Interface IgniteCache<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - Cache key type.
    V - Cache value type.
    All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>, Closeable, IgniteAsyncSupport, Iterable<javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V>>

    public interface IgniteCache<K,​V>
    extends javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>, IgniteAsyncSupport
    Main entry point for all Data Grid APIs. You can get a named cache by calling Ignite.cache(String) method.


    This API extends Cache API which contains JCache (JSR107) cache functionality and documentation. In addition to Cache functionality this API provides:


    Cache API supports transactions. You can group and set of cache methods within a transaction to provide ACID-compliant behavior. See IgniteTransactions for more information.
    Methods which can be used inside transaction (put, get...) throw TransactionException. See TransactionException for more information.
    • Method Detail

      • withAsync

        IgniteCache<K,​V> withAsync()
        Gets instance of this component with asynchronous mode enabled.
        Specified by:
        withAsync in interface IgniteAsyncSupport
        Instance of this component with asynchronous mode enabled.
      • getConfiguration

        <C extends javax.cache.configuration.Configuration<K,​V>> C getConfiguration​(Class<C> clazz)
        Specified by:
        getConfiguration in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
      • withExpiryPolicy

        IgniteCache<K,​V> withExpiryPolicy​(javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy plc)
        Returns cache with the specified expired policy set. This policy will be used for each operation invoked on the returned cache.

        This method does not modify existing cache instance.

        plc - Expire policy to use.
        Cache instance with the specified expiry policy set.
      • withSkipStore

        IgniteCache<K,​V> withSkipStore()
        Cache with read-through write-through behavior disabled.
      • withNoRetries

        IgniteCache<K,​V> withNoRetries()
        Cache with no-retries behavior enabled.
      • withPartitionRecover

        IgniteCache<K,​V> withPartitionRecover()
        Gets an instance of IgniteCache that will be allowed to execute cache read operations regardless of partition loss policy.
        Cache without partition loss protection.
      • withKeepBinary

        <K1,​V1> IgniteCache<K1,​V1> withKeepBinary()
        Returns cache that will operate with binary objects.

        Cache returned by this method will not be forced to deserialize binary objects, so keys and values will be returned from cache API methods without changes. Therefore, signature of the cache can contain only following types:

        • org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject for binary classes
        • All primitives (byte, int, ...) and there boxed versions (Byte, Integer, ...)
        • Arrays of primitives (byte[], int[], ...)
        • String and array of Strings
        • UUID and array of UUIDs
        • Date and array of Dates
        • Timestamp and array of Timestamps
        • Enums and array of enums
        • Maps, collections and array of objects (but objects inside them will still be converted if they are binary)

        For example, if you use Integer as a key and Value class as a value (which will be stored in binary format), you should acquire following projection to avoid deserialization:

         IgniteCache<Integer, BinaryObject> prj = cache.withKeepBinary();
         // Value is not deserialized and returned in binary format.
         BinaryObject po = prj.get(1);

        Note that this method makes sense only if cache is working in binary mode if default marshaller is used. If not, this method is no-op and will return current cache.

        Type Parameters:
        V1 - Type of the cache value binary objects.
        K1 - Type of the cache key.
        New cache instance for binary objects.
      • localLoadCache

        void localLoadCache​(@Nullable
                            @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,​V> p,
                            @Nullable Object... args)
                     throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Delegates to CacheStore.loadCache(IgniteBiInClosure,Object...) method to load state from the underlying persistent storage. The loaded values will then be given to the optionally passed in predicate, and, if the predicate returns true, will be stored in cache. If predicate is null, then all loaded values will be stored in cache.

        Note that this method does not receive keys as a parameter, so it is up to CacheStore implementation to provide all the data to be loaded.

        This method is not transactional and may end up loading a stale value into cache if another thread has updated the value immediately after it has been loaded. It is mostly useful when pre-loading the cache from underlying data store before start, or for read-only caches.

        p - Optional predicate (may be null). If provided, will be used to filter values to be put into cache.
        args - Optional user arguments to be passed into CacheStore.loadCache(IgniteBiInClosure, Object...) method.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If loading failed.
      • localLoadCacheAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> localLoadCacheAsync​(@Nullable
                                               @Nullable IgniteBiPredicate<K,​V> p,
                                               @Nullable Object... args)
                                        throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Asynchronously loads state from the underlying persistent storage by delegating to CacheStore.loadCache(IgniteBiInClosure,Object...) method. The loaded values will then be given to the optionally passed in predicate, and, if the predicate returns true, will be stored in cache. If predicate is null, then all loaded values will be stored in cache.

