Interface IgniteSet<T>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable, Collection<T>, Iterable<T>, Set<T>

    public interface IgniteSet<T>
    extends Set<T>, Closeable
    Set implementation based on on In-Memory Data Grid.


    Cache set implements Set interface and provides all methods from collections. Note that all Collection methods in the set may throw IgniteException in case of failure or if set was removed.

    Collocated vs Non-collocated

    Set items can be placed on one node or distributed throughout grid nodes (governed by collocated parameter). Non-collocated mode is provided only for partitioned caches. If collocated parameter is true, then all set items will be collocated on one node, otherwise items will be distributed through all grid nodes.
    See Also:
    Ignite.set(String, org.apache.ignite.configuration.CollectionConfiguration)