Interface IgniteServices

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IgniteServices
    extends IgniteAsyncSupport
    Defines functionality necessary to deploy distributed services on the grid.

    Instance of IgniteServices which spans all cluster nodes can be obtained from Ignite as follows:

     Ignite ignite = Ignition.ignite();
     IgniteServices svcs =;
    You can also obtain an instance of the services facade over a specific cluster group:
     // Cluster group over remote nodes (excluding the local node).
     ClusterGroup remoteNodes = ignite.cluster().forRemotes();
     // Services instance spanning all remote cluster nodes.
     IgniteServices svcs =;

    With distributed services you can do the following:

    • Automatically deploy any number of service instances on the grid.
    • Automatically deploy singletons, including cluster-singleton, node-singleton, or key-affinity-singleton.
    • Automatically deploy services on node start-up by specifying them in grid configuration.
    • Undeploy any of the deployed services.
    • Get information about service deployment topology within the grid.

    Deployment From Configuration

    In addition to deploying managed services by calling any of the provided deploy(...) methods, you can also automatically deploy services on startup by specifying them in IgniteConfiguration like so:
     IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
     ServiceConfiguration svcCfg1 = new ServiceConfiguration();
     // Cluster-wide singleton configuration.
     svcCfg1.setService(new MyClusterSingletonService());
     ServiceConfiguration svcCfg2 = new ServiceConfiguration();
     // Per-node singleton configuration.
     svcCfg2.setService(new MyNodeSingletonService());
     cfg.setServiceConfiguration(svcCfg1, svcCfg2);

    Load Balancing

    In all cases, other than singleton service deployment, Ignite will automatically make sure that an about equal number of services are deployed on each node within the grid. Whenever cluster topology changes, Ignite will re-evaluate service deployments and may re-deploy an already deployed service on another node for better load balancing.

    Fault Tolerance

    Ignite guarantees that services are deployed according to specified configuration regardless of any topology changes, including node crashes.

    Resource Injection

    All distributed services can be injected with ignite resources. Both, field and method based injections are supported. The following ignite resources can be injected: Refer to corresponding resource documentation for more information.

    Service Example

    Here is an example of how an distributed service may be implemented and deployed:
     // Simple service implementation.
     public class MyIgniteService implements Service {
          // Example of ignite resource injection. All resources are optional.
          // You should inject resources only as needed.
          private Ignite ignite;
          @Override public void cancel(ServiceContext ctx) {
              // No-op.
          @Override public void execute(ServiceContext ctx) {
              // Loop until service is cancelled.
              while (!ctx.isCancelled()) {
                  // Do something.
     IgniteServices svcs =;
     svcs.deployClusterSingleton("mySingleton", new MyIgniteService());
    • Method Detail

      • clusterGroup

        ClusterGroup clusterGroup()
        Gets the cluster group to which this IgniteServices instance belongs.
        Cluster group to which this IgniteServices instance belongs.
      • deployClusterSingleton

        void deployClusterSingleton​(String name,
                                    Service svc)
                             throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys a cluster-wide singleton service. Ignite will guarantee that there is always one instance of the service in the cluster. In case if grid node on which the service was deployed crashes or stops, Ignite will automatically redeploy it on another node. However, if the node on which the service is deployed remains in topology, then the service will always be deployed on that node only, regardless of topology changes.

        Note that in case of topology changes, due to network delays, there may be a temporary situation when a singleton service instance will be active on more than one node (e.g. crash detection delay).

        This method is analogous to calling deployMultiple(name, svc, 1, 1) method.

        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy service.
      • deployClusterSingletonAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployClusterSingletonAsync​(String name,
                                                       Service svc)
        Asynchronously deploys a cluster-wide singleton service. Ignite will guarantee that there is always one instance of the service in the cluster. In case if grid node on which the service was deployed crashes or stops, Ignite will automatically redeploy it on another node. However, if the node on which the service is deployed remains in topology, then the service will always be deployed on that node only, regardless of topology changes.

        Note that in case of topology changes, due to network delays, there may be a temporary situation when a singleton service instance will be active on more than one node (e.g. crash detection delay).

        This method is analogous to calling deployMultipleAsync(name, svc, 1, 1) method.

        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • deployNodeSingleton

        void deployNodeSingleton​(String name,
                                 Service svc)
                          throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys a per-node singleton service. Ignite will guarantee that there is always one instance of the service running on each node. Whenever new nodes are started within the underlying cluster group, Ignite will automatically deploy one instance of the service on every new node.

        This method is analogous to calling deployMultiple(name, svc, 0, 1) method.

        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy service.
      • deployNodeSingletonAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployNodeSingletonAsync​(String name,
                                                    Service svc)
        Asynchronously deploys a per-node singleton service. Ignite will guarantee that there is always one instance of the service running on each node. Whenever new nodes are started within the underlying cluster group, Ignite will automatically deploy one instance of the service on every new node.

