniteBinary |
Defines binary objects functionality.
IgniteBiPredicate<E1,E2> |
Defines a predicate which accepts two parameters and returns true or false .
IgniteBiTuple<V1,V2> |
Convenience class representing mutable tuple of two values.
IgniteCache<K,V> |
Main entry point for all Data Grid APIs. You can get a named cache by calling Ignite.cache(String)
IgniteCacheRestartingException |
Exception thrown from ignite cache API if cache is restarting.
IgniteCallable<V> |
Grid-aware adapter for Callable implementations.
IgniteCheckedException |
General grid exception.
IgniteClient |
Ignite thin client.
IgniteClientDisconnectedException |
Exception thrown from Ignite API when client node disconnected from cluster.
IgniteClientFuture<T> |
Thin client async operations future.
IgniteClientSpringBean |
Represents Ignite client Spring bean that provides the ability to automatically start Ignite client during
Spring Context initialization.
IgniteClosure<E,R> |
Defines generic closure with one parameter.
IgniteCluster |
Represents whole cluster (all available nodes) and also provides a handle on IgniteCluster.nodeLocalMap() which
provides map-like functionality linked to current grid node.
IgniteClusterMXBean |
IgniteCompute |
Defines compute grid functionality for executing tasks and closures over nodes
in the ClusterGroup .
IgniteCondition |
This interface provides a rich API for working with condition objects
associated with distributed reentrant locks.
IgniteConfiguration |
This class defines grid runtime configuration.
IgniteCountDownLatch |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed count down latch.
IgniteDataStreamer<K,V> |
Data streamer is responsible for streaming external data into cache.
IgniteDataStreamerTimeoutException |
IgniteDeploymentException |
Deployment or re-deployment failed.
IgniteDiscoveryThread |
Marker interface for discovery thread on cluster server node.
IgniteEncryption |
Defines encryption features.
IgniteEvents |
IgniteException |
General grid exception.
IgniteExperimental |
This annotation marks API elements (such as interfaces, methods, annotations and whole API packages) as experimental
meaning that the API is not finalized yet and may be changed or replaced in future Ignite releases.
IgniteFuture<V> |
Future with simplified exception handling, functional programming support
and ability to listen for future completion via functional callback.
IgniteFutureCancelledException |
Future computation cannot be retrieved because it was cancelled.
IgniteFutureTimeoutException |
Future computation completion is timed out.
IgniteIllegalStateException |
This exception indicates the ignite access in invalid state.
IgniteInClosure<E> |
Closure with one in-parameter and void return type.
IgniteInstanceResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of current Ignite instance.
IgniteInterruptedException |
IgniteJdbcDriver |
JDBC driver implementation for In-Memory Data Grid.
IgniteJdbcThinDataSource |
JDBC thin DataSource implementation.
IgniteJdbcThinDriver |
JDBC driver thin implementation for In-Memory Data Grid.
IgniteLock |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed reentrant locks.
IgniteLogger |
This interface defines basic logging functionality used throughout the system.
IgniteMarshallerClassFilter |
IgniteMBeanAware |
MBean-aware interface.
IgniteMessaging |
IgniteMetrics |
Allows managing the custom metrics.
IgniteMXBean |
This interface defines JMX view on kernal.
IgniteNodeValidationResult |
Result of joining node validation.
IgniteNotPeerDeployable |
This annotations should be used to mark any type that should not be
peer deployable.
IgniteObjectInputFilter |
IgniteOutClosure<T> |
Closure that does not take any parameters and returns a value.
IgnitePlugin |
Marker interface for all Ignite plugins.
IgnitePortProtocol |
Protocols supported by port processor.
IgnitePredicate<E> |
Defines a predicate which accepts a parameter and returns true or false .
IgniteProducer<T> |
Defines a producer which can throw IgniteCheckedException.
IgniteProductVersion |
Represents node version.
IgniteQueue<T> |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed queues based on In-Memory Data Grid.
IgniteReducer<E,R> |
Defines generic reducer that collects multiple values and reduces them into one.
IgniteReflectionFactory<T> |
Factory implementation that use reflection to create instance of given class.
