Class Slf4jLogger

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Slf4jLogger
    extends Object
    implements IgniteLogger
    SLF4J-based implementation for logging. This logger should be used by loaders that have prefer slf4j-based logging.

    Here is an example of configuring SLF4J logger in Ignite configuration Spring file:

          <property name="gridLogger">
              <bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"/>

    It's recommended to use Ignite's logger injection instead of using/instantiating logger in your task/job code. See LoggerResource annotation about logger injection.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Slf4jLogger

        public Slf4jLogger()
        Creates new logger.
      • Slf4jLogger

        public Slf4jLogger​(org.slf4j.Logger impl)
        Creates new logger with given implementation.
        impl - SLF4J implementation to use.
    • Method Detail

      • getLogger

        public Slf4jLogger getLogger​(Object ctgr)
        Creates new logger with given category based off the current instance.
        Specified by:
        getLogger in interface IgniteLogger
        ctgr - Category for new logger.
        New logger with given category.
      • trace

        public void trace​(String msg)
        Logs out trace message.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface IgniteLogger
        msg - Trace message.
      • trace

        public void trace​(@Nullable
                          @Nullable String marker,
                          String msg)
        Logs out trace message. The default implementation calls this.trace(msg).
        Specified by:
        trace in interface IgniteLogger
        marker - Name of the marker to be associated with the message.
        msg - Trace message.
      • debug

        public void debug​(String msg)
        Logs out debug message.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface IgniteLogger
        msg - Debug message.
      • debug

        public void debug​(@Nullable
                          @Nullable String marker,
                          String msg)
        Logs out debug message. The default implementation calls this.debug(msg).
        Specified by:
        debug in interface IgniteLogger
        marker - Name of the marker to be associated with the message.
        msg - Debug message.
      • info

        public void info​(String msg)
        Logs out information message.
        Specified by:
        info in interface IgniteLogger
        msg - Information message.
      • info

        public void info​(@Nullable
                         @Nullable String marker,
                         String msg)
        Logs out information message. The default implementation calls
        Specified by:
        info in interface IgniteLogger
        marker - Name of the marker to be associated with the message.
        msg - Information message.
      • warning

        public void warning​(String msg,
                            @Nullable Throwable e)
        Logs out warning message with optional exception.
        Specified by:
        warning in interface IgniteLogger
        msg - Warning message.
        e - Optional exception (can be null).
      • warning

        public void warning​(@Nullable
                            @Nullable String marker,
                            String msg,
                            @Nullable Throwable e)
        Logs out warning message with optional exception. The default implementation calls this.warning(msg).
        Specified by:
        warning in interface IgniteLogger
        marker - Name of the marker to be associated with the message.
        msg - Warning message.
        e - Optional exception (can be null).
      • error

        public void error​(String msg,
                          @Nullable Throwable e)
        Logs error message with optional exception.
        Specified by:
        error in interface IgniteLogger
        msg - Error message.
        e - Optional exception (can be null).
      • error

        public void error​(@Nullable
                          @Nullable String marker,
                          String msg,
                          @Nullable Throwable e)
        Logs error message with optional exception. The default implementation calls this.error(msg).
        Specified by:
        error in interface IgniteLogger
        marker - Name of the marker to be associated with the message.
        msg - Error message.
        e - Optional exception (can be null).
      • isTraceEnabled

        public boolean isTraceEnabled()
        Tests whether trace level is enabled.
        Specified by:
        isTraceEnabled in interface IgniteLogger
        true in case when trace level is enabled, false otherwise.
      • isInfoEnabled

        public boolean isInfoEnabled()
        Tests whether info level is enabled.
        Specified by:
        isInfoEnabled in interface IgniteLogger
        true in case when info level is enabled, false otherwise.
      • isDebugEnabled

        public boolean isDebugEnabled()
        Tests whether debug level is enabled.
        Specified by:
        isDebugEnabled in interface IgniteLogger
        true in case when debug level is enabled, false otherwise.
      • isQuiet

        public boolean isQuiet()
        Tests whether Logger is in "Quiet mode".
        Specified by:
        isQuiet in interface IgniteLogger
        true "Quiet mode" is enabled, false otherwise
      • fileName

        public @Nullable String fileName()
        Gets name of the file being logged to if one is configured or null otherwise.
        Specified by:
        fileName in interface IgniteLogger
        Name of the file being logged to if one is configured or null otherwise.