Class TaskEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskEvent

        public TaskEvent​(ClusterNode node,
                         String msg,
                         int type,
                         IgniteUuid sesId,
                         String taskName,
                         String taskClsName,
                         boolean internal,
                         @Nullable UUID subjId)
        Creates task event with given parameters.
        node - Node.
        msg - Optional message.
        type - Event type.
        sesId - Task session ID.
        taskName - Task name.
        subjId - Subject ID.
        internal - Whether current task belongs to Ignite internal tasks.
        taskClsName - Name ot the task class.
    • Method Detail

      • shortDisplay

        public String shortDisplay()
        Gets a shortened version of toString() result. Suitable for humans to read.
        Specified by:
        shortDisplay in interface Event
        shortDisplay in class EventAdapter
        Shortened version of toString() result.
      • taskName

        public String taskName()
        Gets name of the task that triggered the event.
        Name of the task that triggered the event.
      • taskClassName

        public String taskClassName()
        Gets name of task class that triggered this event.
        Name of task class that triggered the event.
      • taskSessionId

        public IgniteUuid taskSessionId()
        Gets session ID of the task that triggered the event.
        Session ID of the task that triggered the event.
      • internal

        public boolean internal()
        Returns true if task is created by Ignite and is used for system needs.
        True if task is created by Ignite and is used for system needs.
      • subjectId

        public @Nullable UUID subjectId()
        Gets security subject ID initiated this task event, if security is enabled. This property is not available for EventType.EVT_TASK_SESSION_ATTR_SET task event.
        Subject ID if security is enabled, otherwise null.
        See Also: