Apache Camel Streamer | Ignite Documentation

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Apache Camel Streamer


This documentation page focuses on the Apache Camel, which can also be thought of as a universal streamer because it allows you to consume from any technology or protocol supported by Camel into an Ignite Cache.

Camel Streamer

With this streamer, you can ingest entries straight into an Ignite cache based on:

  • Calls received on a Web Service (SOAP or REST), by extracting the body or headers.

  • Listening on a TCP or UDP channel for messages.

  • The content of files received via FTP or written to the local filesystem.

  • Email messages received via POP3 or IMAP.

  • A MongoDB tailable cursor.

  • An AWS SQS queue.

  • And many others.

This streamer supports two modes of ingestion: direct ingestion and mediated ingestion.


The Ignite Camel Component

There is also the camel-ignite component, if what you are looking is to interact with Ignite Caches, Compute, Events, Messaging, etc. from within a Camel route.

Maven Dependency

To make use of the ignite-camel-ext streamer, you need to add the following dependency:


It will also pull in camel-core as a transitive dependency.

Direct Ingestion

Direct Ingestion allows you to consume from any Camel endpoint straight into Ignite, with the help of a Tuple Extractor. We call this direct ingestion.

Here is a code sample:

// Start Apache Ignite.
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start();

// Create an streamer pipe which ingests into the 'mycache' cache.
IgniteDataStreamer<String, String> pipe = ignite.dataStreamer("mycache");

// Create a Camel streamer and connect it.
CamelStreamer<String, String> streamer = new CamelStreamer<>();

// This endpoint starts a Jetty server and consumes from all network interfaces on port 8080 and context path /ignite.

// This is the tuple extractor. We'll assume each message contains only one tuple.
// If your message contains multiple tuples, use a StreamMultipleTupleExtractor.
// The Tuple Extractor receives the Camel Exchange and returns a Map.Entry<?,?> with the key and value.
streamer.setSingleTupleExtractor(new StreamSingleTupleExtractor<Exchange, String, String>() {
    @Override public Map.Entry<String, String> extract(Exchange exchange) {
        String stationId = exchange.getIn().getHeader("X-StationId", String.class);
        String temperature = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
        return new GridMapEntry<>(stationId, temperature);

// Start the streamer.

Mediated Ingestion

For more sophisticated scenarios, you can also create a Camel route that performs complex processing on incoming messages, e.g. transformations, validations, splitting, aggregating, idempotency, resequencing, enrichment, etc. and ingest only the result into the Ignite cache.

We call this mediated ingestion.

// Create a CamelContext with a custom route that will:
//  (1) consume from our Jetty endpoint.
//  (2) transform incoming JSON into a Java object with Jackson.
//  (3) uses JSR 303 Bean Validation to validate the object.
//  (4) dispatches to the direct:ignite.ingest endpoint, where the streamer is consuming from.
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() throws Exception {

// Remember our Streamer is now consuming from the Direct endpoint above.

Setting a Response

By default, the response sent back to the caller (if it is a synchronous endpoint) is simply an echo of the original request. If you want to customize​ the response, set a Camel Processor as a responseProcessor:

streamer.setResponseProcessor(new Processor() {
    @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 200);