IgniteRunnable |
Grid-aware adapter for Runnable implementations.
IgniteScheduler |
Provides functionality for scheduling jobs locally using UNIX cron-based syntax.
IgniteSemaphore |
This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed semaphore.
IgniteServices |
Defines functionality necessary to deploy distributed services on the grid.
IgniteSet<T> |
Set implementation based on on In-Memory Data Grid.
IgniteSnapshot |
This interface provides functionality for creating cluster-wide cache data snapshots.
IgniteSpi |
This interface defines life-cycle of SPI implementation.
IgniteSpiAdapter |
This class provides convenient adapter for SPI implementations.
IgniteSpiCloseableIterator<T> |
Closeable iterator.
IgniteSpiConfiguration |
Annotates SPI configuration setters on whether or not it is optional.
IgniteSpiConsistencyChecked |
SPIs that have this annotation present will be checked for consistency within grid.
IgniteSpiContext |
SPI context provides common functionality for all SPI implementations.
IgniteSpiException |
Exception thrown by SPI implementations.
IgniteSpiManagementMBean |
This interface defines basic MBean for all SPI implementations.
IgniteSpiMBeanAdapter |
This class provides convenient adapter for MBean implementations.
IgniteSpiMultiException |
Grid SPI exception which may contain more than one failure.
IgniteSpiMultipleInstancesSupport |
Annotates whether or not multiple instances of this SPI can be
started in the same VM.
IgniteSpiNoop |
Annotates NO-OP SPI implementations.
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutException |
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper |
Object that incorporates logic that determines a timeout value for the next network related operation and checks
whether a failure detection timeout is reached or not.
IgniteSpiThread |
This class provides convenient adapter for threads used by SPIs.
IgniteSpiThreadFactory |
This class provides implementation of ThreadFactory factory
for creating grid SPI threads.
IgniteSpiTimeoutObject |
IgniteSpiVersionCheckException |
Grid SPI exception for version check failure.
IgniteSpring |
Factory methods to start Ignite with optional Spring application context, this context can be injected into
grid tasks and grid jobs using @SpringApplicationContextResource
IgniteSpringBean |
Ignite Spring bean allows to bypass Ignition methods.
IgniteState |
IgniteStripedThreadPoolExecutor |
An ExecutorService that executes submitted tasks using pooled grid threads.
IgniteSystemProperties |
Contains constants for all system properties and environmental variables in Ignite.
IgniteThread |
This class adds some necessary plumbing on top of the Thread class.
IgniteThreadFactory |
This class provides implementation of ThreadFactory factory
for creating grid threads.
IgniteThreadPoolExecutor |
An ExecutorService that executes submitted tasks using pooled grid threads.
IgniteTransactions |
Transactions facade provides ACID-compliant semantic when working with caches.
IgniteUuid |
This is a faster performing version of UUID .
IgniteWalConverter |
Print WAL log data in human-readable form.
IgniteWalConverterArguments |
Parameters for IgniteWalConverter with parsed and validated.
Ignition |
This class defines a factory for the main Ignite API.
IgnitionListener |
Listener for gird state change notifications.
IgnitionMXBean |
This interface defines JMX view on Ignition .
IgnoreIfPeerClassLoadingDisabled |
This annotation is for all implementations of DeploymentSpi that may be
ignored if peer class loading is disabled.
IndexingQueryCacheFilter |
Indexing query filter for specific cache.
IndexingQueryEngineConfiguration |
Query engine configuration for indexing-backed query engine.
IndexingQueryFilter |
Cache entry filter.
IndexingQueryFilterImpl |
Indexing query filter.
IndexingSpi |
Indexing SPI allows user to index cache content.
IndexQuery<K,V> |
Index queries work over distributed indexes and retrieve cache entries that match the specified criteria.
IndexQueryCriteriaBuilder |
IndexQueryCriterion |
IntMetric |
Interface for the metrics that holds int primitive.
IoPool |
The interface of IO Messaging Pool Extension.
IsolatedDiscoverySpi |
Special discovery SPI implementation to start a single-node cluster in "isolated" mode.