        Note that this method does not receive keys as a parameter, so it is up to CacheStore implementation to provide all the data to be loaded.

        This method is not transactional and may end up loading a stale value into cache if another thread has updated the value immediately after it has been loaded. It is mostly useful when pre-loading the cache from underlying data store before start, or for read-only caches.

        p - Optional predicate (may be null). If provided, will be used to filter values to be put into cache.
        args - Optional user arguments to be passed into CacheStore.loadCache(IgniteBiInClosure, Object...) method.
        a Future representing pending completion of the cache loading.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If loading failed.
      • getAndPutIfAbsent

        V getAndPutIfAbsent​(K key,
                            V val)
                     throws javax.cache.CacheException,
        Stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it. If cache previously contained value for the given key, then this value is returned. In case of CacheMode.PARTITIONED or CacheMode.REPLICATED caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap, from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent storage, CacheLoader.load(Object) method will be used.

        If the returned value is not needed, method putIfAbsent(Object, Object) should always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the previous value.

        If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to CacheStore via CacheWriter.write(javax.cache.Cache.Entry) method.


        This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction if there is one.
        key - Key to store in cache.
        val - Value to be associated with the given key.
        Previously contained value regardless of whether put happened or not (null if there was no previous value).
        NullPointerException - If either key or value are null.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If put operation failed.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAndPutIfAbsentAsync

        IgniteFuture<V> getAndPutIfAbsentAsync​(K key,
                                               V val)
                                        throws javax.cache.CacheException,
        Asynchronously stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it. If cache previously contained value for the given key, then this value is returned. In case of CacheMode.PARTITIONED or CacheMode.REPLICATED caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap, from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent storage, CacheLoader.load(Object) method will be used.

        If the returned value is not needed, method putIfAbsentAsync(Object, Object) should always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the previous value.

        If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to CacheStore via CacheWriter.write(javax.cache.Cache.Entry) method.


        This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction if there is one.
        key - Key to store in cache.
        val - Value to be associated with the given key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        NullPointerException - If either key or value are null.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If put operation failed.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • lock

        Lock lock​(K key)
        Creates a Lock instance associated with passed key. This method does not acquire lock immediately, you have to call appropriate method on returned instance. Returned lock does not support Lock.newCondition() method, other methods defined in Lock are supported.
        key - Key for lock.
        New lock instance associated with passed key.
        See Also:
        Lock.lock(), Lock.tryLock(long, TimeUnit)
      • isLocalLocked

        boolean isLocalLocked​(K key,
                              boolean byCurrThread)
        Checks if specified key is locked.

        This is a local in-VM operation and does not involve any network trips or access to persistent storage in any way.

        key - Key to check.
        byCurrThread - If true method will check that current thread owns a lock on this key, otherwise will check that any thread on any node owns a lock on this key.
        True if lock is owned by some node.
      • query

        <T,​R> QueryCursor<R> query​(Query<T> qry,
                                         IgniteClosure<T,​R> transformer)
        Queries the cache transforming the entries on the server nodes. Can be used, for example, to avoid network overhead in case only one field out of the large is required by client.

        Currently transformers are supported ONLY for ScanQuery. Passing any other subclass of Query interface to this method will end up with UnsupportedOperationException.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the initial query result.
        R - Type of the transformed query result.
        qry - Query.
        transformer - Transformer.
      • localEntries

        Iterable<javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V>> localEntries​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
                                                           throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Allows for iteration over local cache entries.
        peekModes - Peek modes.
        Iterable over local cache entries.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If failed.
      • queryMetrics

        QueryMetrics queryMetrics()
        Gets query metrics.
      • resetQueryMetrics

        void resetQueryMetrics()
        Reset query metrics.
      • resetQueryDetailMetrics

        void resetQueryDetailMetrics()
        Reset query detail metrics.
      • localEvict

        void localEvict​(Collection<? extends K> keys)
        Attempts to evict all entries associated with keys. Note, that entry will be evicted only if it's not used (not participating in any locks or transactions).
        keys - Keys to evict.
      • localPeek

        V localPeek​(K key,
                    CachePeekMode... peekModes)
        Peeks at a value in the local storage using an optional peek mode.

