Interface TracingConfigurationManager

  • public interface TracingConfigurationManager
    Allows to configure tracing, read the configuration and restore it to the defaults.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        default @NotNull TracingConfigurationParameters get​(@NotNull
                                                            @NotNull TracingConfigurationCoordinates coordinates)
                                                     throws IgniteException
        Get the most specific tracing parameters for the specified tracing coordinates (scope, label, etc.). The most specific means:
        • If there's tracing configuration that matches all tracing configuration attributes (scope and label) — it'll be returned.
        • If there's no tracing configuration with specified label, or label wasn't specified — scope specific tracing configuration will be returned.
        • If there's no tracing configuration with specified scope — default scope specific configuration will be returned.
        coordinates - TracingConfigurationCoordinates Specific set of locators like Scope and label that defines a subset of traces and/or spans that'll use given configuration.
        TracingConfigurationParameters instance.
        IgniteException - If failed to get tracing configuration.
      • getAll

        @NotNull Map<TracingConfigurationCoordinates,​TracingConfigurationParameters> getAll​(@Nullable
                                                                                                  @Nullable Scope scope)
                                                                                           throws IgniteException
        List all pairs of tracing configuration coordinates and tracing configuration parameters or list all pairs of tracing configuration and parameters for the specific scope.
        scope - Nullable scope of tracing configuration to be retrieved. If null - all configuration will be returned.
        The whole set of tracing configuration.
        IgniteException - If failed to get tracing configuration.
      • reset

        void reset​(@NotNull
                   @NotNull TracingConfigurationCoordinates coordinates)
            throws IgniteException
        Reset tracing configuration for the specific tracing coordinates (scope, label, etc.) to default values. Please pay attention, that there's no default values for label specific coordinates, so such kinds of configurations will be removed.
        coordinates - TracingConfigurationCoordinates specific set of locators like Scope and label that defines a subset of traces and/or spans that will be reset.
        IgniteException - If failed to reset tracing configuration.
      • resetAll

        void resetAll​(@Nullable
                      @Nullable Scope scope)
               throws IgniteException
        Reset tracing configuration for the specific scope, or all tracing configurations if scope not specified.
        scope - Scope that defines a set of applicable tracing configurations.
        IgniteException - If failed to reset tracing configuration.