Interface ServiceDescriptor

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ServiceDescriptor
    extends Serializable
    Service deployment descriptor. Contains all service deployment configuration, and also deployment topology snapshot as well as origin node ID.

    Service descriptors can be retrieved by calling IgniteServices.serviceDescriptors() method.

    • Method Detail

      • name

        String name()
        Gets service name.
        Service name.
      • serviceClass

        Class<? extends Service> serviceClass()
        Gets service class.
        Service class.
      • totalCount

        int totalCount()
        Gets maximum allowed total number of deployed services in the grid, 0 for unlimited.
        Maximum allowed total number of deployed services in the grid, 0 for unlimited.
      • maxPerNodeCount

        int maxPerNodeCount()
        Gets maximum allowed number of deployed services on each node, 0 for unlimited.
        Maximum allowed total number of deployed services on each node, 0 for unlimited.
      • cacheName

        @Nullable String cacheName()
        Gets cache name used for key-to-node affinity calculation. This parameter is optional and is set only when key-affinity service was deployed.
        Cache name, possibly null.
      • affinityKey

        <K> K affinityKey()
        Gets affinity key used for key-to-node affinity calculation. This parameter is optional and is set only when key-affinity service was deployed.
        Type Parameters:
        K - Affinity key type.
        Affinity key, possibly null.
      • originNodeId

        UUID originNodeId()
        Gets ID of grid node that initiated the service deployment.
        ID of grid node that initiated the service deployment.
      • topologySnapshot

        Map<UUID,​Integer> topologySnapshot()
        Gets service deployment topology snapshot. Service topology snapshot is represented by number of service instances deployed on a node mapped to node ID.
        Map of number of service instances per node ID.