IsolatedNode |
Special isolated node.
JavaLogger |
Logger to use with Java logging.
JavaLoggerFileHandler |
File logging handler which skips all the messages until node ID is set.
JavaLoggerFormatter |
Formatter for JUL logger.
JclLogger |
JdbcCheckpointSpi |
This class defines JDBC checkpoint SPI implementation.
JdbcCheckpointSpiMBean |
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information
about jdbc checkpoint SPI.
JdbcDialect |
Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS.
JdbcIpFinderDialect |
JdbcType |
Description for type that could be stored into database by store.
JdbcTypeDefaultHasher |
JdbcTypeField |
Description of how field declared in database and in cache.
JdbcTypeHasher |
API for implementing custom hashing logic for binary objects on server side.
JdbcTypesDefaultTransformer |
JdbcTypesTransformer |
API for implementing custom mapping logic for loaded from store data.
JdkMarshaller |
Implementation of Marshaller based on JDK serialization mechanism.
JmxMetricExporterSpi |
JobContextResource |
JobEvent |
Grid job event.
JobStealingCollisionSpi |
Collision SPI that supports job stealing from over-utilized nodes to
under-utilized nodes.
JobStealingCollisionSpiMBean |
Management MBean for job stealing based collision SPI.
JobStealingDisabled |
This annotation disables job stealing if corresponding feature is configured.
JobStealingFailoverSpi |
JobStealingFailoverSpiMBean |
JobStealingRequest |
Job stealing request.
JsonDumpConsumer |
Dump consumer that outputs entries in json format.
KeystoreEncryptionKey |
EncryptionKey implementation based on java security.
KeystoreEncryptionSpi |
EncryptionSPI implementation base on JDK provided cipher algorithm implementations.
KubernetesConnectionConfiguration |
Configuration for Kubernetes connection.
LifecycleAware |
All components provided in Ignite configuration can implement this interface.
LifecycleBean |
LifecycleEventType |
Node lifecycle event types.
LoadAllWarmUpConfiguration |
LoadBalancerResource |
LoadBalancingSpi |
Load balancing SPI provides the next best balanced node for job
LocalDeploymentSpi |
LocalDeploymentSpiMBean |
Log4J2Logger |
Log4j2-based implementation for logging.
LogExporterSpi |
This SPI implementation exports metrics to Ignite log.
LoggerResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of IgniteLogger .
LongMetric |
Interface for the metrics that holds long primitive.
LruEvictionPolicy<K,V> |
Eviction policy based on Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm and supports batch eviction.
LruEvictionPolicyFactory<K,V> |
LruEvictionPolicyMBean |
MBean for LRU eviction policy.
MaintenanceAction<T> |
Maintenance action interface enables user to execute operations related to a particular MaintenanceTask .
MaintenanceRegistry |
MaintenanceRegistry is a service local to each Ignite node
that allows to request performing maintenance actions on that particular node.
MaintenanceTask |
Represents request to handle maintenance situation.
MaintenanceWorkflowCallback |
Abstraction to decouple interaction between MaintenanceRegistry
and components that may require maintenance.
Marshaller |
Marshaller allows to marshal or unmarshal objects in grid.
MarshallerContext |
Marshaller context.
MarshallerExclusions |
Controls what classes should be excluded from marshalling by default.
MarshallerUtils |
Utility marshaller methods.
MemoryAllocator |
Base interface for offheap memory allocator.
MemoryConfiguration |
MemoryEventStorageSpi |
MemoryEventStorageSpiMBean |
MemoryMetrics |
MemoryPolicyConfiguration |
Message |
Base class for all communication messages.
MessageCollectionItemType |
Enum representing possible types of collection items.
MessageFactory |
MessageFactoryProvider |
Provider of communication message factories.
MessageFormatter |
Provides a custom format for communication messages.
MessageReader |
Communication message reader.
MessageWriter |
Communication message writer.
MessagingListenActor<T> |
MetastorageView |
Metric |
Base interface for all metrics.
MetricExporterSpi |
Exporter of metric information to the external recipient.
MetricRegistry |
Metric registry.
