Interface TransactionsMXBean

  • @MXBeanDescription("MBean that provides access to Ignite transactions.")
    public interface TransactionsMXBean
    Transactions MXBean interface.
    • Method Detail

      • getTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed

        @MXBeanDescription("Shows if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction  is found. If allowed, the compute request to near node will be made to get thread dump of transaction owner thread.")
        boolean getTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed()
        Shows if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction is found. If allowed, the compute request to near node will be made to get thread dump of transaction owner thread.
        true if allowed, false otherwise.
      • setTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed

        @MXBeanDescription("Shows if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction  is found. If allowed, the compute request to near node will be made to get thread dump of transaction owner thread.")
        void setTxOwnerDumpRequestsAllowed​(@MXBeanParameter(name="allowed",description="Whether to allow.")
                                           boolean allowed)
        Sets if dump requests from local node to near node are allowed, when long running transaction is found. If allowed, the compute request to near node will be made to get thread dump of transaction owner thread.
        allowed - whether to allow
      • getLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold

        @MXBeanDescription("Returns threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.)and user time (time when client node runs some code while holding transaction). Returns 0 if not set. No transactions are dumped in log if this parameter is not set.")
        long getLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold()
        Returns threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.) and user time (time when client node runs some code while holding transaction). Returns 0 if not set. No transactions are dumped in log if this parameter is not set.
      • setLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold

        @MXBeanDescription("Sets threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.) and user time (time when client node runs some code while holding transaction). Can be set to 0 - no transactions will be dumped in log in this case.")
        void setLongTransactionTimeDumpThreshold​(@MXBeanParameter(name="threshold",description="Threshold timeout.")
                                                 long threshold)
        Sets threshold timeout in milliseconds for long transactions, if transaction exceeds it, it will be dumped in log with information about how much time did it spent in system time (time while aquiring locks, preparing, commiting, etc.) and user time (time when client node runs some code while holding transaction). Can be set to 0 - no transactions will be dumped in log in this case.
        threshold - Threshold.
      • getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient

        @MXBeanDescription("Returns the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.")
        double getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient()
        Returns the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.
        Coefficient current value.
      • setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient

        @MXBeanDescription("Sets the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.")
        void setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient​(@MXBeanParameter(name="coefficient",description="Samples coefficient.")
                                                      double coefficient)
        Sets the coefficient for samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log.
        coefficient - Coefficient.
      • getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit

        @MXBeanDescription("Returns the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, if {@link #getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient} is above <code>0.0</code>. Must be integer value greater than <code>0</code>.")
        int getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit()
        Returns the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, if getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient() is above 0.0. Must be integer value greater than 0.
        Limit value.
      • setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit

        @MXBeanDescription("Sets the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, if {@link #getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient} is above <code>0.0</code>. Must be integer value greater than <code>0</code>.")
        void setTransactionTimeDumpSamplesPerSecondLimit​(@MXBeanParameter(name="limit",description="Samples per second limit.")
                                                         int limit)
        Sets the limit of samples of completed transactions that will be dumped in log per second, if getTransactionTimeDumpSamplesCoefficient() is above 0.0. Must be integer value greater than 0.
        limit - Limit value.
      • setLongOperationsDumpTimeout

        @MXBeanDescription("Setting a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time. Set less than or equal {@code 0} to disable.")
        void setLongOperationsDumpTimeout​(@MXBeanParameter(name="timeout",description="Long operations dump timeout.")
                                          long timeout)
        Setting a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time. Set less than or equal 0 to disable.
        timeout - Timeout.
      • getLongOperationsDumpTimeout

        @MXBeanDescription("Returns a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time. Returns {@code 0} or less if not set.")
        long getLongOperationsDumpTimeout()
        Returns a timeout (in millis) for printing long-running transactions as well as transactions that cannot receive locks for all their keys for a long time. Returns 0 or less if not set.
      • setTxKeyCollisionsInterval

        @MXBeanDescription("Timeout interval (in millis) for printing tx key contention queue size info. Each transaction besides OPTIMISTIC SERIALIZABLE capture locks on all enlisted keys, for some reasons per key lock queue may rise. This property sets the interval during which keys and appropriate queue size statistics has been collected.")
        void setTxKeyCollisionsInterval​(int timeout)
        Set timeout interval for tx key contention analysis.
        timeout - Interval in millis.
      • getTxKeyCollisionsInterval

        @MXBeanDescription("Returns a timeout (in millis) for printing tx key contention queue size info. Each transaction besides OPTIMISTIC SERIALIZABLE capture locks on all enlisted keys, for some reasons per key lock queue may rise. Returns the interval during which keys and appropriate queue size statistics has been collected.")
        int getTxKeyCollisionsInterval()
        Current interval in millis.