Interface IgniteAtomicStamped<T,​S>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface IgniteAtomicStamped<T,​S>
    extends Closeable
    This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic stamped value.


    Distributed atomic stamped includes the following main functionality:
    • Method get() gets both value and stamp of atomic.
    • Method value() gets current value of atomic.
    • Method stamp() gets current stamp of atomic.
    • Method set(Object, Object) unconditionally sets the value and the stamp in the atomic.
    • Methods compareAndSet(...) conditionally set the value and the stamp in the atomic.
    • Method name() gets name of atomic stamped.

    Creating Distributed Atomic Stamped

    Instance of distributed atomic stamped can be created by calling the following method:
    See Also:
    Ignite.atomicStamped(String, Object, Object, boolean)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Removes this atomic stamped.
      boolean compareAndSet​(T expVal, T newVal, S expStamp, S newStamp)
      Conditionally sets the new value and new stamp.
      IgniteBiTuple<T,​S> get()
      Gets both current value and current stamp of atomic stamped.
      String name()
      Name of atomic stamped.
      boolean removed()
      Gets status of atomic.
      void set​(T val, S stamp)
      Unconditionally sets the value and the stamp.
      S stamp()
      Gets current stamp.
      T value()
      Gets current value.
    • Method Detail

      • name

        String name()
        Name of atomic stamped.
        Name of atomic stamped.
      • get

        IgniteBiTuple<T,​S> get()
                              throws IgniteException
        Gets both current value and current stamp of atomic stamped.
        both current value and current stamp of atomic stamped.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • set

        void set​(T val,
                 S stamp)
          throws IgniteException
        Unconditionally sets the value and the stamp.
        val - Value.
        stamp - Stamp.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • compareAndSet

        boolean compareAndSet​(T expVal,
                              T newVal,
                              S expStamp,
                              S newStamp)
                       throws IgniteException
        Conditionally sets the new value and new stamp. They will be set if expVal and expStamp are equal to current value and current stamp respectively.
        expVal - Expected value.
        newVal - New value.
        expStamp - Expected stamp.
        newStamp - New stamp.
        Result of operation execution. If true than value and stamp will be updated.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • removed

        boolean removed()
        Gets status of atomic.
        true if atomic stamped was removed from cache, false otherwise.