Interface Marshaller

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractMarshaller, AbstractNodeNameAwareMarshaller, JdkMarshaller

    public interface Marshaller
    Marshaller allows to marshal or unmarshal objects in grid. It provides serialization/deserialization mechanism for all instances that are sent across networks or are otherwise serialized.

    Ignite provides the following Marshaller implementations:

    • Default binary marshaller. Will be used when no other marshaller is explicitly set to the configuration. For more information, see IgniteBinary.
    • JdkMarshaller

    Below are examples of marshaller configuration, usage, and injection into tasks, jobs, and SPI's.

    Java Example

    Marshaller can be explicitly configured in code.
     JdkMarshaller marshaller = new JdkMarshaller();
     IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
     // Override marshaller.
     // Starts grid.

    Spring Example

    Marshaller can be configured from Spring XML configuration file:
     <bean id="grid.custom.cfg" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration" singleton="true">
         <property name="marshaller">
             <bean class="org.apache.ignite.marshaller.jdk.JdkMarshaller"/>

    For information about Spring framework visit

    • Method Detail

      • setContext

        void setContext​(MarshallerContext ctx)
        Sets marshaller context.
        ctx - Marshaller context.
      • marshal

        void marshal​(@Nullable
                     @Nullable Object obj,
                     OutputStream out)
              throws IgniteCheckedException
        Marshals object to the output stream. This method should not close given output stream.
        obj - Object to marshal. null object will be marshaled to binary null representation.
        out - Output stream to marshal into.
        IgniteCheckedException - If marshalling failed.
      • marshal

        byte[] marshal​(@Nullable
                       @Nullable Object obj)
                throws IgniteCheckedException
        Marshals object to byte array.
        obj - Object to marshal. null object will be marshaled to binary null representation.
        Byte array.
        IgniteCheckedException - If marshalling failed.
      • unmarshal

        <T> T unmarshal​(InputStream in,
                        @Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
                 throws IgniteCheckedException
        Unmarshals object from the input stream using given class loader. This method should not close given input stream.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of unmarshalled object.
        in - Input stream.
        clsLdr - If not null then given class loader will be used for unmarshal object.
        Unmarshalled object.
        IgniteCheckedException - If unmarshalling failed.
      • unmarshal

        <T> T unmarshal​(byte[] arr,
                        @Nullable ClassLoader clsLdr)
                 throws IgniteCheckedException
        Unmarshals object from byte array using given class loader.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of unmarshalled object.
        arr - Byte array.
        clsLdr - If not null then given class loader will be used for unmarshal object.
        Unmarshalled object.
        IgniteCheckedException - If unmarshalling failed.