Class ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Event>, Event

    public class ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent
    extends EventAdapter
    Cluster state change started event.

    Grid events are used for notification about what happens within the grid. Note that by design Ignite keeps all events generated on the local node locally and it provides APIs for performing a distributed queries across multiple nodes:

    User can also wait for events using method IgniteEvents.waitForLocal(IgnitePredicate, int...).

    Events and Performance

    Note that by default all events in Ignite are enabled and therefore generated and stored by whatever event storage SPI is configured. Ignite can and often does generate thousands events per seconds under the load and therefore it creates a significant additional load on the system. If these events are not needed by the application this load is unnecessary and leads to significant performance degradation.

    It is highly recommended to enable only those events that your application logic requires by using IgniteConfiguration.getIncludeEventTypes() method in Ignite configuration. Note that certain events are required for Ignite's internal operations and such events will still be generated but not stored by event storage SPI if they are disabled in Ignite configuration.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent

        public ClusterStateChangeStartedEvent​(ClusterState prevState,
                                              ClusterState state,
                                              ClusterNode node,
                                              String msg,
                                              UUID subjId)
        prevState - Previous cluster state.
        state - New cluster state.
        node - Node.
        msg - Optional event message.
        subjId - Subject ID.
    • Method Detail

      • previousState

        public ClusterState previousState()
        Previous cluster state.
      • state

        public ClusterState state()
        New cluster state.
      • subjectId

        public @Nullable UUID subjectId()
        Gets security subject ID initiated state change.
        Subject ID if security is enabled, otherwise null.
        See Also: