Interface ClusterMetrics

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface ClusterMetrics
    This class represents runtime information on a cluster. Apart from obvious statistical value, this information is used for implementation of load balancing, failover, and collision SPIs. For example, collision SPI in combination with fail-over SPI could check if other nodes don't have any active or waiting jobs and fail-over some jobs to those nodes.

    Node metrics for any node can be accessed via ClusterNode.metrics() method. Keep in mind that there will be a certain network delay (usually equal to metrics update delay) for the accuracy of node metrics. However, when accessing metrics on local node IgniteCluster.localNode().getMetrics() the metrics are always accurate and up to date.

    Local node metrics are registered as MBean and can be accessed from any JMX management console. The simplest way is to use standard jconsole that comes with JDK as it also provides ability to view any node parameter as a graph.

    • Method Detail

      • getLastUpdateTime

        long getLastUpdateTime()
        Gets last update time of this node metrics.
        Last update time.
      • getMaximumActiveJobs

        int getMaximumActiveJobs()
        Gets maximum number of jobs that ever ran concurrently on this node. Note that this different from getTotalExecutedJobs() metric and only reflects maximum number of jobs that ran at the same time.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Maximum number of jobs that ever ran concurrently on this node.
      • getCurrentActiveJobs

        int getCurrentActiveJobs()
        Gets number of currently active jobs concurrently executing on the node.
        Number of currently active jobs concurrently executing on the node.
      • getAverageActiveJobs

        float getAverageActiveJobs()
        Gets average number of active jobs concurrently executing on the node.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average number of active jobs.
      • getMaximumWaitingJobs

        int getMaximumWaitingJobs()
        Gets maximum number of waiting jobs this node had.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Maximum number of waiting jobs.
      • getCurrentWaitingJobs

        int getCurrentWaitingJobs()
        Gets number of queued jobs currently waiting to be executed.
        Number of queued jobs currently waiting to be executed.
      • getAverageWaitingJobs

        float getAverageWaitingJobs()
        Gets average number of waiting jobs this node had queued.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average number of waiting jobs.
      • getMaximumRejectedJobs

        int getMaximumRejectedJobs()
        Gets maximum number of jobs rejected at once during a single collision resolution operation.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Maximum number of jobs rejected at once.
      • getCurrentRejectedJobs

        int getCurrentRejectedJobs()
        Gets number of jobs rejected after more recent collision resolution operation.
        Number of jobs rejected after more recent collision resolution operation.
      • getAverageRejectedJobs

        float getAverageRejectedJobs()
        Gets average number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of grid configuration settings:

        Average number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations.
      • getTotalRejectedJobs

        int getTotalRejectedJobs()
        Gets total number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations since node startup.

        Note: Unlike most of other aggregation metrics this metric is not calculated over history but over the entire node life.

        Total number of jobs this node rejects during collision resolution operations since node startup.
      • getMaximumCancelledJobs

        int getMaximumCancelledJobs()
        Gets maximum number of cancelled jobs this node ever had running concurrently.
        Maximum number of cancelled jobs.
      • getCurrentCancelledJobs

        int getCurrentCancelledJobs()
        Gets number of cancelled jobs that are still running. Just like regular java threads, jobs will receive cancel notification, but it's ultimately up to the job itself to gracefully exit.
        Number of cancelled jobs that are still running.
      • getAverageCancelledJobs

        float getAverageCancelledJobs()
        Gets average number of cancelled jobs this node ever had running concurrently.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average number of cancelled jobs.
      • getTotalCancelledJobs

        int getTotalCancelledJobs()
        Gets number of cancelled jobs since node startup.

        Note: Unlike most of other aggregation metrics this metric is not calculated over history but over the entire node life.

        Total number of cancelled jobs since node startup.
      • getTotalExecutedJobs

        int getTotalExecutedJobs()
        Gets total number of jobs handled by the node since node startup.

        Note: Unlike most of other aggregation metrics this metric is not calculated over history but over the entire node life.

        Total number of jobs handled by the node since node startup.
      • getTotalJobsExecutionTime

        long getTotalJobsExecutionTime()
        Gets total time all finished jobs takes to execute on the node since node startup.

        Note: Unlike most of other aggregation metrics this metric is not calculated over history but over the entire node life.