        This method will not load a value from the configured CacheStore or from a remote node.


        This method does not participate in any transactions.
        key - Entry key.
        peekModes - Peek modes.
        Peeked value, or null if not found.
        NullPointerException - If key is null.
      • size

        int size​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
          throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their cache sizes.

        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        Cache size across all nodes.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • sizeAsync

        IgniteFuture<Integer> sizeAsync​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
                                 throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Asynchronously gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their cache sizes.

        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • sizeLong

        long sizeLong​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
               throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their cache sizes.

        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        Cache size across all nodes.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • sizeLongAsync

        IgniteFuture<Long> sizeLongAsync​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
                                  throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Asynchronously gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their cache sizes.

        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • sizeLong

        long sizeLong​(int partition,
                      CachePeekMode... peekModes)
               throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Gets the number of all entries cached in a partition as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their partition cache sizes.

        partition - partition.
        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total partition cache size is returned.
        Partition cache size across all nodes.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • sizeLongAsync

        IgniteFuture<Long> sizeLongAsync​(int partition,
                                         CachePeekMode... peekModes)
                                  throws javax.cache.CacheException
        Asynchronously gets the number of all entries cached in a partition as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies across all nodes will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.

        NOTE: this operation is distributed and will query all participating nodes for their partition cache sizes.

        partition - partition.
        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total partition cache size is returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        javax.cache.CacheException - On error.
      • localSize

        int localSize​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
        Gets the number of all entries cached on this node. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.
        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        Cache size on this node.
      • localSizeLong

        long localSizeLong​(CachePeekMode... peekModes)
        Gets the number of all entries cached on this node as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.
        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        Cache size on this node.
      • localSizeLong

        long localSizeLong​(int partition,
                           CachePeekMode... peekModes)
        Gets the number of all entries cached on this node for the partition as a long value. By default, if peekModes value isn't defined, only size of primary copies will be returned. This behavior is identical to calling this method with CachePeekMode.PRIMARY peek mode.
        partition - partition.
        peekModes - Optional peek modes. If not provided, then total cache size is returned.
        Cache size on this node.
      • invokeAll

        <T> Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> invokeAll​(Map<? extends K,​? extends javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​T>> map,
                                                                                 Object... args)
                                                                          throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously invokes each EntryProcessor from map's values against the correspondent Cache.Entry specified by map's key set.

        If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key and a value of null is provided.

        The order that the entries for the keys are processed is undefined. Implementations may choose to process the entries in any order, including concurrently. Furthermore there is no guarantee implementations will use the same EntryProcessor instance to process each entry, as the case may be in a non-local cache topology.

        The result of executing the EntryProcessor is returned in the future as a Map of EntryProcessorResults, one result per key. Should the EntryProcessor or Caching implementation throw an exception, the exception is wrapped and re-thrown when a call to EntryProcessorResult.get() is made.

        Please refer to documentation for CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC for information on system behavior in crash scenarios for atomic caches.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in map. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeMap. Using unordered map, such as HashMap, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        map - Map containing keys and entry processors to be applied to values.
        args - Additional arguments to pass to the EntryProcessor.
        The map of EntryProcessorResults of the processing per key, if any, defined by the EntryProcessor implementation. No mappings will be returned for EntryProcessors that return a null value for a key.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • invokeAllAsync

        <T> IgniteFuture<Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>>> invokeAllAsync​(Map<? extends K,​? extends javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​T>> map,
                                                                                                    Object... args)
                                                                                             throws TransactionException
        Asynchronous version of the invokeAll(Map, Object...) method.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        map - Map containing keys and entry processors to be applied to values.
        args - Additional arguments to pass to the EntryProcessor.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation. See more about future result at the invokeAll(Map, Object...).
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAsync

        IgniteFuture<V> getAsync​(K key)
        Asynchronously gets an entry from the cache.

