Annotation Type ServiceResource

  • @Documented
    public @interface ServiceResource
    Annotates a field or a setter method for injection of Ignite service(s) by specified service name. If more than one service is deployed on a server, then the first available instance will be returned.

    Here is how injection would typically happen:

     public class MyGridJob implements ComputeJob {
          // Inject single instance of 'myService'. If there is
          // more than one, first deployed instance will be picked.
          @IgniteServiceResource(serviceName = "myService", proxyInterface = MyService.class)
          private MyService svc;
    or attach the same annotations to methods:
     public class MyGridJob implements ComputeJob {
         private MyService svc;
          // Inject all locally deployed instances of 'myService'.
         @IgniteServiceResource(serviceName = "myService")
         public void setMyService(MyService svc) {
              this.svc = svc;

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String serviceName
      Service name.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean forwardCallerContext
      Flag indicating that the service call context should be passed to the injected service.
      Class<?> proxyInterface
      In case if an instance of the service is not available locally, an instance of the service proxy for a remote service instance may be returned.
      boolean proxySticky
      Flag indicating if a sticky instance of a service proxy should be returned.
    • Element Detail

      • serviceName

        String serviceName
        Service name.
        Name of the injected services.
      • proxyInterface

        Class<?> proxyInterface
        In case if an instance of the service is not available locally, an instance of the service proxy for a remote service instance may be returned. If you wish to return only locally deployed instance, then leave this property as null.

        For more information about service proxies, see IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String, Class, boolean) documentation.

        Interface class for remote service proxy.
      • proxySticky

        boolean proxySticky
        Flag indicating if a sticky instance of a service proxy should be returned. This flag is only valid if proxyInterface() is not null.

        For information about sticky flag, see IgniteServices.serviceProxy(String, Class, boolean) documentation.

        True if a sticky instance of a service proxy should be injected.
      • forwardCallerContext

        boolean forwardCallerContext
        Flag indicating that the service call context should be passed to the injected service.
        True if the service call context should be passed to the injected service.