MetricRegistryMBean |
MBean for exporting values of metric registry.
MetricsMxBean |
MetricsView |
MXBeanDescription |
Provides description for MBean classes and methods.
MXBeanParameter |
Provides name and description for MBean method parameter.
MXBeanParametersDescriptions |
MXBeanParametersNames |
MySQLDialect |
A dialect compatible with the MySQL database.
NearCacheConfiguration<K,V> |
Client (near) cache configuration.
NeverFailoverSpi |
This class provides failover SPI implementation that never fails over.
NeverFailoverSpiMBean |
NodeAttributeView |
NodeIdMessage |
Node ID message.
NodeMetricsView |
NodeValidationFailedEvent |
This event is triggered if any of GridComponent s fail to validate the joining node
while join message processing.
NoopCheckpointSpi |
NoopCollisionSpi |
NoopEncryptionSpi |
No operation EncryptionSPI implementation.
NoopEventStorageSpi |
NoOpFailureHandler |
Just ignores any failure.
NoopIndexingSpi |
Default implementation of IndexingSpi which does not index cache.
NoopMetricExporterSpi |
No-op implementation of metric exporter SPI.
NoopSpiSpecificSpan |
NoopTracingSpi |
Noop and null-safe implementation of Tracing SPI.
NoOpWarmUpConfiguration |
Noop warm-up configuration.
NullLogger |
Logger which does not output anything.
ObjectMetric<T> |
Interface for the metrics that holds typed value.
OdbcConfiguration |
Deprecated. |
OomExceptionHandler |
OOM exception handler for system threads.
OpenCensusMetricExporterSpi |
OpenCensusSpanAdapter |
Span implementation based on OpenCensus library.
OpenCensusTraceExporter |
Wrapper of OpenCensus trace exporters adopted for Ignite lifecycle.
OpenCensusTracingSpi |
Tracing SPI implementation based on OpenCensus library.
OracleDialect |
A dialect compatible with the Oracle database.
OracleJdbcIpFinderDialect |
PageReplacementMode |
Defines memory page replacement algorithm.
PageReplacementStartedEvent |
Event type indicating that page replacement started in one of the configured data regions.
PagesListView |
PagesTimestampHistogramView |
Pages timestamp histogramm representation for a SystemView .
PartitionLossPolicy |
Partition loss policy.
PartitionStateView |
PerformanceStatisticsMBean |
PersistentStoreConfiguration |
PlatformCacheConfiguration |
Platform cache configuration.
PlatformCachePluginConfigurationClosure |
Platform cache configuration handler:
updates plugin configuration using data sent from platform code.
PlatformCachePluginConfigurationClosureFactory |
PlatformConfiguration |
Platform configuration marker interface.
PlatformCppConfiguration |
Platform CPP configuration.
PlatformDotNetAffinityFunction |
AffinityFunction implementation which can be used to configure .NET affinity function in Java Spring configuration.
PlatformDotNetBinaryConfiguration |
Mirror of .Net class BinaryConfiguration.cs
PlatformDotNetBinaryTypeConfiguration |
Mirror of .Net class BinaryTypeConfiguration.cs
PlatformDotNetCacheStoreFactory |
Wrapper for .NET cache store implementations.
PlatformDotNetCacheStoreFactoryNative |
Cache store factory that wraps native factory object.
PlatformDotNetConfiguration |
Mirror of .Net class IgniteConfiguration.cs
PlatformDotNetLifecycleBean |
Lifecycle bean implementation which can be used to configure .Net lifecycle beans in Java Spring configuration.
PlatformJavaObjectFactory<T> |
Object factory used for advanced interop between platform and Java.
PlatformPluginConfigurationClosure |
Platform configuration handler:
updates plugin configuration using data sent from platform code.
PlatformPluginConfigurationClosureFactory |
PlatformServiceMethod |
Annotation for setting mapping between java interface's method and platform service's method.
PlatformType |
Interop platform type.
PluginConfiguration |
Plugin configuration.
PluginContext |
Plugin context.
PluginNotFoundException |
Exception thrown if plugin is not found.
