This page describes metrics registers (categories) and the metrics available in each register.
System metrics such as JVM or CPU metrics.
Register name: sys
Name | Type | Description |
CpuLoad |
double |
CPU load. |
CurrentThreadCpuTime |
long |
ThreadMXBean.getCurrentThreadCpuTime() |
CurrentThreadUserTime |
long |
ThreadMXBean.getCurrentThreadUserTime() |
DaemonThreadCount |
integer |
ThreadMXBean.getDaemonThreadCount() |
GcCpuLoad |
double |
GC CPU load. |
PeakThreadCount |
integer |
ThreadMXBean.getPeakThreadCount |
SystemLoadAverage |
java.lang.Double |
OperatingSystemMXBean.getSystemLoadAverage() |
ThreadCount |
integer |
ThreadMXBean.getThreadCount |
TotalExecutedTasks |
long |
Total executed tasks. |
TotalStartedThreadCount |
long |
ThreadMXBean.getTotalStartedThreadCount |
UpTime |
long |
RuntimeMxBean.getUptime() |
memory.heap.committed |
long |
MemoryUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted() |
memory.heap.init |
long |
MemoryUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getInit() |
memory.heap.used |
long |
MemoryUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed() |
memory.nonheap.committed |
long |
MemoryUsage.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted() |
memory.nonheap.init |
long |
MemoryUsage.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getInit() |
memory.nonheap.max |
long |
MemoryUsage.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax() |
memory.nonheap.used |
long |
MemoryUsage.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed() |
Cache metrics.
Register name: cache.{cache_name}.{near}
Name | Type | Description |
CacheEvictions |
long |
The total number of evictions from the cache. |
CacheGets |
long |
The total number of gets to the cache. |
CacheHits |
long |
The number of get requests that were satisfied by the cache. |
CacheMisses |
long |
A miss is a get request that is not satisfied. |
CachePuts |
long |
The total number of puts to the cache. |
CacheRemovals |
long |
The total number of removals from the cache. |
CacheTxCommits |
long |
Total number of transaction commits. |
CacheTxRollbacks |
long |
Total number of transaction rollbacks. |
CacheSize |
long |
Local cache size. |
CommitTime |
histogram |
Commit time in nanoseconds. |
CommitTimeTotal |
long |
The total time of commit, in nanoseconds. |
ConflictResolverAcceptedCount |
long |
Conflict resolver accepted entries count. |
ConflictResolverRejectedCount |
long |
Conflict resolver rejected entries count. |
ConflictResolverMergedCount |
long |
Conflict resolver merged entries count. |
EntryProcessorHits |
long |
The total number of invocations on keys, which exist in cache. |
EntryProcessorInvokeTimeNanos |
long |
The total time of cache invocations for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
EntryProcessorMaxInvocationTime |
long |
So far, the maximum time to execute cache invokes for which this node is the initiator. |
EntryProcessorMinInvocationTime |
long |
So far, the minimum time to execute cache invokes for which this node is the initiator. |
EntryProcessorMisses |
long |
The total number of invocations on keys, which don’t exist in cache. |
EntryProcessorPuts |
long |
The total number of cache invocations, caused update. |
EntryProcessorReadOnlyInvocations |
long |
The total number of cache invocations, caused no updates. |
EntryProcessorRemovals |
long |
The total number of cache invocations, caused removals. |
EstimatedRebalancingKeys |
long |
Number estimated to rebalance keys. |
GetAllTime |
histogram |
GetAll time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
GetTime |
histogram |
Get time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
GetTimeTotal |
long |
The total time of cache gets for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
HeapEntriesCount |
long |
Onheap entries count. |
IndexRebuildKeysProcessed |
long |
The number of keys with rebuilt indexes. |
IsIndexRebuildInProgress |
boolean |
True if index build or rebuild is in progress. |
OffHeapBackupEntriesCount |
long |
Offheap backup entries count. |
OffHeapEntriesCount |
long |
Offheap entries count. |
OffHeapEvictions |
long |
The total number of evictions from the off-heap memory. |
OffHeapGets |
long |
The total number of get requests to the off-heap memory. |
OffHeapHits |
long |
The number of get requests that were satisfied by the off-heap memory. |
OffHeapMisses |
long |
A miss is a get request that is not satisfied by off-heap memory. |
OffHeapPrimaryEntriesCount |
long |
Offheap primary entries count. |
OffHeapPuts |
long |
The total number of put requests to the off-heap memory. |
