Class IgniteSpring

  • public class IgniteSpring
    extends Object
    Factory methods to start Ignite with optional Spring application context, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @SpringApplicationContextResource annotation.

    You can also instantiate grid directly from Spring without using Ignite. For more information refer to IgniteSpringBean documentation.

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • IgniteSpring

        public IgniteSpring()
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public static Ignite start​(@Nullable
                                   @Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
                            throws IgniteCheckedException
        Starts grid with default configuration. By default this method will use grid configuration defined in IGNITE_HOME/config/default-config.xml configuration file. If such file is not found, then all system defaults will be used.
        springCtx - Optional Spring application context, possibly null. Spring bean definitions for bean injection are taken from this context. If provided, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @SpringApplicationContextResource annotation.
        Started grid.
        IgniteCheckedException - If default grid could not be started. This exception will be thrown also if default grid has already been started.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(IgniteConfiguration cfg,
                                   @Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
                            throws IgniteCheckedException
        Starts grid with given configuration.
        cfg - Grid configuration. This cannot be null.
        springCtx - Optional Spring application context, possibly null. Spring bean definitions for bean injection are taken from this context. If provided, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @SpringApplicationContextResource annotation.
        Started grid.
        IgniteCheckedException - If grid could not be started. This exception will be thrown also if named grid has already been started.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(String springCfgPath,
                                   @Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
                            throws IgniteCheckedException
        Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file. If grid with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too.

        Usually Spring XML configuration file will contain only one Grid definition. Note that Grid configuration bean(s) is retrieved form configuration file by type, so the name of the Grid configuration bean is ignored.

        springCfgPath - Spring XML configuration file path or URL. This cannot be null.
        springCtx - Optional Spring application context, possibly null. Spring bean definitions for bean injection are taken from this context. If provided, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @SpringApplicationContextResource annotation.
        Started grid. If Spring configuration contains multiple grid instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
        IgniteCheckedException - If grid could not be started or configuration read. This exception will be thrown also if grid with given name has already been started or Spring XML configuration file is invalid.
      • start

        public static Ignite start​(URL springCfgUrl,
                                   @Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext springCtx)
                            throws IgniteCheckedException
        Starts all grids specified within given Spring XML configuration file URL. If grid with given name is already started, then exception is thrown. In this case all instances that may have been started so far will be stopped too.

        Usually Spring XML configuration file will contain only one Grid definition. Note that Grid configuration bean(s) is retrieved form configuration file by type, so the name of the Grid configuration bean is ignored.

        springCfgUrl - Spring XML configuration file URL. This cannot be null.
        springCtx - Optional Spring application context, possibly null. Spring bean definitions for bean injection are taken from this context. If provided, this context can be injected into grid tasks and grid jobs using @GridSpringApplicationContextResource annotation.
        Started grid. If Spring configuration contains multiple grid instances, then the 1st found instance is returned.
        IgniteCheckedException - If grid could not be started or configuration read. This exception will be thrown also if grid with given name has already been started or Spring XML configuration file is invalid.