Interface ComputeJobResult

    • Method Detail

      • getJobContext

        ComputeJobContext getJobContext()
        Gets job context. Use job context to access job unique ID or to get/set jobs attributes. Context is attached to a job and travels with it wherever it goes. For example, if a job gets failed-over from one node to another, then its context will be failed over with it and all attributes that were set on the job on the first node will be available on the new node.
        Job context.
      • getNode

        ClusterNode getNode()
        Gets node this job executed on.
        Node this job executed on.
      • isCancelled

        boolean isCancelled()
        Gets job cancellation status. Returns true if job received cancellation request on remote node. Note that job, after receiving cancellation request, will still need to finish and return, hence getData() method may contain execution result even if the job was canceled.

        Job can receive cancellation request if the task was explicitly cancelled from future (see IgniteFuture.cancel()) or if task completed prior to getting results from all remote jobs.

        true if job received cancellation request and false otherwise.