Class PlatformDotNetAffinityFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlatformDotNetAffinityFunction

        public PlatformDotNetAffinityFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Gets .NET type name.
        .NET type name.
      • getProperties

        public Map<String,​?> getProperties()
        Get properties.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets cache affinity to its initial state. This method will be called by the system any time the affinity has been sent to remote node where it has to be reinitialized. If your implementation of affinity function has no initialization logic, leave this method empty.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface AffinityFunction
      • partitions

        public int partitions()
        Gets total number of partitions available. All caches should always provide correct partition count which should be the same on all participating nodes. Note that partitions should always be numbered from 0 inclusively to N exclusively without any gaps.
        Specified by:
        partitions in interface AffinityFunction
        Total partition count.
      • partition

        public int partition​(Object key)
        Gets partition number for a given key starting from 0. Partitioned caches should make sure that keys are about evenly distributed across all partitions from 0 to partition count for best performance.

        Note that for fully replicated caches it is possible to segment key sets among different grid node groups. In that case each node group should return a unique partition number. However, unlike partitioned cache, mappings of keys to nodes in replicated caches are constant and a node cannot migrate from one partition to another.

        Specified by:
        partition in interface AffinityFunction
        key - Key to get partition for.
        Partition number for a given key.
      • assignPartitions

        public List<List<ClusterNode>> assignPartitions​(AffinityFunctionContext affCtx)
        Gets affinity nodes for a partition. In case of replicated cache, all returned nodes are updated in the same manner. In case of partitioned cache, the returned list should contain only the primary and back up nodes with primary node being always first.

        Note that partitioned affinity must obey the following contract: given that node N is primary for some key K, if any other node(s) leave grid and no node joins grid, node N will remain primary for key K.

        Specified by:
        assignPartitions in interface AffinityFunction
        affCtx - Affinity function context. Will provide all required information to calculate new partition assignments.
        Unmodifiable list indexed by partition number. Each element of array is a collection in which first node is a primary node and other nodes are backup nodes.
      • removeNode

        public void removeNode​(UUID nodeId)
        Removes node from affinity. This method is called when it is safe to remove left node from affinity mapping.
        Specified by:
        removeNode in interface AffinityFunction
        nodeId - ID of node to remove.
      • init

        public void init​(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.cache.affinity.PlatformAffinityFunction func)
        Initializes this instance.
        func - Underlying func.
      • getFunc

        public org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.cache.affinity.PlatformAffinityFunction getFunc()
        Gets the inner func.
        The inner func.