Interface ClientServices

  • public interface ClientServices
    Thin client services facade.
    • Method Detail

      • clusterGroup

        ClientClusterGroup clusterGroup()
        Gets the cluster group to which this ClientServices instance belongs.
        Cluster group to which this ClientServices instance belongs.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf)
        Gets a remote handle on the service.

        Note: There are no guarantees that each method invocation for the same proxy will always contact the same remote service (on the same remote node).

        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        Proxy over remote service.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           long timeout)
        Gets a remote handle on the service with timeout.

        Note: There are no guarantees that each method invocation for the same proxy will always contact the same remote service (on the same remote node).

        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        timeout - If greater than 0 created proxy will wait for service availability only specified time, and will limit remote service invocation time.
        Proxy over remote service.
      • serviceDescriptors

        Collection<ClientServiceDescriptor> serviceDescriptors()
        Gets metadata about all deployed services in the grid.
        Metadata about all deployed services in the grid.
      • serviceDescriptor

        ClientServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor​(String name)
        Gets metadata about deployed services in the grid.
        name - Service name.
        Metadata about all deployed services in the grid.
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           ServiceCallContext callCtx)
        Gets a remote handle on the service with the specified caller context.

        Note: There are no guarantees that each method invocation for the same proxy will always contact the same remote service (on the same remote node).

        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        callCtx - Service call context.
        Proxy over remote service.
        See Also:
      • serviceProxy

        <T> T serviceProxy​(String name,
                           Class<? super T> svcItf,
                           ServiceCallContext callCtx,
                           long timeout)
        Gets a remote handle on the service with the specified caller context and timeout.

        Note: There are no guarantees that each method invocation for the same proxy will always contact the same remote service (on the same remote node).

        Type Parameters:
        T - Service type.
        name - Service name.
        svcItf - Interface for the service.
        callCtx - Service call context.
        timeout - If greater than 0 created proxy will wait for service availability only specified time, and will limit remote service invocation time.
        Proxy over remote service.
        See Also: