Interface BinaryObject

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, Serializable

    public interface BinaryObject
    extends Serializable, Cloneable
    Wrapper for binary object in binary format. Once an object is defined as binary, Ignite will always store it in memory in the binary format. User can choose to work either with the binary format or with the deserialized form (assuming that class definitions are present in the classpath).

    NOTE: user does not need to (and should not) implement this interface directly.

    To work with the binary format directly, user should create a cache projection over BinaryObject class and then retrieve individual fields as needed:

     IgniteCache<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> prj = cache.withKeepBinary();
     // Convert instance of MyKey to binary format.
     // We could also use BinaryObjectBuilder to create the key in binary format directly.
     BinaryObject key = ignite.binary().toBinary(new MyKey());
     BinaryObject val = prj.get(key);
     String field = val.field("myFieldName");
    Alternatively, if we have class definitions in the classpath, we may choose to work with deserialized typed objects at all times. In this case we do incur the deserialization cost.
     IgniteCache<MyKey.class, MyValue.class> cache = grid.cache(null);
     MyValue val = cache.get(new MyKey());
     // Normal java getter.
     String fieldVal = val.getMyFieldName();

    Working With Maps and Collections

    All maps and collections in binary objects are serialized automatically. When working with different platforms, e.g. C++ or .NET, Ignite will automatically pick the most adequate collection or map in either language. For example, ArrayList in Java will become List in C#, LinkedList in Java is LinkedList in C#, HashMap in Java is Dictionary in C#, and TreeMap in Java becomes SortedDictionary in C#, etc.

    Dynamic Structure Changes

    Since objects are always cached in the binary format, server does not need to be aware of the class definitions. Moreover, if class definitions are not present or not used on the server, then clients can continuously change the structure of the binary objects without having to restart the cluster. For example, if one client stores a certain class with fields A and B, and another client stores the same class with fields B and C, then the server-side binary object will have the fields A, B, and C. As the structure of a binary object changes, the new fields become available for SQL queries automatically.

    Building Binary Objects

    Ignite comes with BinaryObjectBuilder which allows to build binary objects dynamically:
     BinaryObjectBuilder builder = Ignition.ignite().binary().builder("org.project.MyObject");
     builder.setField("fieldA", "A");
     builder.setField("fieldB", "B");
     BinaryObject binaryObj =;
    For the cases when class definition is present in the class path, it is also possible to populate a standard POJO and then convert it to binary format, like so:
     MyObject obj = new MyObject();
     BinaryObject binaryObj = Ignition.ignite().binary().toBinary(obj);

    Binary Type Metadata

    Even though Ignite binary protocol only works with hash codes for type and field names to achieve better performance, Ignite provides metadata for all binary types which can be queried ar runtime via any of the IgniteBinary.type(Class) methods. Having metadata also allows for proper formatting of BinaryObject.toString() method, even when binary objects are kept in binary format only, which may be necessary for audit reasons.