Interface TransactionMetrics

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface TransactionMetrics
    Transaction metrics, shared across all caches.
    • Method Detail

      • commitTime

        long commitTime()
        Gets last time transaction was committed.
        Last commit time.
      • rollbackTime

        long rollbackTime()
        Gets last time transaction was rollback.
        Last rollback time.
      • txCommits

        int txCommits()
        Gets total number of transaction commits.
        Number of transaction commits.
      • txRollbacks

        int txRollbacks()
        Gets total number of transaction rollbacks.
        Number of transaction rollbacks.
      • getAllOwnerTransactions

        Map<String,​String> getAllOwnerTransactions()
        Gets a map of all transactions for which the local node is the originating node.
        Map of local node owning transactions.
      • getLongRunningOwnerTransactions

        Map<String,​String> getLongRunningOwnerTransactions​(int duration)
        Gets a map of all transactions for which the local node is the originating node and which duration exceeds the given duration.
        duration - Transaction duration.
        Map of local node owning transactions which duration is longer than duration.
      • getTransactionsCommittedNumber

        long getTransactionsCommittedNumber()
        The number of transactions which were committed on the local node.
        The number of transactions which were committed on the local node.
      • getTransactionsRolledBackNumber

        long getTransactionsRolledBackNumber()
        The number of transactions which were rolled back on the local node.
        The number of transactions which were rolled back on the local node.
      • getTransactionsHoldingLockNumber

        long getTransactionsHoldingLockNumber()
        The number of active transactions on the local node holding at least one key lock.
        The number of active transactions holding at least one key lock.
      • getLockedKeysNumber

        long getLockedKeysNumber()
        The number of keys locked on the node.
        The number of keys locked on the node.
      • getOwnerTransactionsNumber

        long getOwnerTransactionsNumber()
        The number of active transactions for which this node is the initiator. Effectively, this method is semantically equivalent to getAllOwnerTransactions.size().
        The number of active transactions for which this node is the initiator.