Interface CacheStore<K,​V>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader<K,​V>, javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter<K,​V>
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CacheAbstractJdbcStore, CacheJdbcBlobStore, CacheJdbcPojoStore, CacheLoadOnlyStoreAdapter, CacheStoreAdapter

    public interface CacheStore<K,​V>
    extends javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader<K,​V>, javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter<K,​V>
    API for cache persistent storage for read-through and write-through behavior. Persistent store is configured via CacheConfiguration.getCacheStoreFactory() configuration property. If not provided, values will be only kept in cache memory or swap storage without ever being persisted to a persistent storage.

    CacheStoreAdapter provides default implementation for bulk operations, such as CacheLoader.loadAll(Iterable), CacheWriter.writeAll(Collection), and CacheWriter.deleteAll(Collection) by sequentially calling corresponding CacheLoader.load(Object), CacheWriter.write(javax.cache.Cache.Entry), and CacheWriter.delete(Object) operations. Use this adapter whenever such behaviour is acceptable. However in many cases it maybe more preferable to take advantage of database batch update functionality, and therefore default adapter implementation may not be the best option.

    Provided implementations may be used for test purposes:

    All transactional operations of this API are provided with ongoing Transaction, if any. You can attach any metadata to it, e.g. to recognize if several operations belong to the same transaction or not. Here is an example of how attach a JDBC connection as transaction metadata:

     Connection conn = tx.meta("");
     if (conn == null) {
         conn = ...; // Get JDBC connection.
         // Store connection in transaction metadata, so it can be accessed
         // for other operations on the same transaction.
         tx.addMeta("", conn);
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • loadCache

        void loadCache​(IgniteBiInClosure<K,​V> clo,
                       @Nullable Object... args)
                throws javax.cache.integration.CacheLoaderException
        Loads all values from underlying persistent storage. Note that keys are not passed, so it is up to implementation to figure out what to load. This method is called whenever IgniteCache.loadCache(IgniteBiPredicate, Object...) method is invoked which is usually to preload the cache from persistent storage.

        This method is optional, and cache implementation does not depend on this method to do anything. Default implementation of this method in CacheStoreAdapter does nothing.

        For every loaded value method IgniteBiInClosure.apply(Object, Object) should be called on the passed in closure. The closure will then make sure that the loaded value is stored in cache.

        clo - Closure for loaded values.
        args - Arguments passes into IgniteCache.loadCache(IgniteBiPredicate, Object...) method.
        javax.cache.integration.CacheLoaderException - If loading failed.
      • sessionEnd

        void sessionEnd​(boolean commit)
                 throws javax.cache.integration.CacheWriterException
        Use CacheStoreSessionListener instead (refer to its JavaDoc for details).
        Tells store to commit or rollback a transaction depending on the value of the 'commit' parameter.
        commit - True if transaction should commit, false for rollback.
        javax.cache.integration.CacheWriterException - If commit or rollback failed. Note that commit failure in some cases may bring cache transaction into TransactionState.UNKNOWN which will consequently cause all transacted entries to be invalidated.