Interface CachePluginProvider<C extends CachePluginConfiguration>

    • Method Detail

      • stop

        void stop​(boolean cancel)
        Stops grid component.
        cancel - If true, then all ongoing tasks or jobs for relevant components need to be cancelled.
      • onIgniteStart

        void onIgniteStart()
                    throws IgniteCheckedException
        Callback that notifies that Ignite has successfully started, including all internal components.
        IgniteCheckedException - Thrown in case of any errors.
      • onIgniteStop

        void onIgniteStop​(boolean cancel)
        Callback to notify that Ignite is about to stop.
        cancel - Flag indicating whether jobs should be canceled.
      • createComponent

        <T> T createComponent​(Class<T> cls)
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the component to create.
        cls - Ignite component class.
        Ignite component or null if component is not supported.
      • unwrapCacheEntry

        <T,​K,​V> T unwrapCacheEntry​(javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V> entry,
                                               Class<T> cls)
        Unwrap entry to specified type. For details see javax.cache.Cache.Entry.unwrap(Class).
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the object cache entry be unwrapped to.
        V - Cache entry value type.
        K - Cache entry key type.
        entry - Mutable entry to unwrap.
        cls - Type of the expected component.
        New instance of underlying type or null if it's not available.