Interface CommunicationSpi<T extends Serializable>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.internal.TcpCommunicationConfigInitializer, TcpCommunicationSpi

    public interface CommunicationSpi<T extends Serializable>
    extends IgniteSpi
    Communication SPI is responsible for data exchange between nodes.

    Communication SPI is one of the most important SPI in Ignite. It is used heavily throughout the system and provides means for all data exchanges between nodes, such as internal implementation details and user driven messages.

    Functionality to this SPI is exposed directly in Ignite interface:

    Ignite comes with built-in communication SPI implementations:

    NOTE: this SPI (i.e. methods in this interface) should never be used directly. SPIs provide internal view on the subsystem and is used internally by Ignite kernal. In rare use cases when access to a specific implementation of this SPI is required - an instance of this SPI can be obtained via Ignite.configuration() method to check its configuration properties or call other non-SPI methods. Note again that calling methods from this interface on the obtained instance can lead to undefined behavior and explicitly not supported.
    • Method Detail

      • sendMessage

        void sendMessage​(ClusterNode destNode,
                         T msg)
                  throws IgniteSpiException
        Sends given message to destination node. Note that characteristics of the exchange such as durability, guaranteed delivery or error notification is dependant on SPI implementation.
        destNode - Destination node.
        msg - Message to send.
        IgniteSpiException - Thrown in case of any error during sending the message. Note that this is not guaranteed that failed communication will result in thrown exception as this is dependant on SPI implementation.
      • getSentMessagesCount

        int getSentMessagesCount()
        Gets sent messages count.
        Sent messages count.
      • getSentBytesCount

        long getSentBytesCount()
        Gets sent bytes count.
        Sent bytes count.
      • getReceivedMessagesCount

        int getReceivedMessagesCount()
        Gets received messages count.
        Received messages count.
      • getReceivedBytesCount

        long getReceivedBytesCount()
        Gets received bytes count.
        Received bytes count.
      • getOutboundMessagesQueueSize

        int getOutboundMessagesQueueSize()
        Gets outbound messages queue size.
        Outbound messages queue size.
      • resetMetrics

        void resetMetrics()
        Resets metrics for this SPI instance.
      • setListener

        void setListener​(@Nullable
                         @Nullable CommunicationListener<T> lsnr)
        Set communication listener.
        lsnr - Listener to set or null to unset the listener.