Interface MaintenanceAction<T>

  • public interface MaintenanceAction<T>
    Maintenance action interface enables user to execute operations related to a particular MaintenanceTask. These operations may resolve maintenance situation (e.g. remove corrupted data files), get information about other ongoing maintenance action (e.g. if some action requires a lot of time and user wants to know current progress of the action) or cancel other ongoing action. List of maintenance actions available for each task is defined by MaintenanceWorkflowCallback. MaintenanceRegistry provides an access to maintenance actions for a MaintenanceTask with call MaintenanceRegistry.actionsForMaintenanceTask(String)
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        T execute()
        Executes operations of current maintenance action.
        Result of the maintenance action.
      • name

        @NotNull String name()
        Mandatory human-readable name of maintenance action. All actions of single MaintenanceWorkflowCallback should have unique names.
      • description

        @Nullable String description()
        Optional user-readable description of maintenance action.