OffHeapRemovals |
long |
The total number of removals from the off-heap memory. |
PutAllConflictTime |
histogram |
PutAllConflict time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
PutAllTime |
histogram |
PutAll time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
PutTime |
histogram |
Put time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
PutTimeTotal |
long |
The total time of cache puts for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
QueryCompleted |
long |
Count of completed queries. |
QueryExecuted |
long |
Count of executed queries. |
QueryFailed |
long |
Count of failed queries. |
QueryMaximumTime |
long |
Maximum query execution time. |
QueryMinimalTime |
long |
Minimum query execution time. |
QuerySumTime |
long |
Query summary time. |
RebalanceClearingPartitionsLeft |
long |
Number of partitions need to be cleared before actual rebalance start. |
RebalanceStartTime |
long |
Rebalance start time. |
RebalancedKeys |
long |
Number of already rebalanced keys. |
RebalancingBytesRate |
long |
Estimated rebalancing speed in bytes. |
RebalancingKeysRate |
long |
Estimated rebalancing speed in keys. |
RemoveAllConflictTime |
histogram |
RemoveAllConflict time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
RemoveAllTime |
histogram |
RemoveAll time for which this node is the initiator, in nanoseconds. |
RemoveTime |
histogram |
Remove time for which this node is the initiator. in nanoseconds. |
RemoveTimeTotal |
long |
The total time of cache removal, in nanoseconds. |
RollbackTime |
histogram |
Rollback time in nanoseconds. |
RollbackTimeTotal |
long |
The total time of rollback, in nanoseconds. |
TotalRebalancedBytes |
long |
Number of already rebalanced bytes. |
Cache Groups
Register name: cacheGroups.{group_name}
Name | Type | Description |
AffinityPartitionsAssignmentMap |
java.util.Map |
Affinity partitions assignment map. |
Caches |
java.util.ArrayList |
List of caches |
IndexBuildCountPartitionsLeft |
long |
Number of partitions need processed for finished indexes create or rebuilding. |
LocalNodeMovingPartitionsCount |
integer |
Count of partitions with state MOVING for this cache group located on this node. |
LocalNodeOwningPartitionsCount |
integer |
Count of partitions with state OWNING for this cache group located on this node. |
LocalNodeRentingEntriesCount |
long |
Count of entries remains to evict in RENTING partitions located on this node for this cache group. |
LocalNodeRentingPartitionsCount |
integer |
Count of partitions with state RENTING for this cache group located on this node. |
MaximumNumberOfPartitionCopies |
integer |
Maximum number of partition copies for all partitions of this cache group. |
MinimumNumberOfPartitionCopies |
integer |
Minimum number of partition copies for all partitions of this cache group. |
MovingPartitionsAllocationMap |
java.util.Map |
Allocation map of partitions with state MOVING in the cluster. |
OwningPartitionsAllocationMap |
java.util.Map |
Allocation map of partitions with state OWNING in the cluster. |
PartitionIds |
java.util.ArrayList |
Local partition ids. |
SparseStorageSize |
long |
Storage space allocated for group adjusted for possible sparsity, in bytes. |
StorageSize |
long |
Storage space allocated for group, in bytes. |
TotalAllocatedPages |
long |
Cache group total allocated pages. |
TotalAllocatedSize |
long |
Total size of memory allocated for group, in bytes. |
ReencryptionBytesLeft |
long |
The number of bytes left for re-encryption. |
ReencryptionFinished |
boolean |
The flag indicates whether re-encryption is finished or not. |
Transaction metrics.
Register name: tx
Name | Type | Description |
AllOwnerTransactions |
java.util.HashMap |
Map of local node owning transactions. |
LockedKeysNumber |
long |
The number of keys locked on the node. |
OwnerTransactionsNumber |
long |
The number of active transactions for which this node is the initiator. |
TransactionsHoldingLockNumber |
long |
The number of active transactions holding at least one key lock. |
LastCommitTime |
long |
Last commit time. |
nodeSystemTimeHistogram |
histogram |
Transactions system times on node represented as histogram. |
nodeUserTimeHistogram |
histogram |
Transactions user times on node represented as histogram. |
LastRollbackTime |
long |
Last rollback time. |
totalNodeSystemTime |
long |
Total transactions system time on node. |
totalNodeUserTime |
long |
Total transactions user time on node. |
txCommits |
integer |
Number of transaction commits. |
txRollbacks |
integer |
Number of transaction rollbacks. |
Partition Map Exchange
Partition map exchange metrics.
