Interface AffinityFunctionContext

  • public interface AffinityFunctionContext
    Affinity function context. This context is passed to AffinityFunction for partition reassignment on every topology change event.
    • Method Detail

      • previousAssignment

        @Nullable List<ClusterNode> previousAssignment​(int part)
        Gets affinity assignment for given partition on previous topology version. First node in returned list is a primary node, other nodes are backups.
        part - Partition to get previous assignment for.
        List of nodes assigned to given partition on previous topology version or null if this information is not available.
      • backups

        int backups()
        Gets number of backups for new assignment.
        Number of backups for new assignment.
      • currentTopologySnapshot

        List<ClusterNode> currentTopologySnapshot()
        Gets current topology snapshot. Snapshot will contain only nodes on which particular cache is configured. List of passed nodes is guaranteed to be sorted in a same order on all nodes on which partition assignment is performed.
        Cache topology snapshot.
      • currentTopologyVersion

        org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion currentTopologyVersion()
        Gets current topology version number.
        Current topology version number.
      • discoveryEvent

        @Nullable DiscoveryEvent discoveryEvent()
        Gets discovery event caused topology change.
        Discovery event caused latest topology change or null if this information is not available.