Interface CacheStoreSession

  • public interface CacheStoreSession
    Session for the cache store operations. The main purpose of cache store session is to hold context between multiple store invocations whenever in transaction. For example, if using JDBC, you can store the ongoing database connection in the session properties() map. You can then commit this connection in the CacheStore.sessionEnd(boolean) method.

    CacheStoreSession can be injected into an implementation of CacheStore with @CacheStoreSessionResource annotation.

    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T attach​(@Nullable Object attachment)
      Attaches the given object to this session.
      <T> T attachment()
      Retrieves the current attachment or null if there is no attachment.
      String cacheName()
      Cache name for the current store operation.
      boolean isWithinTransaction()
      Returns true if performing store operation within a transaction, false otherwise.
      Gets current session properties.
      Transaction transaction()
      Gets transaction spanning multiple store operations, or null if there is no transaction.
    • Method Detail

      • transaction

        Transaction transaction()
        Gets transaction spanning multiple store operations, or null if there is no transaction.
        Transaction belonging to current session.
      • isWithinTransaction

        boolean isWithinTransaction()
        Returns true if performing store operation within a transaction, false otherwise. Analogous to calling transaction() != null.
        True if performing store operation within a transaction, false otherwise.
      • attach

        <T> T attach​(@Nullable
                     @Nullable Object attachment)
        Attaches the given object to this session.

        An attached object may later be retrieved via the attachment() method. Invoking this method causes any previous attachment to be discarded. To attach additional objects use properties() map.

        The current attachment may be discarded by attaching null.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the previously attached object.
        attachment - The object to be attached (or null to discard current attachment).
        Previously attached object, if any.
      • attachment

        <T> T attachment()
        Retrieves the current attachment or null if there is no attachment.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the attached object.
        Currently attached object, if any.
      • properties

        <K,​V> Map<K,​V> properties()
        Gets current session properties. You can add properties directly to the returned map.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of keys in the properties map.
        V - Type of mapped values in the properties map.
        Current session properties.
      • cacheName

        String cacheName()
        Cache name for the current store operation. Note that if the same store is reused between different caches, then the cache name will change between different store operations.
        Cache name for the current store operation.