Register name: pme
Name | Type | Description |
CacheOperationsBlockedDuration |
long |
Current PME cache operations blocked duration in milliseconds. |
CacheOperationsBlockedDurationHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of cache operations blocked PME durations in milliseconds. |
Duration |
long |
Current PME duration in milliseconds. |
DurationHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of PME durations in milliseconds. |
Compute Jobs
Register name:
Name | Type | Description |
---|---|---| |
long |
Number of active jobs currently executing. | |
long |
Number of cancelled jobs that are still running. | |
long |
Total execution time of jobs. | |
long |
Number of finished jobs. | |
long |
Number of jobs rejected after more recent collision resolution operation. | |
long |
Number of started jobs. | |
long |
Number of currently queued jobs waiting to be executed. | |
long |
Total time jobs spent on waiting queue. |
Thread Pools
Register name: threadPools.{thread_pool_name}
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveCount |
long |
Approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks. |
CompletedTaskCount |
long |
Approximate total number of tasks that have completed execution. |
CorePoolSize |
long |
The core number of threads. |
KeepAliveTime |
long |
Thread keep-alive time, which is the amount of time which threads in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being terminated. |
LargestPoolSize |
long |
Largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously been in the pool. |
MaximumPoolSize |
long |
The maximum allowed number of threads. |
PoolSize |
long |
Current number of threads in the pool. |
QueueSize |
long |
Current size of the execution queue. |
RejectedExecutionHandlerClass |
string |
Class name of current rejection handler. |
Shutdown |
boolean |
True if this executor has been shut down. |
TaskCount |
long |
Approximate total number of tasks that have been scheduled for execution. |
TaskExecutionTime |
histogram |
Task execution time, in milliseconds. |
Terminated |
boolean |
True if all tasks have completed following shut down. |
Terminating |
long |
True if terminating but not yet terminated. |
ThreadFactoryClass |
string |
Class name of thread factory used to create new threads. |
Cache Group IO
Register name: io.statistics.cacheGroups.{group_name}
Name | Type | Description |
long |
Number of logical reads |
long |
Number of physical reads |
grpId |
integer |
Group id |
name |
string |
Name of the index |
startTime |
long |
Statistics collect start time |
Sorted Indexes I/O statistics
Register name: io.statistics.sortedIndexes.{cache_name}.{index_name}
Name | Type | Description |
long |
Number of logical reads for inner tree node |
long |
Number of logical reads for leaf tree node |
long |
Number of physical reads for inner tree node |
long |
Number of physical reads for leaf tree node |
indexName |
string |
Name of the index |
name |
string |
Name of the cache |
startTime |
long |
Statistics collection start time |
Sorted Indexes operations
Contains metrics about low-level operations (such as Insert
, Search
, etc.) on pages of sorted secondary indexes.
Register name: index.{schema_name}.{table_name}.{index_name}
Name | Type | Description |
{opType}Count |
long |
Count of {opType} operations on index. |
{opType}Time |
long |
Total duration (nanoseconds) of {opType} operations on index. |
Hash Indexes I/O statistics
Register name: io.statistics.hashIndexes.{cache_name}.{index_name}
Name | Type | Description |
long |
Number of logical reads for inner tree node |
long |
Number of logical reads for leaf tree node |
long |
Number of physical reads for inner tree node |
long |
Number of physical reads for leaf tree node |
indexName |
string |
Name of the index |
name |
string |
Name of the cache |
startTime |
long |
Statistics collection start time |
Communication IO
Register name: io.communication
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveSessionsCount |
integer |
Active TCP sessions count. |
OutboundMessagesQueueSize |
integer |
Outbound messages queue size. |
SentMessagesCount |
integer |
Sent messages count. |
SentBytesCount |
long |
Sent bytes count. |
ReceivedBytesCount |
long |
Received bytes count. |
ReceivedMessagesCount |
integer |
Received messages count. |
RejectedSslSessionsCount |
integer |
TCP sessions count that were rejected due to the SSL errors (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
SslEnabled |
boolean |
Indicates whether SSL is enabled. |
SslHandshakeDurationHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of SSL handshake duration in milliseconds (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
Ignite Thin Client Connector
Register name: client.connector
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveSessionsCount |
integer |
Active TCP sessions count. |