        If the cache is configured to use read-through, and a future result would be null because the entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry.

        key - Key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • getEntry

        CacheEntry<K,​V> getEntry​(K key)
                                throws TransactionException
        Gets an entry from the cache.

        If the cache is configured to use read-through, and get would return null because the entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry.

        key - The key whose associated value is to be returned.
        The element, or null, if it does not exist.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        NullPointerException - If the key is null.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If there is a problem fetching the value.
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getEntryAsync

        IgniteFuture<CacheEntry<K,​V>> getEntryAsync​(K key)
                                                   throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously gets an entry from the cache.

        If the cache is configured to use read-through, and a future result would be null because the entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry.

        key - The key whose associated value is to be returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        NullPointerException - If the key is null.
        javax.cache.CacheException - If there is a problem fetching the value.
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Map<K,​V>> getAllAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                                          throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously gets a collection of entries from the Cache, returning them as Map of the values associated with the set of keys requested.

        If the cache is configured read-through, and a future result for a key would be null because an entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry. If an entry cannot be loaded for a given key, the key will not be present in the returned Map.

        keys - Keys set.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getEntries

        Collection<CacheEntry<K,​V>> getEntries​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                                              throws TransactionException
        Gets a collection of entries from the Cache.

        If the cache is configured read-through, and a get for a key would return null because an entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry. If an entry cannot be loaded for a given key, the key will not be present in the returned Collection.

        keys - The keys whose associated values are to be returned.
        A collection of entries that were found for the given keys. Entries not found in the cache are not in the returned collection.
        NullPointerException - If keys is null or if keys contains a null.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        javax.cache.CacheException - If there is a problem fetching the values.
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getEntriesAsync

        IgniteFuture<Collection<CacheEntry<K,​V>>> getEntriesAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                                                                 throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously gets a collection of entries from the Cache.

        If the cache is configured read-through, and a future result for a key would be null because an entry is missing from the cache, the Cache's CacheLoader is called in an attempt to load the entry. If an entry cannot be loaded for a given key, the key will not be present in the returned Collection.

        keys - The keys whose associated values are to be returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        NullPointerException - If keys is null or if keys contains a null.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        javax.cache.CacheException - If there is a problem fetching the values.
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAllOutTx

        Map<K,​V> getAllOutTx​(Set<? extends K> keys)
        Gets values from cache. Will bypass started transaction, if any, i.e. will not enlist entries and will not lock any keys if pessimistic transaction is started by thread.
        keys - The keys whose associated values are to be returned.
        A map of entries that were found for the given keys.
      • getAllOutTxAsync

        IgniteFuture<Map<K,​V>> getAllOutTxAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
        Asynchronously gets values from cache. Will bypass started transaction, if any, i.e. will not enlist entries and will not lock any keys if pessimistic transaction is started by thread.
        keys - The keys whose associated values are to be returned.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • containsKeyAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> containsKeyAsync​(K key)
                                        throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously determines if the Cache contains an entry for the specified key.

        More formally, future result is true if and only if this cache contains a mapping for a key k such that key.equals(k). (There can be at most one such mapping.)

        key - Key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • containsKeys

        boolean containsKeys​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                      throws TransactionException
        Determines if the Cache contains entries for the specified keys.
        keys - Key whose presence in this cache is to be tested.
        True if this cache contains a mapping for the specified keys.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • containsKeysAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> containsKeysAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                                         throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously determines if the Cache contains entries for the specified keys.
        keys - Key whose presence in this cache is to be tested.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • putAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> putAsync​(K key,
                                    V val)
                             throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in the cache.

        If the Cache previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value. (A cache c is said to contain a mapping for a key k if and only if c.containsKey(k) would return true.)

        key - Key.
        val - Value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAndPutAsync

        IgniteFuture<V> getAndPutAsync​(K key,
                                       V val)
                                throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache, returning an existing value if one existed as the future result.

