Interface IgniteAtomicSequence

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface IgniteAtomicSequence
    extends Closeable
    This interface provides a rich API for working with distributed atomic sequence.


    Distributed atomic sequence includes the following main functionality:
    • Method get() gets current value from atomic sequence.
    • Various get..(..) methods get current value from atomic sequence and increase atomic sequences value.
    • Various add..(..) increment(..) methods increase atomic sequences value and return increased value.
    • Method batchSize(int size) sets batch size of current atomic sequence.
    • Method batchSize() gets current batch size of atomic sequence.
    • Method name() gets name of atomic sequence.

    Creating Distributed Atomic Sequence

    Instance of distributed atomic sequence can be created by calling the following method:
    See Also:
    Ignite.atomicSequence(String, long, boolean)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long addAndGet​(long l)
      Adds l elements to atomic sequence and gets value of atomic sequence.
      int batchSize()
      Gets local batch size for this atomic sequence.
      void batchSize​(int size)
      Sets local batch size for atomic sequence.
      void close()
      Removes this atomic sequence.
      long get()
      Gets current value of atomic sequence.
      long getAndAdd​(long l)
      Gets current value of atomic sequence and adds l elements.
      long getAndIncrement()
      Gets and increments current value of atomic sequence.
      long incrementAndGet()
      Increments and returns the value of atomic sequence.
      String name()
      Name of atomic sequence.
      boolean removed()
      Gets status of atomic sequence.
    • Method Detail

      • name

        String name()
        Name of atomic sequence.
        Name of atomic sequence.
      • get

        long get()
          throws IgniteException
        Gets current value of atomic sequence.
        Value of atomic sequence.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • incrementAndGet

        long incrementAndGet()
                      throws IgniteException
        Increments and returns the value of atomic sequence.
        Value of atomic sequence after increment.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • getAndIncrement

        long getAndIncrement()
                      throws IgniteException
        Gets and increments current value of atomic sequence.
        Value of atomic sequence before increment.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • addAndGet

        long addAndGet​(long l)
                throws IgniteException
        Adds l elements to atomic sequence and gets value of atomic sequence.
        l - Number of added elements.
        Value of atomic sequence.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • getAndAdd

        long getAndAdd​(long l)
                throws IgniteException
        Gets current value of atomic sequence and adds l elements.
        l - Number of added elements.
        Value of atomic sequence.
        IgniteException - If operation failed.
      • batchSize

        int batchSize()
        Gets local batch size for this atomic sequence.
        Sequence batch size.
      • batchSize

        void batchSize​(int size)
        Sets local batch size for atomic sequence.
        size - Sequence batch size. Must be more then 0.
      • removed

        boolean removed()
        Gets status of atomic sequence.
        true if atomic sequence was removed from cache, false otherwise.