ReceivedBytesCount |
long |
Received bytes count. |
RejectedSslSessionsCount |
integer |
TCP sessions count that were rejected due to the SSL errors (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
RejectedSessionsTimeout |
integer |
TCP sessions count that were rejected due to handshake timeout. |
RejectedSessionsAuthenticationFailed |
integer |
TCP sessions count that were rejected due to failed authentication. |
RejectedSessionsTotal |
integer |
Total number of rejected TCP connections. |
{clientType}.AcceptedSessions |
integer |
Number of successfully established sessions for the client type. |
{clientType}.ActiveSessions |
integer |
Number of active sessions for the client type. |
SentBytesCount |
long |
Sent bytes count. |
SslEnabled |
boolean |
Indicates whether SSL is enabled. |
SslHandshakeDurationHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of SSL handshake duration in milliseconds (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
AffinityKeyRequestsHits |
long |
The number of affinity-aware cache key requests that were sent to the primary node. |
AffinityKeyRequestsMisses |
long |
The number of affinity-aware cache key requests that were sent not to the primary node. |
AffinityQueryRequestsHits |
long |
The number of affinity-aware query requests that were sent to the primary node. |
AffinityQueryRequestsMisses |
long |
The number of affinity-aware query requests that were sent not to the primary node. |
Ignite REST Client Connector
Register name: rest.client
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveSessionsCount |
integer |
Active TCP sessions count. |
ReceivedBytesCount |
long |
Received bytes count. |
RejectedSslSessionsCount |
integer |
TCP sessions count that were rejected due to the SSL errors (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
SentBytesCount |
long |
Sent bytes count. |
SslEnabled |
boolean |
Indicates whether SSL is enabled. |
SslHandshakeDurationHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of SSL handshake duration in milliseconds (metric is exported only if SSL is enabled). |
Discovery IO
Register name: io.discovery
Name | Type | Description |
CoordinatorSince |
long |
Timestamp since which the local node became the coordinator (metric is exported only from server nodes). |
Coordinator |
Coordinator ID (metric is exported only from server nodes). |
CurrentTopologyVersion |
long |
Current topology version. |
JoinedNodes |
integer |
Joined nodes count. |
LeftNodes |
integer |
Left nodes count. |
MessageWorkerQueueSize |
integer |
Current message worker queue size. |
PendingMessagesRegistered |
integer |
Pending registered messages count. |
RejectedSslConnectionsCount |
integer |
TCP discovery connections count that were rejected due to the SSL errors. |
SslEnabled |
boolean |
Indicates whether SSL is enabled. |
TotalProcessedMessages |
integer |
Total processed messages count. |
TotalReceivedMessages |
integer |
Total received messages count. |
Data Region IO
Register name: io.dataregion.{data_region_name}
Name | Type | Description |
AllocationRate |
hitrate |
Allocation rate (pages per second) averaged across rateTimeInterval. |
CheckpointBufferSize |
long |
Checkpoint buffer size in bytes. |
DirtyPages |
long |
Number of pages in memory not yet synchronized with persistent storage. |
EmptyDataPages |
long |
Calculates empty data pages count for region. It counts only totally free pages that can be reused (e. g. pages that are contained in reuse bucket of free list). |
EvictionRate |
hitrate |
Eviction rate (pages per second). |
LargeEntriesPagesCount |
long |
Count of pages that fully ocupied by large entries that go beyond page size |
OffHeapSize |
long |
Offheap size in bytes. |
OffheapUsedSize |
long |
Offheap used size in bytes. |
PagesFillFactor |
double |
The percentage of the used space. |
PagesRead |
long |
Number of pages read from last restart. |
PagesReplaceAge |
hitrate |
Average age at which pages in memory are replaced with pages from persistent storage (milliseconds). |
PagesReplaceRate |
hitrate |
Rate at which pages in memory are replaced with pages from persistent storage (pages per second). |
PagesReplaced |
long |
Number of pages replaced from last restart. |
PagesWritten |
long |
Number of pages written from last restart. |
PhysicalMemoryPages |
long |
Number of pages residing in physical RAM. |
PhysicalMemorySize |
long |
Gets total size of pages loaded to the RAM, in bytes |
TotalAllocatedPages |
long |
Total number of allocated pages. |
TotalAllocatedSize |
long |
Gets a total size of memory allocated in the data region, in bytes |
TotalThrottlingTime |
long |
Total throttling threads time in milliseconds. The Ignite throttles threads that generate dirty pages during the ongoing checkpoint. |
UsedCheckpointBufferSize |
long |
Gets used checkpoint buffer size in bytes |
Data Storage
Data Storage metrics.
