Class ServiceDeploymentException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceDeploymentException

        public ServiceDeploymentException​(String msg,
                                          Collection<ServiceConfiguration> cfgs)
        Creates service deployment exception with error message.
        msg - Error message.
        cfgs - Configurations of services that failed to deploy.
      • ServiceDeploymentException

        public ServiceDeploymentException​(Throwable cause,
                                          Collection<ServiceConfiguration> cfgs)
        Creates service deployment exception with Throwable as a cause.
        cause - Cause.
        cfgs - Configurations of services that failed to deploy.
      • ServiceDeploymentException

        public ServiceDeploymentException​(String msg,
                                          @Nullable Throwable cause,
                                          Collection<ServiceConfiguration> cfgs)
        Creates service deployment exception with error message and Throwable as a cause.
        msg - Error message.
        cause - Cause.
        cfgs - Configurations of services that failed to deploy.
    • Method Detail

      • getFailedConfigurations

        public Collection<ServiceConfiguration> getFailedConfigurations()
        Configurations of services that failed to deploy.