Class ClientExceptionsUtils

  • public class ClientExceptionsUtils
    extends Object
    Utils to analyze client-related exceptions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientExceptionsUtils

        public ClientExceptionsUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • isClientNodeTopologyException

        public static boolean isClientNodeTopologyException​(Throwable t,
                                                            ClusterNode node)
        Returns true if the exception relates to cluster topology change that prevents a connection, AND the given node is client.
        t - The exception we analyze.
        node - Node to which we tried to send a message, but the send produced the given exception.
        true if the exception relates to cluster topology change that prevents a connection, AND the given node is client.
      • isAttemptToEstablishDirectConnectionWhenOnlyInverseIsAllowed

        public static boolean isAttemptToEstablishDirectConnectionWhenOnlyInverseIsAllowed​(Throwable t)
        Returns true if the exception that is provided is thrown because an attempt to open a direct connection was made while only inverse connections are allowed.
        t - Exception to inspect.
        true if the exception that is provided is thrown because an attempt to open a direct connection was made while only inverse connections are allowed.