Register name: io.datastorage
Name | Type | Description |
CheckpointBeforeLockHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint action before taken write lock duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointFsyncHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint fsync duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointListenersExecuteHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint execution listeners under write lock duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointLockHoldHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint lock hold duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointLockWaitHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint lock wait duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointMarkHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint mark duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointPagesWriteHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of checkpoint pages write duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointSplitAndSortPagesHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of splitting and sorting checkpoint pages duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointTotalTime |
long |
Total duration of checkpoint |
CheckpointWalRecordFsyncHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of the WAL fsync after logging ChTotalNodeseckpointRecord on begin of checkpoint duration in milliseconds. |
CheckpointWriteEntryHistogram |
histogram |
Histogram of entry buffer writing to file duration in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointBeforeLockDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint action before taken write lock in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointCopiedOnWritePagesNumber |
long |
Number of pages copied to a temporary checkpoint buffer during the last checkpoint. |
LastCheckpointDataPagesNumber |
long |
Total number of data pages written during the last checkpoint. |
LastCheckpointDuration |
long |
Duration of the last checkpoint in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointFsyncDuration |
long |
Duration of the sync phase of the last checkpoint in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointListenersExecuteDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint execution listeners under write lock in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointLockHoldDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint lock hold in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointLockWaitDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint lock wait in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointMarkDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint mark in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointPagesWriteDuration |
long |
Duration of the checkpoint pages write in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointTotalPagesNumber |
long |
Total number of pages written during the last checkpoint. |
LastCheckpointSplitAndSortPagesDuration |
long |
Duration of splitting and sorting checkpoint pages of the last checkpoint in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointStart |
long |
Start timestamp of the last checkpoint. |
LastCheckpointWalRecordFsyncDuration |
long |
Duration of the WAL fsync after logging CheckpointRecord on the start of the last checkpoint in milliseconds. |
LastCheckpointWriteEntryDuration |
long |
Duration of entry buffer writing to file of the last checkpoint in milliseconds. |
SparseStorageSize |
long |
Storage space allocated adjusted for possible sparsity, in bytes. |
StorageSize |
long |
Storage space allocated, in bytes. |
WalArchiveSegments |
integer |
Current number of WAL segments in the WAL archive. |
WalBuffPollSpinsRate |
hitrate |
WAL buffer poll spins number over the last time interval. |
WalFsyncTimeDuration |
hitrate |
Total duration of fsync |
WalFsyncTimeNum |
hitrate |
Total count of fsync |
WalLastRollOverTime |
long |
Time of the last WAL segment rollover. |
WalLoggingRate |
hitrate |
Average number of WAL records per second written during the last time interval. |
WalTotalSize |
long |
Total size in bytes for storage wal files. |
WalWritingRate |
hitrate |
Average number of bytes per second written during the last time interval. |
Cluster metrics.
Register name: cluster
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveBaselineNodes |
integer |
Active baseline nodes count. |
Rebalanced |
boolean |
True if the cluster has fully achieved rebalanced state. Note that an inactive cluster always has this metric in False regardless of the real partitions state. |
TotalBaselineNodes |
integer |
Total baseline nodes count. |
TotalClientNodes |
integer |
Client nodes count. |
TotalServerNodes |
integer |
Server nodes count. |
Cache processor
Cache processor metrics.
Register name: cache
Name | Type | Description |
LastDataVer |
long |
The latest data version on the node. |
DataVersionClusterId |
integer |
Data version cluster id. |
SQL parser metrics
Register name: sql.parser.cache
Name | Type | Description |
hits |
long |
The number of SQL queries that were found in the parsers cache (doesn’t require to be parsed and planned before execution). |
misses |
long |
The number of SQL queries that were parsed and planned. |
SQL executor metrics
Register name: sql.queries.user
Name | Type | Description |
success |
long |
The number of succesfully executed SQL queries. |
failed |
long |
The number of failed SQL queries (including canceled). |
canceled |
long |
The number of canceled SQL queries. |
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