Interface ClientCluster

    • Method Detail

      • state

        ClusterState state()
        Gets current cluster state.
        Current cluster state.
      • state

        void state​(ClusterState newState)
            throws ClientException
        Changes current cluster state to given newState cluster state.

        NOTE: Deactivation clears in-memory caches (without persistence) including the system caches.

        newState - New cluster state.
        ClientException - If change state operation failed.
      • disableWal

        boolean disableWal​(String cacheName)
                    throws ClientException
        Disables write-ahead logging for specified cache. When WAL is disabled, changes are not logged to disk. This significantly improves cache update speed. The drawback is absence of local crash-recovery guarantees. If node is crashed, local content of WAL-disabled cache will be cleared on restart to avoid data corruption.

        Internally this method will wait for all current cache operations to finish and prevent new cache operations from being executed. Then checkpoint is initiated to flush all data to disk. Control is returned to the callee when all dirty pages are prepared for checkpoint, but not necessarily flushed to disk.

        WAL state can be changed only for persistent caches.

        cacheName - Cache name.
        Whether WAL disabled by this call.
        ClientException - If error occurs.
        See Also:
        enableWal(String), isWalEnabled(String)
      • enableWal

        boolean enableWal​(String cacheName)
                   throws ClientException
        Enables write-ahead logging for specified cache. Restoring crash-recovery guarantees of a previous call to disableWal(String).

        Internally this method will wait for all current cache operations to finish and prevent new cache operations from being executed. Then checkpoint is initiated to flush all data to disk. Control is returned to the callee when all data is persisted to disk.

        WAL state can be changed only for persistent caches.

        cacheName - Cache name.
        Whether WAL enabled by this call.
        ClientException - If error occurs.
        See Also:
        disableWal(String), isWalEnabled(String)
      • isWalEnabled

        boolean isWalEnabled​(String cacheName)
        Checks if write-ahead logging is enabled for specified cache.
        cacheName - Cache name.
        True if WAL is enabled for cache.
        See Also:
        disableWal(String), enableWal(String)