Class NoopEventStorageSpi

    • Constructor Detail

      • NoopEventStorageSpi

        public NoopEventStorageSpi()
    • Method Detail

      • localEvents

        public <T extends EventCollection<T> localEvents​(IgnitePredicate<T> p)
        Queries locally-stored events only. Events could be filtered out by given predicate filter.
        Specified by:
        localEvents in interface EventStorageSpi
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of events.
        p - Event predicate filter.
        Collection of events.
      • spiStart

        public void spiStart​(@Nullable
                             @Nullable String gridName)
                      throws IgniteSpiException
        This method is called to start SPI. After this method returns successfully kernel assumes that SPI is fully operational.
        Specified by:
        spiStart in interface IgniteSpi
        gridName - Name of Ignite instance this SPI is being started for (null for default Ignite instance).
        IgniteSpiException - Throws in case of any error during SPI start.
      • spiStop

        public void spiStop()
                     throws IgniteSpiException
        This method is called to stop SPI. After this method returns kernel assumes that this SPI is finished and all resources acquired by it are released.

        Note that this method can be called at any point including during recovery of failed start. It should make no assumptions on what state SPI will be in when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        spiStop in interface IgniteSpi
        IgniteSpiException - Thrown in case of any error during SPI stop.