Class RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IgniteSpi, LoadBalancingSpi

    public class RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi
    extends IgniteSpiAdapter
    implements LoadBalancingSpi
    This SPI iterates through nodes in round-robin fashion and pick the next sequential node. Two modes of operation are supported: per-task and global (see setPerTask(boolean) configuration). Global mode is used be default.

    When configured in per-task mode, implementation will pick a random node at the beginning of every task execution and then sequentially iterate through all nodes in topology starting from the picked node. For cases when split size is equal to the number of nodes, this mode guarantees that all nodes will participate in the split.

    When configured in global mode, a single sequential queue of nodes is maintained for all tasks and the next node in the queue is picked every time. In this mode (unlike in per-task mode) it is possible that even if split size may be equal to the number of nodes, some jobs within the same task will be assigned to the same node if multiple tasks are executing concurrently.

    Coding Example

    If you are using ComputeTaskSplitAdapter then load balancing logic is transparent to your code and is handled automatically by the adapter. Here is an example of how your task will look:
     public class MyFooBarTask extends ComputeTaskSplitAdapter<Object, Object> {
        protected Collection<? extends ComputeJob> split(int gridSize, Object arg) throws IgniteCheckedException {
            List<MyFooBarJob> jobs = new ArrayList<MyFooBarJob>(gridSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
                jobs.add(new MyFooBarJob(arg));
            // Node assignment via load balancer
            // happens automatically.
            return jobs;
    If you need more fine-grained control over how some jobs within task get mapped to a node and use affinity load balancing for some other jobs within task, then you should use ComputeTaskAdapter. Here is an example of how your task will look. Note that in this case we manually inject load balancer and use it to pick the best node. Doing it in such way would allow user to map some jobs manually and for others use load balancer.
     public class MyFooBarTask extends ComputeTaskAdapter<String, String> {
        // Inject load balancer.
        ComputeLoadBalancer balancer;
        // Map jobs to grid nodes.
        public Map<? extends ComputeJob, ClusterNode> map(List<ClusterNode> subgrid, String arg) throws IgniteCheckedException {
            Map<MyFooBarJob, ClusterNode> jobs = new HashMap<MyFooBarJob, ClusterNode>(subgrid.size());
            // In more complex cases, you can actually do
            // more complicated assignments of jobs to nodes.
            for (int i = 0; i < subgrid.size(); i++) {
                // Pick the next best balanced node for the job.
                jobs.put(new MyFooBarJob(arg), balancer.getBalancedNode())
            return jobs;
        // Aggregate results into one compound result.
        public String reduce(List<ComputeJobResult> results) throws IgniteCheckedException {
            // For the purpose of this example we simply
            // concatenate string representation of every
            // job result
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            for (ComputeJobResult res : results) {
                // Append string representation of result
                // returned by every job.
            return buf.string();


    In order to use this load balancer, you should configure your grid instance to use RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi either from Spring XML file or directly. The following configuration parameters are supported:


    This SPI has no mandatory configuration parameters.


    The following configuration parameters are optional:
    • Flag that indicates whether to use per-task or global round-robin modes described above (see setPerTask(boolean)).
    Below is Java configuration example:
     RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi spi = new RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi();
     // Configure SPI to use global round-robin mode.
     IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
     // Override default load balancing SPI.
     // Starts grid.
    Here is how you can configure RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi using Spring XML configuration:
     <property name="loadBalancingSpi">
         <bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.loadBalancing.roundrobin.RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi">
             <!-- Set to global round-robin mode. -->
             <property name="perTask" value="false"/>

    For information about Spring framework visit

    • Constructor Detail

      • RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi

        public RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi()
    • Method Detail

      • isPerTask

        public boolean isPerTask()
        Configuration parameter indicating whether a new round robin order should be created for every task. Default is false.
      • setPerTask

        public RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi setPerTask​(boolean isPerTask)
        Configuration parameter indicating whether a new round robin order should be created for every task. If true then load balancer is guaranteed to iterate through nodes sequentially for every task - so as long as number of jobs is less than or equal to the number of nodes, jobs are guaranteed to be assigned to unique nodes. If false then one round-robin order will be maintained for all tasks, so when tasks execute concurrently, it is possible for more than one job within task to be assigned to the same node.

        Default is false.

        isPerTask - Configuration parameter indicating whether a new round robin order should be created for every task. Default is false.
        this for chaining.
      • spiStart

        public void spiStart​(@Nullable
                             @Nullable String igniteInstanceName)
                      throws IgniteSpiException
        This method is called to start SPI. After this method returns successfully kernel assumes that SPI is fully operational.
        Specified by:
        spiStart in interface IgniteSpi
        igniteInstanceName - Name of Ignite instance this SPI is being started for (null for default Ignite instance).
        IgniteSpiException - Throws in case of any error during SPI start.
      • spiStop

        public void spiStop()
                     throws IgniteSpiException
        This method is called to stop SPI. After this method returns kernel assumes that this SPI is finished and all resources acquired by it are released.

        Note that this method can be called at any point including during recovery of failed start. It should make no assumptions on what state SPI will be in when this method is called.

        Specified by:
        spiStop in interface IgniteSpi
        IgniteSpiException - Thrown in case of any error during SPI stop.
      • onContextDestroyed0

        protected void onContextDestroyed0()
        Method to be called in the beginning of onContextDestroyed() method.
        onContextDestroyed0 in class IgniteSpiAdapter
      • getBalancedNode

        public ClusterNode getBalancedNode​(ComputeTaskSession ses,
                                           List<ClusterNode> top,
                                           ComputeJob job)
        Gets balanced node for specified job within given task session.
        Specified by:
        getBalancedNode in interface LoadBalancingSpi
        ses - Grid task session for currently executing task.
        top - Topology of task nodes from which to pick the best balanced node for given job.
        job - Job for which to pick the best balanced node.
        Best balanced node for the given job within given task session.