        Total jobs execution time.
      • getMaximumJobWaitTime

        long getMaximumJobWaitTime()
        Gets maximum time a job ever spent waiting in a queue to be executed.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Maximum waiting time.
      • getCurrentJobWaitTime

        long getCurrentJobWaitTime()
        Gets current time an oldest jobs has spent waiting to be executed.
        Current wait time of oldest job.
      • getAverageJobWaitTime

        double getAverageJobWaitTime()
        Gets average time jobs spend waiting in the queue to be executed.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average job wait time.
      • getMaximumJobExecuteTime

        long getMaximumJobExecuteTime()
        Gets time it took to execute the longest job on the node.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Time it took to execute the longest job on the node.
      • getCurrentJobExecuteTime

        long getCurrentJobExecuteTime()
        Gets longest time a current job has been executing for.
        Longest time a current job has been executing for.
      • getAverageJobExecuteTime

        double getAverageJobExecuteTime()
        Gets average time a job takes to execute on the node.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average job execution time.
      • getTotalExecutedTasks

        int getTotalExecutedTasks()
        Gets total number of tasks handled by the node.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Total number of jobs handled by the node.
      • getTotalBusyTime

        long getTotalBusyTime()
        Gets total time this node spent executing jobs.
        Total time this node spent executing jobs.
      • getTotalIdleTime

        long getTotalIdleTime()
        Gets total time this node spent idling (not executing any jobs).
        Gets total time this node spent idling.
      • getCurrentIdleTime

        long getCurrentIdleTime()
        Gets time this node spend idling since executing last job.
        Time this node spend idling since executing last job.
      • getBusyTimePercentage

        float getBusyTimePercentage()
        Gets percentage of time this node is busy executing jobs vs. idling.
        Percentage of time this node is busy (value is less than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to 0)
      • getIdleTimePercentage

        float getIdleTimePercentage()
        Gets percentage of time this node is idling vs. executing jobs.
        Percentage of time this node is idle (value is less than or equal to 1 and greater than or equal to 0)
      • getTotalCpus

        int getTotalCpus()
        Returns the number of CPUs available to the Java Virtual Machine. This method is equivalent to the Runtime.availableProcessors() method.

        Note that this value may change during successive invocations of the virtual machine.

        The number of processors available to the virtual machine, never smaller than one.
      • getCurrentCpuLoad

        double getCurrentCpuLoad()
        Returns the CPU usage in [0, 1] range. The exact way how this number is calculated depends on SPI implementation.

        If the CPU usage is not available, a negative value is returned.

        This method is designed to provide a hint about the system load and may be queried frequently. The load average may be unavailable on some platform where it is expensive to implement this method.

        The estimated CPU usage in [0, 1] range. Negative value if not available.
      • getAverageCpuLoad

        double getAverageCpuLoad()
        Gets average of CPU load values over all metrics kept in the history.

        Note: all aggregated metrics like average, minimum, maximum, total, count are calculated over all the metrics kept in history. The history size is set via either one or both of configuration settings:

        Average of CPU load value in [0, 1] range over all metrics kept in the history.
      • getCurrentGcCpuLoad

        double getCurrentGcCpuLoad()
        Returns average time spent in CG since the last update.
        Average time spent in CG since the last update.
      • getHeapMemoryInitialized

        long getHeapMemoryInitialized()
        Returns the amount of heap memory in bytes that the JVM initially requests from the operating system for memory management. This method returns -1 if the initial memory size is undefined.

        This value represents a setting of the heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The initial size of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getHeapMemoryUsed

        long getHeapMemoryUsed()
        Returns the current heap size that is used for object allocation. The heap consists of one or more memory pools. This value is the sum of used heap memory values of all heap memory pools.

        The amount of used memory in the returned is the amount of memory occupied by both live objects and garbage objects that have not been collected, if any.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        Amount of heap memory used.
      • getHeapMemoryCommitted

        long getHeapMemoryCommitted()
        Returns the amount of heap memory in bytes that is committed for the JVM to use. This amount of memory is guaranteed for the JVM to use. The heap consists of one or more memory pools. This value is the sum of committed heap memory values of all heap memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The amount of committed memory in bytes.
      • getHeapMemoryMaximum

        long getHeapMemoryMaximum()
        Returns the maximum amount of heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. This method returns -1 if the maximum memory size is undefined.

        This amount of memory is not guaranteed to be available for memory management if it is greater than the amount of committed memory. The JVM may fail to allocate memory even if the amount of used memory does not exceed this maximum size.

        This value represents a setting of the heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The maximum amount of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getHeapMemoryTotal

        long getHeapMemoryTotal()
        Returns the total amount of heap memory in bytes. This method returns -1 if the total memory size is undefined.