PluginProvider<C extends PluginConfiguration> |
Pluggable Ignite component.
PluginValidationException |
Plugin validation exception.
PriorityQueueCollisionSpi |
This class provides implementation for Collision SPI based on priority queue.
PriorityQueueCollisionSpiMBean |
Management bean that provides access to the priority queue collision SPI configuration.
Query<R> |
Main API for configuring and executing cache queries.
QueryCancelledException |
The exception is thrown if a query was cancelled or timed out while executing.
QueryCursor<T> |
Query result cursor.
QueryDetailMetrics |
Query metrics aggregated by query type and its textual representation.
QueryEngineConfiguration |
Interface for the configuration of the query engine.
QueryEntity |
Query entity is a description of cache entry (composed of key and value)
in a way of how it must be indexed and can be queried.
QueryEntityPatch |
Query entity patch which contain SchemaAbstractOperation operations for changing query entity.
QueryGroupIndex |
Describes group index.
QueryGroupIndex.List |
List of group indexes for type.
QueryIndex |
Contains list of fields to be indexed.
QueryIndexType |
Index type.
QueryMetrics |
Cache query metrics used to obtain statistics on query.
QueryMXBean |
QueryRetryException |
The exception is thrown if a query was cancelled or timed out while executing.
QuerySqlField |
Annotates fields for SQL queries.
QuerySqlField.Group |
Describes group of index and position of field in this group.
QuerySqlFunction |
Annotates public static methods in classes to be used in SQL queries as custom functions.
QueryTextField |
Annotation for fields to be indexed for full text
search using Lucene.
QueueView |
ReadOnlyDynamicMBean |
ReadOnlyMetricManager |
Read only metric manager.
ReadOnlyMetricRegistry |
Read only metric registry.
ReadOnlySystemViewRegistry |
Read only system view registry.
ReadRepairStrategy |
Read repair strategies.
RecordSizeCountStat |
Statistic for record size, used to accumulate information about several record and calculating average.
RecoveryLastReceivedMessage |
Recovery acknowledgment message.
ReentrantLockView |
RegexpMetricFilter |
Metric registry filter based on regular expression.
RendezvousAffinityFunction |
Affinity function for partitioned cache based on Highest Random Weight algorithm.
RequestEvent |
RequestEventListener |
RequestFailEvent |
RequestStartEvent |
RequestSuccessEvent |
RestartProcessFailureHandler |
This handler could be used only with ignite.
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi |
This SPI iterates through nodes in round-robin fashion and pick the next
sequential node.
RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpiMBean |
SameThreadExecutor |
ScanQuery<K,V> |
Scan query over cache entries.
ScanQueryView |
Scan query iterator representation for a SystemView .
SchedulerFuture<R> |
Future for cron-based scheduled execution.
Scope |
Tracing span scope.
SecurityBasicPermissionSet |
SecurityCredentials |
Security credentials used for node authentication.
SecurityCredentialsBasicProvider |
SecurityCredentialsProvider |
Security credentials provider for specifying security credentials.
SecurityException |
Common security exception for the grid.
SecurityPermission |
Supported security permissions within grid.
SecurityPermissionSet |
Security permission set for authorized security subjects.
SecurityPermissionSetBuilder |
Provides a convenient way to create a permission set.
SecuritySubject |
Security subject representing authenticated node with a set of permissions.
SecuritySubjectType |
Supported security subject types.
SegmentationPolicy |
Policy that defines how node will react on topology segmentation.
SegmentationResolver |
This is interface for segmentation (a.k.a "split-brain" problem) resolvers.
SemaphoreView |
SerializeSeparately |
This annotation is needed to mark fields of CacheConfiguration to serialize them separately
during sending over network or storing to disk.
Service |
An instance of grid-managed service.
ServiceCallContext |
Service call context.
ServiceCallContextBuilder |
Service call context builder.
ServiceCallInterceptor |
Service call interceptor.
ServiceConfiguration |
Managed service configuration.
ServiceContext |
Service execution context.
ServiceContextResource |
ServiceDeploymentException |
Exception indicating service deployment failure.
ServiceDescriptor |
Service deployment descriptor.
