Class Ignition

  • public class Ignition
    extends Object
    This class defines a factory for the main Ignite API. It controls Grid life cycle and allows listening for grid events.

    Grid Loaders

    Although user can apply grid factory directly to start and stop grid, grid is often started and stopped by grid loaders. Grid loaders can be found in org.apache.ignite.startup package, for example:


    Use start() method to start grid with default configuration. You can also use IgniteConfiguration to override some default configuration. Below is an example on how to start grid with custom configuration for URI deployment.
     IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
     GridUriDeployment deploySpi = new GridUriDeployment();
    Here is how a grid instance can be configured from Spring XML configuration file. The example below configures a grid instance with additional user attributes (see ClusterNode.attributes()) and specifies a Ignite instance name:
     <bean id="grid.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">
         <property name="igniteInstanceName" value="grid"/>
         <property name="userAttributes">
                 <entry key="group" value="worker"/>
    A grid instance with Spring configuration above can be started as following. Note that you do not need to pass path to Spring XML file if you are using IGNITE_HOME/config/default-config.xml. Also note, that the path can be absolute or relative to IGNITE_HOME.
    You can also instantiate grid directly from Spring without using Ignition. For more information refer to IgniteSpringBean documentation.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int RESTART_EXIT_CODE
        This is restart code that can be used by external tools, like Shell scripts, to auto-restart the Ignite JVM process. Note that there is no standard way for a JVM to restart itself from Java application and therefore we rely on external tools to provide that capability.

        Note that standard ignite.{sh|bat} scripts support restarting when JVM process exits with this code.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int KILL_EXIT_CODE
        This is kill code that can be used by external tools, like Shell scripts, to auto-stop the Ignite JVM process without restarting.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Ignition

        protected Ignition()
        Enforces singleton.
    • Method Detail

      • state

        public static IgniteState state()
        Gets state of grid default grid.
        Default grid state.
      • state

        public static IgniteState state​(@Nullable
                                        @Nullable String name)
        Gets states of named Ignite instance. If name is null, then state of default no-name Ignite instance is returned.
        name - Ignite instance name. If name is null, then state of default no-name Ignite instance is returned.
        Ignite instance state.
      • stop

        public static boolean stop​(boolean cancel)
        Stops default grid. This method is identical to G.stop(null, cancel) apply. Note that method does not wait for all tasks to be completed.
        cancel - If true then all jobs currently executing on default grid will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancel() method. Note that just like with Thread.interrupt(), it is up to the actual job to exit from execution
        true if default grid instance was indeed stopped, false otherwise (if it was not started).
      • stop

        public static boolean stop​(String name,
                                   boolean cancel)
        Stops named Ignite instance. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on local node will be interrupted. If Ignite instance name is null, then default no-name Ignite instance will be stopped. If wait parameter is set to true then Ignite instance will wait for all tasks to be finished.
        name - Ignite instance name. If null, then default no-name Ignite instance will be stopped.
        cancel - If true then all jobs currently will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancel() method. Note that just like with Thread.interrupt(), it is up to the actual job to exit from execution. If false, then jobs currently running will not be canceled. In either case, grid node will wait for completion of all jobs running on it before stopping.
        true if named Ignite instance was indeed found and stopped, false otherwise (the instance with given name was not found).
      • stopAll

        public static void stopAll​(boolean cancel)
        Stops all started grids in current JVM. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on local node will be interrupted. If wait parameter is set to true then grid will wait for all tasks to be finished.

        Note: it is usually safer and more appropriate to stop grid instances individually instead of blanket operation. In most cases, the party that started the grid instance should be responsible for stopping it.

        cancel - If true then all jobs currently executing on all grids will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancel() method. Note that just like with Thread.interrupt(), it is up to the actual job to exit from execution
      • restart

        public static void restart​(boolean cancel)
        Restarts all started grids. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on the local node will be interrupted. If wait parameter is set to true then grid will wait for all tasks to be finished.

        Note: it is usually safer and more appropriate to stop grid instances individually instead of blanket operation. In most cases, the party that started the grid instance should be responsible for stopping it.

        Note also that restarting functionality only works with the tools that specifically support Ignite's protocol for restarting. Currently only standard ignite.{sh|bat} scripts support restarting of JVM Ignite's process.

        cancel - If true then all jobs currently executing on all grids will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancel() method. Note that just like with Thread.interrupt(), it is up to the actual job to exit from execution.
        See Also:
      • kill

        public static void kill​(boolean cancel)
        Stops all started grids. If cancel flag is set to true then all jobs currently executing on the local node will be interrupted. If wait parameter is set to true then grid will wait for all tasks to be finished.

        Note: it is usually safer and more appropriate to stop grid instances individually instead of blanket operation. In most cases, the party that started the grid instance should be responsible for stopping it.

        Note that upon completion of this method, the JVM with forcefully exist with exit code KILL_EXIT_CODE.

        cancel - If true then all jobs currently executing on all grids will be cancelled by calling ComputeJob.cancel() method. Note that just like with Thread.interrupt(), it is up to the actual job to exit from execution.
        See Also:
      • start

        public static Ignite start()
                            throws IgniteException
        Starts grid with default configuration. By default this method will use grid configuration defined in IGNITE_HOME/config/default-config.xml configuration file. If such file is not found, then all system defaults will be used.
        Started grid.
        IgniteException - If default grid could not be started. This exception will be thrown also if default grid has already been started.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(IgniteConfiguration cfg)
                            throws IgniteException
        Starts grid with given configuration. Note that this method will throw an exception if grid with the name provided in given configuration is already started.
        cfg - Grid configuration. This cannot be null.
        Started grid.
        IgniteException - If grid could not be started. This exception will be thrown also if named grid has already been started.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(String springCfgPath)
                            throws IgniteException
        Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file. If grid with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too.

