Interface CacheEntry<K,​V>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface CacheEntry<K,​V>
    extends javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V>
    Cache entry that extends Cache.Entry by providing additional entry related information.

    To get an instance of CacheEntry from Cache.Entry use Cache.Entry.unwrap(Class) method by passing CacheEntry class to it as the argument.

    CacheEntry is supported only for Cache.Entry returned by one of the following methods:

    • Cache.invoke(Object, EntryProcessor, Object...)
    • Cache.invokeAll(Set, EntryProcessor, Object...)
    • invoke and invokeAll methods of IgniteCache

    To get an instance of CacheEntry directly use IgniteCache.getEntry(Object) or IgniteCache.getEntries(Set) methods.

    CacheEntry is not supported for Cache.iterator() because of performance reasons. Cache.iterator() loads entries from all the cluster nodes and to speed up the load additional information, like entry's version, is ignored.

    Java Example

     IgniteCache<Integer, String> cache = grid(0).cache(null);
     CacheEntry<String, Integer> entry1 = cache.invoke(100,
         new EntryProcessor<Integer, String, CacheEntry<String, Integer>>() {
              public CacheEntry<String, Integer> process(MutableEntry<Integer, String> entry,
                  Object... arguments) throws EntryProcessorException {
                      return entry.unwrap(CacheEntry.class);
     // Cache entry for the given key may be updated at some point later.
     CacheEntry<String, Integer> entry2 = cache.invoke(100,
         new EntryProcessor<Integer, String, CacheEntry<String, Integer>>() {
              public CacheEntry<String, Integer> process(MutableEntry<Integer, String> entry,
                  Object... arguments) throws EntryProcessorException {
                      return entry.unwrap(CacheEntry.class);
     // Comparing entries' versions.
     if (entry1.version().compareTo(entry2.version()) < 0) {
         // the entry has been updated
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Comparable version()
      Returns a comparable object representing the version of this cache entry.
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.cache.Cache.Entry

        getKey, getValue, unwrap
    • Method Detail

      • version

        Comparable version()
        Returns a comparable object representing the version of this cache entry.

        It is valid to compare cache entries' versions for the same key. In this case the latter update will be represented by a higher version. The result of versions comparison of cache entries of different keys is undefined.

        Version of this cache entry.