Interface IgniteTransactions

  • public interface IgniteTransactions
    Transactions facade provides ACID-compliant semantic when working with caches. You can create a transaction when working with one cache or across multiple caches. Caches with different cache modes, like PARTITIONED or REPLICATED, can also participate in the same transaction.

    Transactions are AutoCloseable, so they will automatically rollback unless explicitly committed.

    Here is an example of a transaction:

     try (Transaction tx = Ignition.ignite().transactions().txStart()) {
       Account acct = cache.get(acctId);
       // Current balance.
       double balance = acct.getBalance();
       // Deposit $100 into account.
       acct.setBalance(balance + 100);
       // Store updated account in cache.
       cache.put(acctId, acct);
    • Method Detail

      • txStart

        Transaction txStart​(TransactionConcurrency concurrency,
                            TransactionIsolation isolation,
                            long timeout,
                            int txSize)
        Starts transaction with specified isolation, concurrency, timeout, invalidation flag, and number of participating entries.
        concurrency - Concurrency.
        isolation - Isolation.
        timeout - Timeout.
        txSize - Number of entries participating in transaction (may be approximate).
        New transaction.
        IllegalStateException - If transaction is already started by this thread.
      • tx

        Transaction tx()
        Gets transaction started by this thread or null if this thread does not have a transaction.
        Transaction started by this thread or null if this thread does not have a transaction.
      • resetMetrics

        void resetMetrics()
        Resets transaction metrics.
      • withTracing

        IgniteTransactions withTracing()
        Returns an instance of IgniteTransactions tran will trace every transaction.
        Trace-enabled transactions intance.