        If the cache previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value. (A cache c is said to contain a mapping for a key k if and only if c.containsKey(k) would return true.)

        The previous value is returned as the future result, or future result is null if there was no value associated with the key previously.

        key - Key.
        val - Value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • putAll

        void putAll​(Map<? extends K,​? extends V> map)
             throws TransactionException

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in map. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeMap. Using unordered map, such as HashMap, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Specified by:
        putAll in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • putAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> putAllAsync​(Map<? extends K,​? extends V> map)
                                throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously copies all of the entries from the specified map to the Cache.

        The effect of this call is equivalent to that of calling putAsync(Object, Object) putAsync(k, v)} on this cache once for each mapping from key k to value v in the specified map.

        The order in which the individual puts occur is undefined.

        The behavior of this operation is undefined if entries in the cache corresponding to entries in the map are modified or removed while this operation is in progress. or if map is modified while the operation is in progress.

        In Default Consistency mode, individual puts occur atomically but not the entire putAll. Listeners may observe individual updates.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in map. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeMap. Using unordered map, such as HashMap, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        map - Map containing keys and values to put into the cache.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • putIfAbsentAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> putIfAbsentAsync​(K key,
                                               V val)
        Asynchronously associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.

        For CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC return value on primary node crash may be incorrect because of the automatic retries. It is recommended to disable retries with withNoRetries() and manually restore primary-backup consistency in case of update failure.

        key - Key.
        val - Value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionTimeoutException - If operation performs within transaction and timeout occurred.
        TransactionRollbackException - If operation performs within transaction that automatically rolled back.
        TransactionHeuristicException - If operation performs within transaction that entered an unknown state.
      • removeAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> removeAsync​(K key)
                                   throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously removes the mapping for a key from this cache if it is present.

        More formally, if this cache contains a mapping from key k to value v such that (key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k)), that mapping is removed. (The cache can contain at most one such mapping.)

        A future result is true if this cache previously associated the key, or false if the cache contained no mapping for the key.

        The cache will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the returned future is completed.

        key - Key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • removeAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> removeAsync​(K key,
                                          V oldVal)
                                   throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously removes the mapping for a key only if currently mapped to the given value.

        For CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC return value on primary node crash may be incorrect because of the automatic retries. It is recommended to disable retries with withNoRetries() and manually restore primary-backup consistency in case of update failure.

        key - Key.
        oldVal - Old value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAndRemoveAsync

        IgniteFuture<V> getAndRemoveAsync​(K key)
                                   throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously removes the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value.
        key - Key.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • replaceAsync

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> replaceAsync​(K key,
                                           V val)
                                    throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
        key - Key.
        val - Value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • getAndReplaceAsync

        IgniteFuture<V> getAndReplaceAsync​(K key,
                                           V val)
        Asynchronously replaces the value for a given key if and only if there is a value currently mapped by the key.
        key - Key.
        val - Value.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionTimeoutException - If operation performs within transaction and timeout occurred.
        TransactionRollbackException - If operation performs within transaction that automatically rolled back.
        TransactionHeuristicException - If operation performs within transaction that entered an unknown state.
      • removeAll

        void removeAll​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                throws TransactionException

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Specified by:
        removeAll in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • removeAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> removeAllAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
                                   throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously removes entries for the specified keys.

        The order in which the individual entries are removed is undefined.

        For every entry in the key set, the following are called:

        • any registered CacheEntryRemovedListeners
        • if the cache is a write-through cache, the CacheWriter
        If the key set is empty, the CacheWriter is not called.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        keys - Keys set.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • removeAll

        void removeAll()
        Removes all of the mappings from this cache.

        The order that the individual entries are removed is undefined.

        For every mapping that exists the following are called:

        • any registered CacheEntryRemovedListeners
        • if the cache is a write-through cache, the CacheWriter
        If the cache is empty, the CacheWriter is not called.

        This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.

        This is potentially an expensive operation as listeners are invoked. Use clear() to avoid this.

        Specified by:
        removeAll in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the remove
        See Also:
        clear(), CacheWriter.deleteAll(java.util.Collection<?>)
      • removeAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> removeAllAsync()
        Asynchronously removes all of the mappings from this cache.

