Cluster Groups
The ClusterGroup
interface represents a logical group of nodes, which can be used in many of Ignite’s APIs when you want to limit the scope of specific operations to a subset of nodes (instead of the whole cluster). For example, you may wish to deploy a service only on remote nodes or execute a job only on the set of nodes that have a specific attribute.
Note that the IgniteCluster interface is also a cluster group which includes all the nodes in the cluster.
You can limit job execution, service deployment, messaging, events, and other tasks to run only on a specific set of node. For example, here is how to broadcast a job only to remote nodes (excluding the local node).
Ignite ignite = Ignition.ignite();
IgniteCluster cluster = ignite.cluster();
// Get compute instance which will only execute
// over remote nodes, i.e. all the nodes except for this one.
IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute(cluster.forRemotes());
// Broadcast to all remote nodes and print the ID of the node
// on which this closure is executing.
() -> System.out.println("Hello Node: " + ignite.cluster().localNode().id()));
class PrintNodeIdAction : IComputeAction
public void Invoke()
Console.WriteLine("Hello node: " +
public static void RemotesBroadcastDemo()
var ignite = Ignition.Start();
var cluster = ignite.GetCluster();
// Get compute instance which will only execute
// over remote nodes, i.e. all the nodes except for this one.
var compute = cluster.ForRemotes().GetCompute();
// Broadcast to all remote nodes and print the ID of the node
// on which this closure is executing.
compute.Broadcast(new PrintNodeIdAction());
class PrintNodeIdAction : public ComputeFunc<void> {
virtual void Call() {
std::cout << "Hello node " << Ignition::Get().GetCluster().GetLocalNode().GetId() << std::endl;
namespace ignite { namespace binary {
template<> struct BinaryType<PrintNodeIdAction>: BinaryTypeDefaultAll<PrintNodeIdAction> {
static void GetTypeName(std::string& dst) {
dst = "PrintNodeIdAction";
static void Write(BinaryWriter& writer, const PrintNodeIdAction& obj) {}
static void Read(BinaryReader& reader, PrintNodeIdAction& dst) {}
void void RemotesBroadcastDemo()
Ignite ignite = Ignition::Get();
IgniteCluster cluster = ignite.GetCluster();
// Get compute instance which will only execute
// over remote nodes, i.e. all the nodes except for this one.
Compute compute = ignite.GetCompute(cluster.AsClusterGroup().ForRemotes());
// Broadcast to all remote nodes and print the ID of the node
// on which this closure is executing.
For convenience, Ignite comes with a number of predefined cluster groups.
IgniteCluster cluster = ignite.cluster();
// All nodes on which the cache with name "myCache" is deployed,
// either in client or server mode.
ClusterGroup cacheGroup = cluster.forCacheNodes("myCache");
// All data nodes responsible for caching data for "myCache".
ClusterGroup dataGroup = cluster.forDataNodes("myCache");
// All client nodes that can access "myCache".
ClusterGroup clientGroup = cluster.forClientNodes("myCache");
var cluster = ignite.GetCluster();
// All nodes on which cache with name "myCache" is deployed,
// either in client or server mode.
var cacheGroup = cluster.ForCacheNodes("myCache");
// All data nodes responsible for caching data for "myCache".
var dataGroup = cluster.ForDataNodes("myCache");
// All client nodes that access "myCache".
var clientGroup = cluster.ForClientNodes("myCache");
Ignite ignite = Ignition::Get();
ClusterGroup cluster = ignite.GetCluster().AsClusterGroup();
// All nodes on which cache with name "myCache" is deployed,
// either in client or server mode.
ClusterGroup cacheGroup = cluster.ForCacheNodes("myCache");
// All data nodes responsible for caching data for "myCache".
ClusterGroup dataGroup = cluster.ForDataNodes("myCache");
// All client nodes that access "myCache".
ClusterGroup clientGroup = cluster.ForClientNodes("myCache");
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