Class CacheInterceptorAdapter<K,​V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CacheInterceptorAdapter

        public CacheInterceptorAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • onGet

        public V onGet​(K key,
                       V val)
        This method is called within IgniteCache.get(Object) and similar operations to provide control over returned value.

        If this method returns null, then get() operation results in null as well.

        This method should not throw any exception.

        Specified by:
        onGet in interface CacheInterceptor<K,​V>
        key - Key.
        val - Value mapped to key at the moment of get() operation.
        The new value to be returned as result of get() operation.
        See Also:
      • onBeforePut

        public V onBeforePut​(javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V> entry,
                             V newVal)
        This method is called within IgniteCache.put(Object, Object) and similar operations before new value is stored in cache.

        Implementations should not execute any complex logic, including locking, networking or cache operations, as it may lead to deadlock, since this method is called from sensitive synchronization blocks.

        This method should not throw any exception.

        IMPORTANT: for this method to take affect, newVal and the returned value have to be different instances. I.e., you should not mutate newVal directly, but instead create a copy, update it and then return from the interceptor.

        Specified by:
        onBeforePut in interface CacheInterceptor<K,​V>
        entry - Old entry. If CacheConfiguration.isCopyOnRead() is true, then is copy.
        newVal - New value.
        Value to be put to cache. Returning null cancels the update.
        See Also:
        IgniteCache.put(Object, Object)
      • onAfterPut

        public void onAfterPut​(javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V> entry)
        This method is called after new value has been stored.

        Implementations should not execute any complex logic, including locking, networking or cache operations, as it may lead to deadlock, since this method is called from sensitive synchronization blocks.

        This method should not throw any exception.

        Specified by:
        onAfterPut in interface CacheInterceptor<K,​V>
        entry - Current entry. If CacheConfiguration.isCopyOnRead() is true then entry is a copy.
      • onBeforeRemove

        public @Nullable IgniteBiTuple<Boolean,​V> onBeforeRemove​(javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V> entry)
        This method is called within IgniteCache.remove(Object) and similar operations to provide control over returned value.

        Implementations should not execute any complex logic, including locking, networking or cache operations, as it may lead to deadlock, since this method is called from sensitive synchronization blocks.

        This method should not throw any exception.

        Specified by:
        onBeforeRemove in interface CacheInterceptor<K,​V>
        entry - Old entry. If CacheConfiguration.isCopyOnRead() is true then entry is a copy.
        Tuple. The first value is the flag whether remove should be cancelled or not. The second is the value to be returned as result of remove() operation, may be null.
        See Also:
      • onAfterRemove

        public void onAfterRemove​(javax.cache.Cache.Entry<K,​V> entry)
        This method is called after value has been removed.

        Implementations should not execute any complex logic, including locking, networking or cache operations, as it may lead to deadlock, since this method is called from sensitive synchronization blocks.

        This method should not throw any exception.

        Specified by:
        onAfterRemove in interface CacheInterceptor<K,​V>
        entry - Removed entry. If CacheConfiguration.isCopyOnRead() is true then entry is a copy.