        The order that the individual entries are removed is undefined.

        For every mapping that exists the following are called:

        • any registered CacheEntryRemovedListeners
        • if the cache is a write-through cache, the CacheWriter
        If the cache is empty, the CacheWriter is not called.

        This is potentially an expensive operation as listeners are invoked. Use clearAsync() to avoid this.

        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the remove
        See Also:
        clearAsync(), CacheWriter.deleteAll(java.util.Collection<?>)
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clears the contents of the cache, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entries are cleared only if they are not currently locked, and are not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        Specified by:
        clear in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the clear.
      • clearAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> clearAsync()
        Asynchronously clears the contents of the cache, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
      • clear

        void clear​(K key)
        Clears entry from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        key - Key to clear.
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the clear
      • clearAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> clearAsync​(K key)
        Asynchronously clears entry from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        key - Key to clear.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the clear
      • clearAll

        void clearAll​(Set<? extends K> keys)
        Clears entries from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        keys - Keys to clear.
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the clear
      • clearAllAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> clearAllAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys)
        Asynchronously clears entries from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.
        keys - Keys to clear.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        IllegalStateException - if the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        javax.cache.CacheException - if there is a problem during the clear
      • localClear

        void localClear​(K key)
        Clears entry from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.

        Note that this operation is local as it merely clears an entry from local cache, it does not remove entries from remote caches.

        key - Key to clear.
      • localClearAll

        void localClearAll​(Set<? extends K> keys)
        Clears entries from the cache and swap storage, without notifying listeners or CacheWriters. Entry is cleared only if it is not currently locked, and is not participating in a transaction. This operation is not transactional. It calls broadcast closure that deletes all primary keys from remote nodes.

        Note that this operation is local as it merely clears an entry from local cache, it does not remove entries from remote caches.

        keys - Keys to clear.
      • invokeAsync

        <T> IgniteFuture<T> invokeAsync​(K key,
                                        javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                        Object... arguments)
                                 throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously invokes an EntryProcessor against the Cache.Entry specified by the provided key. If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key with a null value is used instead.

        Please refer to documentation for CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC for information on system behavior in crash scenarios for atomic caches.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        key - The key to the entry.
        entryProcessor - The EntryProcessor to invoke.
        arguments - Additional arguments to pass to the EntryProcessor.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • invoke

        <T> T invoke​(K key,
                     CacheEntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                     Object... arguments)
              throws TransactionException
        Invokes an CacheEntryProcessor against the Cache.Entry specified by the provided key. If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key with a null value is used instead.

        An instance of entry processor must be stateless as it may be invoked multiple times on primary and backup nodes in the cache. It is guaranteed that the value passed to the entry processor will be always the same.

        Please refer to documentation for CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC for information on system behavior in crash scenarios for atomic caches.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        key - The key to the entry.
        entryProcessor - The CacheEntryProcessor to invoke.
        arguments - Additional arguments to pass to the CacheEntryProcessor.
        The result of the processing, if any, defined by the CacheEntryProcessor implementation.
        NullPointerException - If key or CacheEntryProcessor is null
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorException - If an exception is thrown by the CacheEntryProcessor, a Caching Implementation must wrap any Exception thrown wrapped in an EntryProcessorException.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
        See Also:
      • invokeAsync

        <T> IgniteFuture<T> invokeAsync​(K key,
                                        CacheEntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                        Object... arguments)
                                 throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously invokes an CacheEntryProcessor against the Cache.Entry specified by the provided key. If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key with a null value is used instead.

        An instance of entry processor must be stateless as it may be invoked multiple times on primary and backup nodes in the cache. It is guaranteed that the value passed to the entry processor will be always the same.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        key - The key to the entry.
        entryProcessor - The CacheEntryProcessor to invoke.
        arguments - Additional arguments to pass to the CacheEntryProcessor.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        NullPointerException - If key or CacheEntryProcessor is null
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed()
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorException - If an exception is thrown by the CacheEntryProcessor, a Caching Implementation must wrap any Exception thrown wrapped in an EntryProcessorException.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
        See Also:
      • invokeAll

        <T> Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> invokeAll​(Set<? extends K> keys,
                                                                                 javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                                                                 Object... args)
                                                                          throws TransactionException

        Please refer to documentation for CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC for information on system behavior in crash scenarios for atomic caches.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Specified by:
        invokeAll in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • invokeAllAsync

        <T> IgniteFuture<Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>>> invokeAllAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys,
                                                                                                    javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                                                                                    Object... args)
                                                                                             throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously invokes an EntryProcessor against the set of Cache.Entrys specified by the set of keys.