ServiceMXBean |
ServiceResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of Ignite service(s) by specified service name.
ServiceView |
ServletContextListenerStartup |
This class defines Ignite startup based on servlet context listener.
ServletStartup |
This class defines servlet-based Ignite startup.
SetView |
SharedFsCheckpointSpi |
This class defines shared file system CheckpointSpi implementation for
checkpoint SPI.
SharedFsCheckpointSpiMBean |
Management bean that provides general administrative and configuration information
about shared file system checkpoints.
ShutdownPolicy |
This class reperesents a policy of shutdown.
Slf4jLogger |
SLF4J-based implementation for logging.
SnapshotEvent |
Event indicating the cluster snapshot operation result state with the given name.
SnapshotMXBean |
SnapshotView |
SocketMessageConverter<T> |
Socket message converter.
SocketStreamer<T,K,V> |
SortedEvictionPolicy<K,V> |
Cache eviction policy which will select the minimum cache entry for eviction.
SortedEvictionPolicyFactory<K,V> |
SortedEvictionPolicyMBean |
MBean for sorted eviction policy.
SpanStatus |
Various statuses for Spans execution.
SpiQuery<K,V> |
SpiSpecificSpan |
Logical piece of a trace that insulates spi specific logic.
SpringApplicationContextResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of Spring ApplicationContext resource.
SpringResource |
Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of resource
from Spring ApplicationContext .
SpringResource.DEFAULT |
Dummy class to compensate for impossibility of having default null value for annotation method.
SqlConfiguration |
The configuration of the SQL query subsystem.
SqlConnectorConfiguration |
Deprecated. |
SqlFieldsQuery |
SQL Fields query.
SqlIndexView |
SqlQuery<K,V> |
SqlQueryExecutionEvent |
Query execution event.
SqlQueryHistoryView |
SQL query history representation for a SystemView .
SqlQueryView |
SqlSchemaView |
Sql schema system view representation.
SQLServerDialect |
A dialect compatible with the Microsoft SQL Server database.
SqlTableColumnView |
SqlTableView |
SqlViewColumnView |
SqlViewView |
Sql view representation for a ViewDescriptor .
SslContextFactory |
SSL context factory that provides SSL context configuration with specified key and trust stores.
SSLContextWrapper |
Wrapper for SSLContext that extend source context with custom SSL parameters.
SslMode |
SSL/TLS modes.
SslProtocol |
SSL Protocol.
StatusMatchTable |
Table to match OpenCensus span statuses with declared in Tracing SPI.
StopNodeFailureHandler |
Handler will stop node in case of critical error using IgnitionEx.stop(nodeName, true, true) call.
StopNodeOrHaltFailureHandler |
Handler will try to stop node if tryStop value is true .
StreamAdapter<T,K,V> |
Convenience adapter for streamers.
StreamMultipleTupleExtractor<T,K,V> |
Stream tuple extractor to convert a single message to zero, one or many tuples.
StreamReceiver<K,V> |
Updates cache with batch of entries.
StreamSingleTupleExtractor<T,K,V> |
Stream tuple extractor to convert a message to a single Ignite key-value tuple.
StreamTransformer<K,V> |
Convenience adapter to transform update existing values in streaming cache
based on the previously cached value.
StreamTupleExtractor<T,K,V> |
StreamVisitor<K,V> |
Convenience adapter to visit every key-value tuple in the stream.
StripedExecutorTaskView |
StripedExecutor task representation for a SystemView .
SystemDataRegionConfiguration |
This class allows defining system data region configuration with various parameters for Apache Ignite
page memory (see DataStorageConfiguration .
SystemProperty |
Ignite system property info.
SystemView<R> |
Implementation provides data for some internal Ignite objects.
SystemViewExporterSpi |
Exporter of system view to the external recepient.
SystemViewRowAttributeWalker<R> |
Utility class for quick iteration over row properties.
SystemViewRowAttributeWalker.AttributeVisitor |
Attribute visitor.
SystemViewRowAttributeWalker.AttributeWithValueVisitor |
Attribute visitor.
TaskContinuousMapperResource |
TaskEvent |
Grid task event.