        This method is analogous to calling deployMultipleAsync(name, svc, 0, 1) method.

        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • deployKeyAffinitySingleton

        void deployKeyAffinitySingleton​(String name,
                                        Service svc,
                                        @Nullable String cacheName,
                                        Object affKey)
                                 throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys one instance of this service on the primary node for a given affinity key. Whenever topology changes and primary node assignment changes, Ignite will always make sure that the service is undeployed on the previous primary node and deployed on the new primary node.

        Note that in case of topology changes, due to network delays, there may be a temporary situation when a service instance will be active on more than one node (e.g. crash detection delay).

        This method is analogous to the invocation of deploy( method as follows:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        cacheName - Name of the cache on which affinity for key should be calculated, null for default cache.
        affKey - Affinity cache key.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy service.
      • deployKeyAffinitySingletonAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployKeyAffinitySingletonAsync​(String name,
                                                           Service svc,
                                                           @Nullable String cacheName,
                                                           Object affKey)
        Asynchronously deploys one instance of this service on the primary node for a given affinity key. Whenever topology changes and primary node assignment changes, Ignite will always make sure that the service is undeployed on the previous primary node and deployed on the new primary node.

        Note that in case of topology changes, due to network delays, there may be a temporary situation when a service instance will be active on more than one node (e.g. crash detection delay).

        This method is analogous to the invocation of deployAsync( method as follows:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        cacheName - Name of the cache on which affinity for key should be calculated, null for default cache.
        affKey - Affinity cache key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • deployMultiple

        void deployMultiple​(String name,
                            Service svc,
                            int totalCnt,
                            int maxPerNodeCnt)
                     throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid. Ignite will deploy a maximum amount of services equal to 'totalCnt' parameter making sure that there are no more than 'maxPerNodeCnt' service instances running on each node. Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible.

        Note that at least one of 'totalCnt' or 'maxPerNodeCnt' parameters must have value greater than 0.

        This method is analogous to the invocation of deploy( method as follows:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        totalCnt - Maximum number of deployed services in the grid, 0 for unlimited.
        maxPerNodeCnt - Maximum number of deployed services on each node, 0 for unlimited.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy service.
      • deployMultipleAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployMultipleAsync​(String name,
                                               Service svc,
                                               int totalCnt,
                                               int maxPerNodeCnt)
        Asynchronously deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid. Ignite will deploy a maximum amount of services equal to 'totalCnt' parameter making sure that there are no more than 'maxPerNodeCnt' service instances running on each node. Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible.

        Note that at least one of 'totalCnt' or 'maxPerNodeCnt' parameters must have value greater than 0.

        This method is analogous to the invocation of deployAsync( method as follows:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
        name - Service name.
        svc - Service instance.
        totalCnt - Maximum number of deployed services in the grid, 0 for unlimited.
        maxPerNodeCnt - Maximum number of deployed services on each node, 0 for unlimited.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • deploy

        void deploy​(ServiceConfiguration cfg)
             throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid according to provided configuration. Ignite will deploy a maximum amount of services equal to cfg.getTotalCount() parameter making sure that there are no more than cfg.getMaxPerNodeCount() service instances running on each node. Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible.

        If cfg.getAffinityKey() is not null, then Ignite will deploy the service on the primary node for given affinity key. The affinity will be calculated on the cache with cfg.getCacheName() name.

        If cfg.getNodeFilter() is not null, then Ignite will deploy service on all grid nodes for which the provided filter evaluates to true. The node filter will be checked in addition to the underlying cluster group filter, or the whole grid, if the underlying cluster group includes all the cluster nodes.

        Note that at least one of 'totalCnt' or 'maxPerNodeCnt' parameters must have value greater than 0.

        Here is an example of creating service deployment configuration:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
             cfg.setTotalCount(0); // Unlimited.
             cfg.setMaxPerNodeCount(2); // Deploy 2 instances of service on each node.
        cfg - Service configuration.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy service.
      • deployAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployAsync​(ServiceConfiguration cfg)
        Asynchronously deploys multiple instances of the service on the grid according to provided configuration. Ignite will deploy a maximum amount of services equal to cfg.getTotalCount() parameter making sure that there are no more than cfg.getMaxPerNodeCount() service instances running on each node. Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible.

        If cfg.getAffinityKey() is not null, then Ignite will deploy the service on the primary node for given affinity key. The affinity will be calculated on the cache with cfg.getCacheName() name.

        If cfg.getNodeFilter() is not null, then Ignite will deploy service on all grid nodes for which the provided filter evaluates to true. The node filter will be checked in addition to the underlying cluster group filter, or the whole grid, if the underlying cluster group includes all the cluster nodes.

