Interface IgniteReducer<E,​R>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - Type of collected values.
    R - Type of reduced value.
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IgniteReducer<E,​R>
    extends Serializable
    Defines generic reducer that collects multiple values and reduces them into one. Reducers are useful in computations when results from multiple remote jobs need to be reduced into one, e.g., IgniteReducer) method.
    • Method Detail

      • collect

        boolean collect​(@Nullable
                        E e)
        Collects given value. If this method returns false then reduce() will be called right away. Otherwise caller will continue collecting until all values are processed.
        e - Value to collect.
        true to continue collecting, false to instruct caller to stop collecting and call reduce() method.
      • reduce

        R reduce()
        Reduces collected values into one.
        Reduced value.