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Using Tableau With Apache Ignite


Tableau is an interactive data-visualization tool focused on business intelligence. It uses ODBC APIs to connect to a variety of databases and data platforms allowing to analyze data stored there.

You can use the Ignite ODBC driver to interconnect Ignite with Tableau and analyze the data stored in the cluster.

Installation and Configuration

To connect to an Apache Ignite cluster from Tableau, you need to do the following:

  • Download and install Tableau Desktop. Refer to an official Tableau documentation located on the product’s main website.

  • Install the Apache Ignite ODBC driver on a Windows or Unix-based operating system. The detailed instructions can be found on the driver’s configuration page.

  • Finalize the driver configuration by setting up a DSN (Data Source Name). Tableau will connect to the DSN configured at this step.

  • The ODBC driver communicates to the Ignite cluster over a so-called ODBC processor. Make sure that this component is enabled on the cluster side.

After all the above steps are accomplished, you can connect to the cluster and analyze its data.

Connecting to Ignite Cluster

  1. Launch Tableau application and find Other Databases (ODBC) setting located under Connect -> To a Server -> More... window.

    Tableau Driver Selection
  2. Click on the Edit connection reference.

    Tableau Edit Connection
  3. Set the DSN property to the name you configured before. In the example below it’s equal to LocalApacheIgniteDSN. Once this is done, click on the Connect button.

    Tableau Choose DSN
  4. Tableau will try to check the connection by opening a temporary one. If the validation succeeds, the Sign In button as well as additional connection related fields will become active. Click on Sign In to finalize the connection process.

    Tableau Choose DSN

Data Querying and Analysis

Once the connection is successfully established between Ignite and Tableau, the data can be queried and analyzed in a variety of ways supported by Tableau. For more details, refer to the official Tableau documentation.

Tableau Creating DataSet
Tableau Visualizing Data