Interface IgniteSnapshot

  • public interface IgniteSnapshot
    This interface provides functionality for creating cluster-wide cache data snapshots.

    Current limitations:

    • Snapshot will trigger PME (partition map exchange) to run itself.
    • Snapshot will be taken from all registered persistence caches to grantee data consistency between them.
    • Snapshot must be resorted manually on the switched off cluster by copying data to the working directory on each cluster node.
    • Concurrent updates from IgniteDataStreamer with default IgniteDataStreamer.allowOverwrite() setting (false) into a persistent cache can cause that cache data stored inconsistent.
    You can create cache dump, also. Cache dump is consistent files consist of entry by entry cache content. This type of snapshots supports in-memory caches.
    • Method Detail

      • createSnapshot

        IgniteFuture<Void> createSnapshot​(String name)
        Create a consistent copy of all persistence cache groups from the whole cluster.
        name - Snapshot unique name which satisfies the following name pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_].
        Future which will be completed when the process ends.
      • createIncrementalSnapshot

        IgniteFuture<Void> createIncrementalSnapshot​(String snapshotName)
        Create an incremental snapshot for an existing snapshot.
        snapshotName - Snapshot name.
        Future which will be completed when the process ends.
      • cancelSnapshot

        IgniteFuture<Void> cancelSnapshot​(String name)
        Cancel running snapshot operation. All intermediate results of cancelled snapshot operation will be deleted. If snapshot already created this command will have no effect.
        name - Snapshot name to cancel.
        Future which will be completed when cancel operation finished.
      • createDump

        IgniteFuture<Void> createDump​(String name,
                                      @Nullable Collection<String> cacheGroupNames)
        Creates cache groups dump. Dump is consistent entry by entry backup of cache group content. In-memory cache groups also supported.
        name - Dump name.
        cacheGroupNames - Cache groups to include in snapshot or null to include all.
        Future which will be completed when dump ends.
      • restoreSnapshot

        IgniteFuture<Void> restoreSnapshot​(String name,
                                           @Nullable Collection<String> cacheGroupNames)
        Restore cache group(s) from the snapshot.

        NOTE: Cache groups to be restored from the snapshot must not present in the cluster, if they present, they must be destroyed by the user (eg with IgniteCache.destroy()) before starting this operation.

        name - Snapshot name.
        cacheGroupNames - Cache groups to be restored or null to restore all cache groups from the snapshot.
        Future which will be completed when restore operation finished.
      • restoreSnapshot

        IgniteFuture<Void> restoreSnapshot​(String name,
                                           @Nullable Collection<String> cacheGroupNames,
                                           int incIdx)
        Restore cache group(s) from the snapshot and its increments. Snapshot is restored first and after that all increments are restored sequentially from the 1 to the specified incIdx.

        NOTE: Cache groups to be restored from the snapshot must not present in the cluster, if they present, they must be destroyed by the user (eg with IgniteCache.destroy()) before starting this operation.

        name - Snapshot name.
        cacheGroupNames - Cache groups to be restored or null to restore all cache groups from the snapshot.
        incIdx - Index of incremental snapshot.
        Future which will be completed when restore operation finished.
      • cancelSnapshotRestore

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> cancelSnapshotRestore​(String name)
        Cancel snapshot restore operation.
        name - Snapshot name.
        Future that will be finished when the process is complete on all nodes. The result of this future will be false if the restore process with the specified snapshot name is not running at all.