        If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key and a value of null is provided.

        The order that the entries for the keys are processed is undefined. Implementations may choose to process the entries in any order, including concurrently. Furthermore there is no guarantee implementations will use the same EntryProcessor instance to process each entry, as the case may be in a non-local cache topology.

        The result of executing the EntryProcessor is returned in the future as a Map of EntryProcessorResults, one result per key. Should the EntryProcessor or Caching implementation throw an exception, the exception is wrapped and re-thrown when a call to EntryProcessorResult.get() is made.

        Please refer to documentation for CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC for information on system behavior in crash scenarios for atomic caches.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        keys - The set of keys.
        entryProcessor - The EntryProcessor to invoke.
        args - Additional arguments to pass to the EntryProcessor.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
      • invokeAll

        <T> Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>> invokeAll​(Set<? extends K> keys,
                                                                                 CacheEntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                                                                 Object... args)
                                                                          throws TransactionException
        Invokes an CacheEntryProcessor against the set of Cache.Entrys specified by the set of keys.

        If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key and a value of null is provided.

        The order that the entries for the keys are processed is undefined. Implementations may choose to process the entries in any order, including concurrently. Furthermore there is no guarantee implementations will use the same CacheEntryProcessor instance to process each entry, as the case may be in a non-local cache topology.

        The result of executing the CacheEntryProcessor is returned as a Map of EntryProcessorResults, one result per key. Should the CacheEntryProcessor or Caching implementation throw an exception, the exception is wrapped and re-thrown when a call to EntryProcessorResult.get() is made.

        An instance of entry processor must be stateless as it may be invoked multiple times on primary and backup nodes in the cache. It is guaranteed that the value passed to the entry processor will be always the same.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        keys - The set of keys for entries to process.
        entryProcessor - The CacheEntryProcessor to invoke.
        args - Additional arguments to pass to the CacheEntryProcessor.
        The map of EntryProcessorResults of the processing per key, if any, defined by the CacheEntryProcessor implementation. No mappings will be returned for CacheEntryProcessors that return a null value for a key.
        NullPointerException - If keys or CacheEntryProcessor are {#code null}.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
        See Also:
      • invokeAllAsync

        <T> IgniteFuture<Map<K,​javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessorResult<T>>> invokeAllAsync​(Set<? extends K> keys,
                                                                                                    CacheEntryProcessor<K,​V,​T> entryProcessor,
                                                                                                    Object... args)
                                                                                             throws TransactionException
        Asynchronously invokes an CacheEntryProcessor against the set of Cache.Entrys specified by the set of keys.

        If an Cache.Entry does not exist for the specified key, an attempt is made to load it (if a loader is configured) or a surrogate Cache.Entry, consisting of the key and a value of null is provided.

        The order that the entries for the keys are processed is undefined. Implementations may choose to process the entries in any order, including concurrently. Furthermore there is no guarantee implementations will use the same CacheEntryProcessor instance to process each entry, as the case may be in a non-local cache topology.

        The result of executing the CacheEntryProcessor is returned in the future as a Map of EntryProcessorResults, one result per key. Should the CacheEntryProcessor or Caching implementation throw an exception, the exception is wrapped and re-thrown when a call to EntryProcessorResult.get() is made.

        An instance of entry processor must be stateless as it may be invoked multiple times on primary and backup nodes in the cache. It is guaranteed that the value passed to the entry processor will be always the same.

