Interface DumpConsumer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DumpConsumer
    Consumer of a cache dump. This consumer will receive all DumpEntry stored in cache dump during IgniteDumpReader application invocation. The lifecycle of the consumer is the following:
    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start()
        Starts the consumer.
      • onMappings

        void onMappings​(Iterator<TypeMapping> mappings)
        Handles type mappings.
        mappings - Mappings iterator.
      • onTypes

        void onTypes​(Iterator<BinaryType> types)
        Handles binary types.
        types - Binary types iterator.
      • onCacheConfigs

        void onCacheConfigs​(Iterator<org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.StoredCacheData> caches)
        Handles cache configs. Note, there can be several copies of cache config in the dump. This can happen if dump contains data from several nodes.
        caches - Stored cache data.
      • onPartition

        void onPartition​(int grp,
                         int part,
                         Iterator<DumpEntry> data)
        Handles cache data. This method can be invoked by several threads concurrently. Note, there can be several copies of group partition in the dump. This can happen if dump contains data from several nodes. In this case callback will be invoked several time for the same pair of [grp, part] values.
        grp - Group id.
        part - Partition.
        data - Cache data iterator.
        See Also:
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stops the consumer. This method can be invoked only after start().