Class SecurityCredentials

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable

    public class SecurityCredentials
    extends Object
    implements Externalizable
    Security credentials used for node authentication. Security credentials are provided by SecurityCredentialsProvider which is specified on node startup in configuration.

    Getting credentials through SecurityCredentialsProvider abstraction allows users to provide custom implementations for storing user names and passwords in their environment, possibly in encrypted format. Ignite comes with SecurityCredentialsBasicProvider which simply provides the passed in login and password when encryption or custom logic is not required.

    In addition to login and password, security credentials allow for specifying userObject as well, which can be used to pass in any additional information required for authentication.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityCredentials

        public SecurityCredentials()
        Empty constructor required by Externalizable.
      • SecurityCredentials

        public SecurityCredentials​(String login,
                                   String password)
        Constructs security credentials based on login and password.
        login - Login.
        password - Password.
      • SecurityCredentials

        public SecurityCredentials​(String login,
                                   String password,
                                   @Nullable Object userObj)
        Constructs security credentials based on login, password, and custom user object.
        login - Login.
        password - Password.
        userObj - User object.