Interface ClientCompute

  • public interface ClientCompute
    Thin client compute facade. Defines compute grid functionality for executing tasks over nodes in the ClientClusterGroup
    • Method Detail

      • clusterGroup

        ClientClusterGroup clusterGroup()
        Gets cluster group to which this ClientCompute instance belongs.
        Cluster group to which this ClientCompute instance belongs.
      • execute

        <T,​R> R execute​(String taskName,
                              T arg)
                       throws ClientException,
        Executes given task within the cluster group. For step-by-step explanation of task execution process refer to ComputeTask documentation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the task argument.
        R - Type of the task result.
        taskName - Name of the task to execute.
        arg - Optional argument of task execution, can be null.
        Task result.
        ClientException - If task failed.
        InterruptedException - If the wait for task completion was interrupted.
        See Also:
        for information about task execution.
      • executeAsync2

        <T,​R> IgniteClientFuture<R> executeAsync2​(String taskName,
                                                        T arg)
                                                 throws ClientException
        Executes given task asynchronously within the cluster group. For step-by-step explanation of task execution process refer to ComputeTask documentation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the task argument.
        R - Type of the task result.
        taskName - Name of the task to execute.
        arg - Optional argument of task execution, can be null.
        A Future representing pending completion of the task.
        ClientException - If task failed.
        See Also:
        for information about task execution.
      • withTimeout

        ClientCompute withTimeout​(long timeout)
        Sets timeout for tasks executed by returned ClientCompute instance.
        timeout - Task execution timeout.
        ClientCompute instance with given timeout.
      • withNoFailover

        ClientCompute withNoFailover()
        Sets no-failover flag for tasks executed by returned ClientCompute instance. If flag is set, job will be never failed over even if remote node crashes or rejects execution. See ComputeTask documentation for more information about jobs failover.
        ClientCompute instance with no-failover flag.
      • withNoResultCache

        ClientCompute withNoResultCache()
        Disables result caching for tasks executed by returned ClientCompute instance. See ComputeTask documentation for more information tasks result caching.
        ClientCompute instance with "no result cache" flag.