Class ThinClientKubernetesAddressFinder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ThinClientKubernetesAddressFinder
    extends Object
    implements ClientAddressFinder
    Address finder for automatic lookup of Ignite server nodes running in Kubernetes environment. All Ignite nodes have to be deployed as Kubernetes pods in order to be found. Applications and Ignite nodes running outside of Kubernetes will not be able to reach the containerized counterparts.

    The implementation is based on a distinct Kubernetes service. The name of the service must be set with KubernetesConnectionConfiguration. As for Ignite pods, it's recommended to label them in such a way that the service will target only server nodes.

    The address finder, in its turn, will call this service to retrieve Ignite pods IP addresses. The port is set with value passed to constructor. Make sure that all Ignite pods occupy a similar ClientConnector port, otherwise they will not be able to connect each other using this address finder.