Interface CacheEntryVersion

    • Method Detail

      • order

        long order()
        Order of the update. Value is an incremental counter value. Scope of counter is node.
        Version order.
      • nodeOrder

        int nodeOrder()
        Node order on which this version was assigned.
      • clusterId

        byte clusterId()
        Cluster id is a value to distinguish updates in case user wants to aggregate and sort updates from several Ignite clusters. clusterId id can be set for the node using GridCacheVersionManager.dataCenterId(byte).
        Cluster id.
      • topologyVersion

        int topologyVersion()
        Topology version plus number of seconds from the start time of the first grid node.
      • otherClusterVersion

        CacheEntryVersion otherClusterVersion()
        If source of the update is "local" cluster then null will be returned. If updated comes from the other cluster using IgniteInternalCache.putAllConflict(Map) then entry version for other cluster.
        Replication version.
        See Also:
        IgniteInternalCache.putAllConflict(Map), IgniteInternalCache.removeAllConflict(Map)