        Keys are locked in the order in which they appear in key set. It is caller's responsibility to make sure keys always follow same order, such as by using TreeSet. Using unordered map, such as HashSet, while calling this method in parallel will lead to deadlock.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the cache entry processing result.
        keys - The set of keys for entries to process.
        entryProcessor - The CacheEntryProcessor to invoke.
        args - Additional arguments to pass to the CacheEntryProcessor.
        a Future representing pending completion of the operation.
        NullPointerException - If keys or CacheEntryProcessor are {#code null}.
        IllegalStateException - If the cache is Cache.isClosed().
        ClassCastException - If the implementation is configured to perform runtime-type-checking, and the key or value types are incompatible with those that have been configured for the Cache.
        TransactionException - If operation within transaction is failed.
        See Also:
      • close

        void close()
        Closes this cache instance.

        For local cache equivalent to destroy(). For distributed caches, if called on clients, stops client cache, if called on a server node, just closes this cache instance and does not destroy cache data.

        After cache instance is closed another IgniteCache instance for the same cache can be created using Ignite.cache(String) method.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface javax.cache.Cache<K,​V>
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Completely deletes the cache with all its data from the system on all cluster nodes.
      • rebalance

        IgniteFuture<Boolean> rebalance()
        Use baseline topology feature instead. Please, be aware this API will be removed in the next releases.
        This cache node to re-balance its partitions. This method is usually used when CacheConfiguration.getRebalanceDelay() configuration parameter has non-zero value. When many nodes are started or stopped almost concurrently, it is more efficient to delay rebalancing until the node topology is stable to make sure that no redundant re-partitioning happens.

        In case ofCacheMode.PARTITIONED caches, for better efficiency user should usually make sure that new nodes get placed on the same place of consistent hash ring as the left nodes, and that nodes are restarted before rebalanceDelay expires. To place nodes on the same place in consistent hash ring, use IgniteConfiguration.setConsistentId(Serializable) to make sure that a node maps to the same hash ID if re-started.

        See CacheConfiguration.getRebalanceDelay() for more information on how to configure rebalance re-partition delay.

        Future that will be completed when rebalancing is finished. Future.get() returns true when rebalance was successfully finished.
      • indexReadyFuture

        IgniteFuture<?> indexReadyFuture()
        Returns future that will be completed when all indexes for this cache are ready to use.
      • metrics

        CacheMetrics metrics()
        Gets whole cluster snapshot metrics (statistics) for this cache.
        Cache metrics.
      • metrics

        CacheMetrics metrics​(ClusterGroup grp)
        Gets cluster group snapshot metrics for caches in cluster group.
        grp - Cluster group.
        Cache metrics.
      • localMetrics

        CacheMetrics localMetrics()
        Gets local snapshot metrics (statistics) for this cache.
        Cache metrics.
      • enableStatistics

        void enableStatistics​(boolean enabled)
        Sets statistics enabled flag cluster wide for this cache.
        enabled - Statistics enabled flag.
      • clearStatistics

        void clearStatistics()
        Clear cluster statistics for this cache.
      • preloadPartition

        void preloadPartition​(int partition)
        Efficiently preloads cache primary partition into page memory.

        This is useful for fast iteration over cache partition data if persistence is enabled and the data is "cold".

        Preload will reduce available amount of page memory for subsequent operations and may lead to earlier page replacement.

        This method is irrelevant for in-memory caches. Calling this method on an in-memory cache will result in exception.

        partition - Partition.
      • preloadPartitionAsync

        IgniteFuture<Void> preloadPartitionAsync​(int partition)
        Efficiently preloads cache partition into page memory.

        This is useful for fast iteration over cache partition data if persistence is enabled and the data is "cold".

        Preload will reduce available amount of page memory for subsequent operations and may lead to earlier page replacement.

        This method is irrelevant for in-memory caches. Calling this method on an in-memory cache will result in exception.

        partition - Partition.
        A future representing pending completion of the partition preloading.
      • localPreloadPartition

        boolean localPreloadPartition​(int partition)
        Efficiently preloads cache partition into page memory if it exists on the local node.

        This is useful for fast iteration over cache partition data if persistence is enabled and the data is "cold".

        Preload will reduce available amount of page memory for subsequent operations and may lead to earlier page replacement.

        This method is irrelevant for in-memory caches. Calling this method on an in-memory cache will result in exception.

        partition - Partition.
        True if partition was preloaded, false if it doesn't belong to local node.