        This amount of memory is not guaranteed to be available for memory management if it is greater than the amount of committed memory. The JVM may fail to allocate memory even if the amount of used memory does not exceed this maximum size.

        This value represents a setting of the heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The total amount of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getNonHeapMemoryInitialized

        long getNonHeapMemoryInitialized()
        Returns the amount of non-heap memory in bytes that the JVM initially requests from the operating system for memory management. This method returns -1 if the initial memory size is undefined.

        This value represents a setting of non-heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The initial size of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getNonHeapMemoryUsed

        long getNonHeapMemoryUsed()
        Returns the current non-heap memory size that is used by Java VM. The non-heap memory consists of one or more memory pools. This value is the sum of used non-heap memory values of all non-heap memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        Amount of none-heap memory used.
      • getNonHeapMemoryCommitted

        long getNonHeapMemoryCommitted()
        Returns the amount of non-heap memory in bytes that is committed for the JVM to use. This amount of memory is guaranteed for the JVM to use. The non-heap memory consists of one or more memory pools. This value is the sum of committed non-heap memory values of all non-heap memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The amount of committed memory in bytes.
      • getNonHeapMemoryMaximum

        long getNonHeapMemoryMaximum()
        Returns the maximum amount of non-heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. This method returns -1 if the maximum memory size is undefined.

        This amount of memory is not guaranteed to be available for memory management if it is greater than the amount of committed memory. The JVM may fail to allocate memory even if the amount of used memory does not exceed this maximum size.

        This value represents a setting of the non-heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial non-heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The maximum amount of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getNonHeapMemoryTotal

        long getNonHeapMemoryTotal()
        Returns the total amount of non-heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. This method returns -1 if the total memory size is undefined.

        This amount of memory is not guaranteed to be available for memory management if it is greater than the amount of committed memory. The JVM may fail to allocate memory even if the amount of used memory does not exceed this maximum size.

        This value represents a setting of the non-heap memory for Java VM and is not a sum of all initial non-heap values for all memory pools.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The total amount of memory in bytes; -1 if undefined.
      • getUpTime

        long getUpTime()
        Returns the uptime of the JVM in milliseconds.
        Uptime of the JVM in milliseconds.
      • getStartTime

        long getStartTime()
        Returns the start time of the JVM in milliseconds. This method returns the approximate time when the Java virtual machine started.
        Start time of the JVM in milliseconds.
      • getNodeStartTime

        long getNodeStartTime()
        Returns the start time of grid node in milliseconds. There can be several grid nodes started in one JVM, so JVM start time will be the same for all of them, but node start time will be different.
        Start time of the grid node in milliseconds.
      • getCurrentThreadCount

        int getCurrentThreadCount()
        Returns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads.
        Current number of live threads.
      • getMaximumThreadCount

        int getMaximumThreadCount()
        Returns the maximum live thread count since the JVM started or peak was reset.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The peak live thread count.
      • getTotalStartedThreadCount

        long getTotalStartedThreadCount()
        Returns the total number of threads created and also started since the JVM started.

        Note: this is not an aggregated metric and it's calculated from the time of the node's startup.

        The total number of threads started.
      • getCurrentDaemonThreadCount

        int getCurrentDaemonThreadCount()
        Returns the current number of live daemon threads.
        Current number of live daemon threads.
      • getLastDataVersion

        long getLastDataVersion()
        In-Memory Data Grid assigns incremental versions to all cache operations. This method provides the latest data version on the node.
        Last data version.
      • getSentMessagesCount

        int getSentMessagesCount()
        Gets sent messages count.
        Sent messages count.
      • getSentBytesCount

        long getSentBytesCount()
        Gets sent bytes count.
        Sent bytes count.
      • getReceivedMessagesCount

        int getReceivedMessagesCount()
        Gets received messages count.
        Received messages count.
      • getReceivedBytesCount

        long getReceivedBytesCount()
        Gets received bytes count.
        Received bytes count.
      • getOutboundMessagesQueueSize

        int getOutboundMessagesQueueSize()
        Gets outbound messages queue size.
        Outbound messages queue size.
      • getTotalNodes

        int getTotalNodes()
        Gets total number of nodes.
        Total number of nodes.
      • getCurrentPmeDuration

        long getCurrentPmeDuration()
        Gets execution duration for current partition map exchange in milliseconds.
        Gets execution duration for current partition map exchange in milliseconds. 0 if there is no running PME.