Interface IgniteMetrics

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IgniteMetrics
    extends Iterable<ReadOnlyMetricRegistry>
    Allows managing the custom metrics.

    Metrics are grouped into registries (groups). Every metric has a full name which is the conjunction of registry name and the metric short name. Within a registry metric has only its own short name.

    Note: The prefix 'custom.' is automatically added to the registry name. For example, if provided registry name is "a.b.c.mname", it is automatically extended to "custom.a.b.c.mname".

    Note: Custom metrics are registered on demand and aren't stored. If node restarts, the metrics require registration anew.

    Any name or dot-separated name part must not be empty and cannot have spaces. Examples of custom metric registry names: "admin.sessions", "", "monitoring.load.idle", etc.

    See Also:
    ReadOnlyMetricRegistry, MetricRegistry
    • Method Detail

      • getOrCreate

        MetricRegistry getOrCreate​(String registryName)
        Gets or creates custom metric registry.
        registryName - Registry name part to add to the prefix "custom.".
        MetricRegistry registry.
      • remove

        void remove​(String registryName)
        Removes custom metric registry.
        registryName - Registry name part to add to the prefix "custom.".