TaskSessionResource |
TcpCommunicationMetricsListener |
TcpCommunicationSpi |
TcpCommunicationSpi is default communication SPI which uses
TCP/IP protocol and Java NIO to communicate with other nodes.
TcpCommunicationSpiMBean |
MBean provide access to TCP-based communication SPI.
TcpDiscoveryIpFinder |
TcpDiscoveryIpFinderAdapter |
IP finder interface implementation adapter.
TcpDiscoveryJdbcIpFinder |
JDBC-based IP finder.
TcpDiscoveryKubernetesIpFinder |
IP finder for automatic lookup of Ignite nodes running in Kubernetes environment.
TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder |
Multicast-based IP finder.
TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder |
Shared filesystem-based IP finder.
TcpDiscoverySpi |
Discovery SPI implementation that uses TCP/IP for node discovery.
TcpDiscoverySpiMBean |
TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder |
TextQuery<K,V> |
Full Text Queries
ThinClientConfiguration |
Server-side thin-client configuration.
ThinClientKubernetesAddressFinder |
Address finder for automatic lookup of Ignite server nodes running in Kubernetes environment.
TimeoutStrategy |
Strategy to calculate next timeout and check if total timeout reached.
TopologyValidator |
Topology validator is used to verify that cluster topology is valid for further cache operations.
TracingConfigurationCoordinates |
Specifies to which traces, specific configuration will be applied.
TracingConfigurationCoordinates.Builder |
TracingConfigurationCoordinates builder.
TracingConfigurationManager |
Allows to configure tracing, read the configuration and restore it to the defaults.
TracingConfigurationParameters |
Set of tracing configuration parameters like sampling rate or included scopes.
TracingConfigurationParameters.Builder |
TracingConfigurationParameters builder.
TracingSpi<S extends SpiSpecificSpan> |
Tracing SPI interface.
Transaction |
Ignite cache transaction.
TransactionConcurrency |
Transaction concurrency control.
TransactionConfiguration |
Transactions configuration.
TransactionDeadlockException |
Transaction deadlock exception.
TransactionException |
Base class for all transaction related exceptions.
TransactionHeuristicException |
Exception thrown whenever grid transaction enters an unknown state.
TransactionIsolation |
Defines different cache transaction isolation levels.
TransactionMetrics |
Transaction metrics, shared across all caches.
TransactionMetricsMxBean |
TransactionOptimisticException |
Exception thrown whenever grid transactions fail optimistically.
TransactionRollbackException |
Exception thrown whenever grid transactions has been automatically rolled back.
TransactionsMXBean |
Transactions MXBean interface.
TransactionState |
Cache transaction state.
TransactionStateChangedEvent |
Event indicates transaction state change.
TransactionTimeoutException |
Exception thrown whenever transactions time out.
TransactionView |
TxWalStat |
Transactions statistics for WAL.
TypeMapping |
Ignite maps type name to some id.
UriDeploymentSpi |
Implementation of DeploymentSpi which can deploy tasks from
different sources like file system folders, email and HTTP.
UriDeploymentSpiMBean |
WALMode |
WAL Mode.
WalSegmentArchivedEvent |
Event indicates the completion of WAL segment file transition to archive.
WalSegmentCompactedEvent |
Event indicates the completion of WAL segment compaction.
WalStat |
Statistic for overall WAL file
WarmUpConfiguration |
Warm-up configuration marker interface.
WarmUpMXBean |
WebSessionFilter |
Filter for web sessions caching.
WebSphereLibertyTmFactory |
Implementation of Transaction Manager factory that should used within WebSphere Liberty.
WebSphereTmFactory |
Implementation of Transaction Manager factory that should used within
WebSphere Application Server ("full profile" / "traditional" WS AS).
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpi |
Load balancing SPI that picks a random node for job execution.
WeightedRandomLoadBalancingSpiMBean |
WorkersControlMXBean |
MBean that provides ability to terminate worker that registered in the workers registry.
ZookeeperDiscoverySpi |
Zookeeper Discovery Spi.
ZookeeperDiscoverySpiMBean |