Class CommandLineTransformer

  • public class CommandLineTransformer
    extends Object
    This class is a workaround for a versatile problems with passing arguments to the Ignite Windows batch launcher scripts. It transforms command line options passed to the *.bat launcher scripts into a reformatted, adapted for Windows batch usage variables.

    The idea behind the workaround is:
    1. User runs ignite.bat with some args.
    2. ignite.bat calls parseargs.bat with all that args.
    3. parsearg.bat runs this class with all that args.
    4. This class transforms the args and prints them out.
    5. parseargs.bat splits the output of this class and sets each variable it found.
    6. ignite.bat uses environment variables as if they were defined by a user.

    See Also:
    JCommander command line parameters parsing library
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Main method being triggered in step 3 of the Workaround.

        Method prints out TRANSFORMATION_FAILED_FLAG if something went wrong.

        args - Command line arguments passed by a user in step 1 of the Workaround.
      • transform

        public static String transform​(String... args)
        args - Arguments.
        Transformed arguments.