        Usually Spring XML configuration file will contain only one Grid definition. Note that Grid configuration bean(s) is retrieved form configuration file by type, so the name of the Grid configuration bean is ignored.

        springCfgPath - Spring XML configuration file path or URL.
        Started grid. If Spring configuration contains multiple grid instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
        IgniteException - If grid could not be started or configuration read. This exception will be thrown also if grid with given name has already been started or Spring XML configuration file is invalid.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(URL springCfgUrl)
                            throws IgniteException
        Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file URL. If grid with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too.

        Usually Spring XML configuration file will contain only one Grid definition. Note that Grid configuration bean(s) is retrieved form configuration file by type, so the name of the Grid configuration bean is ignored.

        springCfgUrl - Spring XML configuration file URL. This cannot be null.
        Started grid. If Spring configuration contains multiple grid instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
        IgniteException - If grid could not be started or configuration read. This exception will be thrown also if grid with given name has already been started or Spring XML configuration file is invalid.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(InputStream springCfgStream)
                            throws IgniteException
        Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration input stream. If grid with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too.

        Usually Spring XML configuration input stream will contain only one Grid definition. Note that Grid configuration bean(s) is retrieved form configuration input stream by type, so the name of the Grid configuration bean is ignored.

        springCfgStream - Input stream containing Spring XML configuration. This cannot be null.
        Started grid. If Spring configuration contains multiple grid instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
        IgniteException - If grid could not be started or configuration read. This exception will be thrown also if grid with given name has already been started or Spring XML configuration file is invalid.
      • getOrStart

        public static Ignite getOrStart​(IgniteConfiguration cfg)
                                 throws IgniteException
        Gets or starts new grid instance if it hasn't been started yet.
        cfg - Grid configuration. This cannot be null.
        Grid instance.
        IgniteException - If grid could not be started.
      • loadSpringBean

        public static <T> T loadSpringBean​(String springXmlPath,
                                           String beanName)
                                    throws IgniteException
        Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file. If bean with such name doesn't exist, exception is thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the loaded bean.
        springXmlPath - Spring XML configuration file path (cannot be null).
        beanName - Bean name (cannot be null).
        Loaded bean instance.
        IgniteException - If bean with provided name was not found or in case any other error.
      • loadSpringBean

        public static <T> T loadSpringBean​(URL springXmlUrl,
                                           String beanName)
                                    throws IgniteException
        Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file. If bean with such name doesn't exist, exception is thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the loaded bean.
        springXmlUrl - Spring XML configuration file URL (cannot be null).
        beanName - Bean name (cannot be null).
        Loaded bean instance.
        IgniteException - If bean with provided name was not found or in case any other error.
      • loadSpringBean

        public static <T> T loadSpringBean​(InputStream springXmlStream,
                                           String beanName)
                                    throws IgniteException
        Loads Spring bean by its name from given Spring XML configuration file. If bean with such name doesn't exist, exception is thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the loaded bean.
        springXmlStream - Input stream containing Spring XML configuration (cannot be null).
        beanName - Bean name (cannot be null).
        Loaded bean instance.
        IgniteException - If bean with provided name was not found or in case any other error.
      • ignite

        public static Ignite ignite()
                             throws IgniteIllegalStateException
        Gets an instance of default no-name grid. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time.
        An instance of default no-name grid. This method never returns null.
        IgniteIllegalStateException - Thrown if default grid was not properly initialized or grid instance was stopped or was not started.
      • allGrids

        public static List<Ignite> allGrids()
        Gets a list of all grids started so far.
        List of all grids started so far.
      • ignite

        public static Ignite ignite​(UUID locNodeId)
                             throws IgniteIllegalStateException
        Gets a grid instance for given local node ID. Note that grid instance and local node have one-to-one relationship where node has ID and instance has name of the grid to which both grid instance and its node belong. Note also that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time.
        locNodeId - ID of local node the requested grid instance is managing.
        An instance of named grid. This method never returns null.
        IgniteIllegalStateException - Thrown if grid was not properly initialized or grid instance was stopped or was not started.
      • ignite

        public static Ignite ignite​(@Nullable
                                    @Nullable String name)
                             throws IgniteIllegalStateException
        Gets a named Ignite instance. If Ignite instance name is null or empty string, then default no-name Ignite instance will be returned. Note that caller of this method should not assume that it will return the same instance every time.

        The name allows having multiple Ignite instances with different names within the same Java VM.

        name - Ignite instance name. If null, then a default no-name Ignite instance will be returned.
        A named Ignite instance. This method never returns null.
        IgniteIllegalStateException - Thrown if default Ignite instance was not properly initialized or Ignite instance was stopped or was not started.
      • addListener

        public static void addListener​(IgnitionListener lsnr)
        Adds a lsnr for grid life cycle events.

        Note that unlike other listeners in Ignite this listener will be notified from the same thread that triggers the state change. Because of that it is the responsibility of the user to make sure that listener logic is light-weight and properly handles (catches) any runtime exceptions, if any are expected.

        lsnr - Listener for grid life cycle events. If this listener was already added this method is no-op.
      • removeListener

        public static boolean removeListener​(IgnitionListener lsnr)
        Removes lsnr added by addListener(IgnitionListener) method.
        lsnr - Listener to remove.
        true if lsnr was added before, false otherwise.