Interface EventStorageSpi

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    MemoryEventStorageSpi, NoopEventStorageSpi

    public interface EventStorageSpi
    extends IgniteSpi
    This SPI provides local node events storage. SPI allows for recording local node events and querying recorded local events. Every node during its life-cycle goes through a serious of events such as task deployment, task execution, job execution, etc. For performance reasons Ignite is designed to store all locally produced events locally. These events can be later retrieved using either distributed query: or local only query: NOTE: this SPI (i.e. methods in this interface) should never be used directly. SPIs provide internal view on the subsystem and is used internally by Ignite kernal. In rare use cases when access to a specific implementation of this SPI is required - an instance of this SPI can be obtained via Ignite.configuration() method to check its configuration properties or call other non-SPI methods. Note again that calling methods from this interface on the obtained instance can lead to undefined behavior and explicitly not supported.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • localEvents

        <T extends EventCollection<T> localEvents​(IgnitePredicate<T> p)
        Queries locally-stored events only. Events could be filtered out by given predicate filter.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of events.
        p - Event predicate filter.
        Collection of events.