        Note that at least one of 'totalCnt' or 'maxPerNodeCnt' parameters must have value greater than 0.

        Here is an example of creating service deployment configuration:

             ServiceConfiguration cfg = new ServiceConfiguration();
             cfg.setTotalCount(0); // Unlimited.
             cfg.setMaxPerNodeCount(2); // Deploy 2 instances of service on each node.
        cfg - Service configuration.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • deployAll

        void deployAll​(Collection<ServiceConfiguration> cfgs)
                throws ServiceDeploymentException
        Deploys multiple services described by provided configurations. Depending on specified parameters, multiple instances of the same service may be deployed (see ServiceConfiguration). Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible. If deployment of some of the provided services fails, then ServiceDeploymentException containing a list of failed services will be thrown. It is guaranteed that all services that were provided to this method and are not present in the list of failed services are successfully deployed by the moment of the exception being thrown. Note that if exception is thrown, then partial deployment may have occurred.
        cfgs - Collection of service configurations to be deployed.
        ServiceDeploymentException - If failed to deploy services.
        See Also:
        deploy(ServiceConfiguration), deployAllAsync(Collection)
      • deployAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> deployAllAsync​(Collection<ServiceConfiguration> cfgs)
        Asynchronously deploys multiple services described by provided configurations. Depending on specified parameters, multiple instances of the same service may be deployed (see ServiceConfiguration). Whenever topology changes, Ignite will automatically rebalance the deployed services within cluster to make sure that each node will end up with about equal number of deployed instances whenever possible. If deployment of some of the provided services fails, then ServiceDeploymentException containing a list of failed services will be thrown from get() method of the returned future. It is guaranteed that all services, that were provided to this method and are not present in the list of failed services, are successfully deployed by the moment of the exception being thrown. Note that if exception is thrown, then partial deployment may have occurred.
        cfgs - Collection of service configurations to be deployed.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        See Also:
        deploy(ServiceConfiguration), deployAll(Collection)
      • cancelAll

        void cancelAll​(Collection<String> names)
                throws IgniteException
        Cancels services with specified names.

        Note that depending on user logic, it may still take extra time for a service to finish execution, even after it was cancelled.

        Supports asynchronous execution (see IgniteAsyncSupport).

        names - Names of services to cancel.
        IgniteException - If failed to cancel services.
      • cancelAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> cancelAllAsync​(Collection<String> names)
        Asynchronously cancels services with specified names.

        Note that depending on user logic, it may still take extra time for a service to finish execution, even after it was cancelled.

        names - Names of services to cancel.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • cancelAll

        void cancelAll()
                throws IgniteException
        Cancels all deployed services.

        Note that depending on user logic, it may still take extra time for a service to finish execution, even after it was cancelled.

        Supports asynchronous execution (see IgniteAsyncSupport).

        IgniteException - If failed to cancel services.
      • cancelAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> cancelAllAsync()
        Asynchronously cancels all deployed services.

        Note that depending on user logic, it may still take extra time for a service to finish execution, even after it was cancelled.

        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • serviceDescriptors

        Collection<ServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptors()
        Gets metadata about all deployed services in the grid.
        Metadata about all deployed services in the grid.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           boolean sticky)
                    throws IgniteException
        Gets a handle on remote or local service. The proxy is dynamically created and provided for the specified service.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        sticky - Whether or not Ignite should always contact the same remote service or try to load-balance between services.
        Proxy over service.
        IgniteException - If failed to create service proxy.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           boolean sticky,
                           long timeout)
                    throws IgniteException
        Gets a handle on remote or local service with the timeout. The proxy is dynamically created and provided for the specified service.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        sticky - Whether or not Ignite should always contact the same remote service or try to load-balance between services.
        timeout - If greater than 0 created proxy will wait for service availability only specified time, and will limit remote service invocation time.
        Proxy over service.
        IgniteException - If failed to create service proxy.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           boolean sticky,
                           ServiceCallContext callCtx)
                    throws IgniteException
        Gets a handle on remote or local service with the specified caller context. The proxy is dynamically created and provided for the specified service.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        sticky - Whether or not Ignite should always contact the same remote service or try to load-balance between services.
        callCtx - Service call context.
        Proxy over service.
        IgniteException - If failed to create service proxy.
        See Also:
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           boolean sticky,
                           ServiceCallContext callCtx,
                           long timeout)
                    throws IgniteException
        Gets a handle on remote or local service with the specified caller context and the timeout. The proxy is dynamically created and provided for the specified service.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        sticky - Whether or not Ignite should always contact the same remote service or try to load-balance between services.
        callCtx - Service call context.
        timeout - If greater than 0 created proxy will wait for service availability only specified time, and will limit remote service invocation time.
        Proxy over service.
        IgniteException - If failed to create service proxy.
        See Also: